255 research outputs found

    Effect of spin orbit scattering on the magnetic and superconducting properties of nearly ferromagnetic metals: application to granular Pt

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    We calculate the effect of scattering on the static, exchange enhanced, spin susceptibility and show that in particular spin orbit scattering leads to a reduction of the giant moments and spin glass freezing temperature due to dilute magnetic impurities. The harmful spin fluctuation contribution to the intra-grain pairing interaction is strongly reduced opening the way for BCS superconductivity. We are thus able to explain the superconducting and magnetic properties recently observed in granular Pt as due to scattering effects in single small grains.Comment: 9 pages 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Fermi liquid identities for the Infinite U Anderson Model

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    We show how the electron gas methods of Luttinger, Ward and Nozi\`eres can be applied to the infinite U Anderson impurity model within a Schwinger boson treatment. Working to all orders in a 1/N expansion, we show how the Friedel Langreth relationship, the Yamada-Yosida-Yoshimori and the Shiba-Korringa relations can be derived, under the assumption that the spinon and holon fields are gapped. One of the remarkable features of this treatment, is that the Landau amplitudes depend on the exchange of low energy virtual spinons and holons. We end the paper with a discussion on the extension of our approach to the lattice, where the spinon-holon is expected to close at a quantum critical point.Comment: 18 pages. Version 2 revised after referees comment

    Paramagnetic Breakdown of Superconductivity in Ultrasmall Metallic Grains

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    We study the magnetic-field-induced breakdown of superconductivity in nm-scale metal grains having a mean electron level spacing d≃Δ~d \simeq \tilde\Delta (bulk gap). Using a generalized variational BCS approach that yields good qualitative agreement with measured spectra, we argue that Pauli paramagnetism dominates orbital diamagnetism, as in the case of thin films in a parallel magnetic field. However, the first-order transition observed for the latter can be made continuous by finite size effects. The mean-field procedure of describing the system by a single pairing parameter Δ\Delta breaks down for d≃Δ~d \simeq \tilde\Delta.Comment: 4 pages of revtex, 3 postscript figures, uses psfrag.sty, epsfig.sty. Slightly revised and improved version, matching published versio

    Gapless Color Superconductivity

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    We present the dispersion relations for quasiparticle excitations about the color-flavor locked ground state of QCD at high baryon density. In the presence of condensates which pair light and strange quarks there need not be an energy gap in the quasiparticle spectrum. This raises the possibility of gapless color superconductivity, with a Meissner effect but no minimum excitation energy. Analysis within a toy model suggests that gapless color superconductivity may occur only as a metastable phase.Comment: 4 pages, Revtex, eps figures include

    Universal Spin-Flip Transition in Itinerant Antiferromagnets

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    We report a universal spin flip (SF) transition as a function of temperature in spin-density-wave (SDW) systems. At low temperatures the antiferromagnetic (AFM) polarization is parallel to the applied field and above a critical temperature the AFM polarization {\it flips} perpendicular to the field. This transition occurs in {\it any} SDW system and may be considered as a qualitative probe of the itinerant character of AFM in a given material. Our SF transition resolves the longstanding puzzle of the SF transition observed in cromium and may be at the origin of the equally puzzling SDW-I to SDW-II transition in Bechgaard salts for which we make experimental predictions

    Effects of Spin-Orbit Interactions on Tunneling via Discrete Energy Levels in Metal Nanoparticles

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    The presence of spin-orbit scattering within an aluminum nanoparticle affects measurements of the discrete energy levels within the particle by (1) reducing the effective g-factor below the free-electron value of 2, (2) causing avoided crossings as a function of magnetic field between predominantly-spin-up and predominantly-spin-down levels, and (3) introducing magnetic-field-dependent changes in the amount of current transported by the tunneling resonances. All three effects can be understood in a unified fashion by considering a simple Hamiltonian. Spin-orbit scattering from 4% gold impurities in superconducting aluminum nanoparticles produces no dramatic effect on the superconducting gap at zero magnetic field, but we argue that it does modify the nature of the superconducting transition in a magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Non-equilibrium Differential Conductance through a Quantum Dot in a Magnetic Field

