4 research outputs found

    Racial and Age Vulnerabilities among Black Children in Brazil (1940 – 1960)

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    Racial markers in the tensions and violence on the black population in Brazilian History are the themes of this article The objective is to identify the modes of operation of violence as a marker of the experience of black children such as the free access of physical force public and private shaped children s perceptions about being black in the interior of Brazil It is analyzed how the fictional production of enmity acts from the slave memory to ratify conditions of subordination and vulnerability in the trajectory of colored populations in Brazil The cases of five black children between the 1940s and 1950s were qualitatively analyzed in the hinterland of Bahia The legal pieces were used as a way of to access the experiences of the vulnerability of black children and the semantic devices mobilized in the reaffirmation of inferiority and enmity It was concluded that throughout the twentieth century meanings of inferiority were attributed to young black bodies it was found that violent subjects considered access to juvenile physics free and considered violence a form of pedagogy to shape the character of girls and boys according to a logic patriarchal and white The power of violence instituted a language that forbade access to care and justice for black children making physical aggression the main communicative tool with young people of colo

    “Guerra à macumba!”: o léxico sobre o negro em jornais de Feira de Santana, notas de um racismo à sertaneja (1922-1946)

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    Nessa pesquisa procura-se discutir, a partir dos palavreados encontrados no Jornal Folha do norte, a produção de sentidos sobre o negro sertanejo, compreendendo que as adjetivações presentes nos textos publicados no periódico, denotam um significadoespecial acerca do negro

    “Tira gente, põe represa” filmografia sobre o Rio São Francisco, a peleja entre o cantar a terra e a épica do progresso, 1968-1994

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    Vamos falar de uma paisagem em profunda transformação. Mudança que alterou significativamente o visual, jogando águas onde antes existiam roças, alagando moradas antigas, forçando a retirada de trabalhadores. Na paisagem nova ponteavam torres de transmissão de energia, luminárias substituidoras dos tímidos candeeiros, poderosas usinas produtoras de muitos watts de potência


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    Klemperer (2009) produziu uma rica analogia entre veneno e linguagem. Alimentada por acervos de palavras portadoras de peçonhas, a linguagem viraria uma máquina de morte, ainda que as personagens que a consumissem não se dessem conta daquilo que estava acontecendo