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    We derive an exact expression for the differential conductance for a quantum dot in an arbitrary magnetic field for small bias voltage. The derivation is based on the symmetric Anderson model using renormalized perturbation theory and is valid for all values of the on-site interaction UU including the Kondo regime. We calculate the critical magnetic field for the splitting of the Kondo resonance to be seen in the differential conductivity as function of bias voltage. Our calculations for small field show that the peak position of the component resonances in the differential conductance are reduced substantially from estimates using the equilibrium Green's function. We conclude that it is important to take the voltage dependence of the local retarded Green's function into account in interpreting experimental resultsComment: 8 pages, 4 figures; Replaced by a fully revised version with minor corrections in the tex

    Superconductivity and Density Wave in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Systems: Renormalization Group Study

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    The anisotropic superconductivity and the density wave have been investigated by applying the Kadanoff-Wilson renormalization group technique to the quasi-one-dimensional system with finite-range interactions. It is found that a temperature (T) dependence of response functions is proportional to exp(1/T) in a wide region of temperature even within the one-loop approximation. Transition temperatures are calculated to obtain the phase diagram of the quasi-one-dimensional system, which is compared with that of the pure-one-dimensional system. Next-nearest neighbor interactions (V_2) induce large charge fluctuations, which suppress the d_{x^2 -y^2}-wave singlet superconducting (dSS) state and enhance the f-wave triplet superconducting (fTS) state. From this effect, the transition temperature of fTS becomes comparable to that of dSS for large V_2, so that field-induced f-wave triplet pairing could be possible. These features are discussed to comprehend the experiments on the (TMTSF)_2PF_6 salt.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Anisotropy of Thermal Conductivity and Possible Signature of the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in CeCoIn_5

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    We have measured the thermal conductivity of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn_5 in the vicinity of the upper critical field, with the magnetic field perpendicular to the c axis. Thermal conductivity displays a discontinuous jump at the superconducting phase boundary below critical temperature T_0 ~ 1 K, indicating a change from a second to first order transition and confirming the recent results of specific heat measurements on CeCoIn_5. In addition, the thermal conductivity data as a function of field display a kink at a field H_k below the superconducting critical field, which closely coincides with the recently discovered anomaly in specific heat, tentatively identified with the appearance of the spatially inhomogeneous Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) superconducting state. Our results indicate that the thermal conductivity is enhanced within the FFLO state, and call for further theoretical investigations of the order parameter's real space structure (and, in particular, the structure of vortices) and of the thermal transport within the inhomogeneous FFLO state.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Prhys. Rev.

    Coupled CDW and SDW Fluctuations as an Origin of Anomalous Properties of Ferromagnetic Superconductor UGe_2

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    It is shown that anomalous properties of UGe_2 can be understood in a unified way on the basis of a single assumption that the superconductivity is mediated by the coupled SDW and CDW fluctuations induced by the imperfect nesting of the Fermi surface with majority spins at T=T_x(P) deep in the ferromagnetic phase. Excess growth of uniform magnetization is shown to develop in the temperature range T<T_x(P) as a mode-coupling effect of coupled growth of SDW and CDW orderings, which has been observed by two different types of experiments. The coupled CDW and SDW fluctuations are shown to be essentially ferromagnetic spin fluctuations which induce a spin-triplet p-wave attraction. These fluctuations consist of two modes, spin and charge fluctuations with large momentum transfer of the nesting vector. An anomalous temperature dependence of the upper critical field H_c2(T) such as crossing of H_c2(T) at P=11.4 kbar and P=13.5 kbar, can be understood by the strong-coupling-superconductivity formalism. Temperature dependence of the lattice specific heat including a large shoulder near T_x is also explained quite well as an effect of a kind of Kohn anomaly associated with coupled SDW-CDW transition.Comment: (12 pages, 10 eps figures) submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp
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