775 research outputs found

    Production of five Merino type lines in a terminal crossbreeding system with Dormer or Suffolk sires

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    This study details the production performance of ewes and lambs that originated from a terminal crossbreeding experiment that involved five Merino type dam lines and two terminal crossbreeding sire lines from 1999 to 2002. Ewe lines were SA Mutton Merino (SAMM), SAMM rams crossed to Merino ewes (SAMM cross), Dohne Merino, as well as specialist Merino lines selected for clean fleece weight (FW+) and for an increased reproduction rate (Rep+). Dormer and Suffolk rams were used as sire breeds on these ewes. Data include 777 birth and 605 weaning records of lambs and 562 production year records of ewes. At birth the progeny of SAMM ewes were heavier than those of the other ewe lines, while FW+ ewes produced smaller lambs at birth than SAMM cross and Rep+ ewes. Lamb survival was not significantly affected by ewe line or sire breed. The progeny of the dual-purpose ewe lines (SAMM, SAMM cross and Dohne Merino) were heavier than those of Merino ewes (FW+ and Rep+) at weaning. No sire breed difference was found for birth or weaning weight. The joining weights of dual-purpose ewe lines were higher than those of Merinos. Although considerable variation was found between ewe lines in terms of lamb output (number or weight of lamb weaned per ewe joined), the only significant difference was for weight of lamb weaned between SAMM cross and FW+ Merino ewes. Means for weight of lamb weaned per joining (in kg) were 37.3 for SAMM ewes, 39.6 for SAMM cross ewes, 35.5 for Dohne Merino ewes, 28.9 for FW+ ewes and 34.6 for Rep+ ewes. No differences in ewe reproduction were found between ewes joined to Dormer or Suffolk rams. The clean wool production of SAMM ewes amounted to 46% of that recorded in FW+ ewes. Corresponding percentages were 68% for SAMM cross ewes, 74% for Dohne Merino ewes and 90% for Rep+ ewes. The wool of SAMM ewes was slightly coarser in diameter than those of SAMM cross and FW+ ewes, which in turn was coarser than those of Rep+ and Dohne Merino ewes. The economic viability of crossbreeding programs involving the respective ewe lines would depend on the ratio between the prices of wool and lamb. No conclusive advantage could be demonstrated in favour of any of the sire breeds. Keywords: Fibre diameter, Lamb growth, Lamb output, Reproduction, South African sheep breeds, Wool yield South African Journal of Animal Science Vol.33(4) 2003: 223-23

    Influence of Winemaking Practices on the Characteristics of Winery Wastewater and Water Usage of Wineries

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    The winemaking industry produces large volumes of wastewater that pose an environmental threat ifnot treated correctly. The increasing numbers of wineries and the demand for wine around the worldare adding to the growing problem. The vinification process includes all steps of the winemakingprocess, from the receipt of grapes to the final packaged product in the bottle. To fully understand allthe aspects of winery wastewater it is important to know the winemaking processes before consideringpossible treatments. Winemaking is seen as an art and all wineries are individual, hence treatmentsolutions should be different. Furthermore, wastewater also differs from one winery to anotherregarding its volume and composition and therefore is it vital for a detailed characterisation of thewastewater to fully understand the problem before managing it. However, prevention is better thancure. There are a number of winemaking practices that can help lower the volume of the wastewaterproduced to decrease the work load of the treatment system and increase the efficiency of treatment

    The effects of shade and shearing date on the production of Merino sheep in the Swartland region of South Africa

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    A total of 497 Merino ewes were allocated to one of four experimental groups for the period 1996 to 1998. The treatments were designed to provide data on the effect of shade during an autumn lambing season and the effect of shearing prior to joining in September or prior to lambing in February. Dietary intake in shaded and control paddocks was similar, but animals in shaded paddocks consumed less water than those in control paddocks. Lambs born in shaded paddocks tended to be heavier at birth than those born in control paddocks. Survival of lambs was unaffected by the provision of shade, but lambs born in shaded paddocks were 3.8 % heavier at weaning than contemporaries born in control paddocks. Lambs born to ewes that were shorn prior to lambing tended to be lighter than those from ewes shorn prior to joining. Lamb survival prior to weaning tended to be higher in lambs born to ewes shorn prior to lambing than in those shorn prior to joining. Shearing of ewes prior to lambing had a beneficial effect on lamb survival during 1997, when the survival of progeny of ewes shorn prior to joining was low. Annual lamb survival data obtained in the present experiment were combined with that from two previous experiments conducted at the same site. The response in lamb survival of the progeny of ewes shorn prior to lambing depended on the average lamb survival observed in the control group. Multiple-born progeny of ewes shorn prior to lambing grew faster to lamb marking than contemporaries born to ewes shorn prior to joining. No difference was detected in single lambs. The clean fleece weight of ewes shorn prior to lambing was heavier than that of contemporaries shorn prior to joining. Similar benefits were found for staple strength and the frequency of mid-staple breaks. It was concluded that the shearing of ewes prior to lambing might be advantageous under certain conditions, particularly when lamb survival is likely to be low. (South African Journal of Animal Science, 2000, 30(3): 164-171

    Ethical perspectives on the environmental impact of property development

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    Three perspectives that can be found in ethical decision-making are explored to suggest guidelines for ethical property development: the instrumental, the intrinsic and the pluralist perspective. Given the limitations of the instrumental and the intrinsic perspectives, it is suggested that the appropriate perspective to be adopted by ethical property developers is that of pragmatism, as being a system of moral pluralism. This perspective can be utilised as a flexible toolbox which unites both traditional ethical values and the diversity of environmental ethics, as well as allowing new values to emerge without adhering to relativism

    ‘We keep her status to ourselves’: Experiences of stigma and discrimination among HIV-discordant couples in South Africa, Tanzania and Ukraine

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    In HIV-discordant relationships, the HIV-negative partner also carries the burden of a stigmatised disease. For this reason, couples often hide their HIV-discordant status from family, friends and community members. This perpetuates the silence around HIVdiscordant relationships and impacts on targeted HIV prevention, treatment and counselling efforts. This article reports on experiences of stigma and discrimination among HIV-discordant couples in South Africa, Tanzania and Ukraine. During 2008, HIV discordant couples who had been in a relationship for at least one year were recruited purposively through health-care providers and civil society organisations in the three countries. Participants completed a brief self-administered questionnaire, while semi-structured interviews were conducted with each partner separately and with both partners together. Interviews were analysed using thematic content analysis. Fifty-one couples were recruited: 26 from South Africa, 10 from Tanzania, and 15 from Ukraine. Although most participants had disclosed their HIV status to someone other than their partner, few were living openly with HIV discordance. Experiences of stigma were common and included being subjected to gossip, rumours and namecalling, and HIV-negative partners being labelled as HIV-positive. Perpetrators of discrimination included family members and health workers. Stigma and discrimination present unique and complex challenges to couples in HIV sero-discordant relationships in these three diverse countries. Addressing stigmatisation of HIV-discordant couples requires a holistic human rights approach and specific programme efforts to address discrimination in the health system. Keywords: HIV-discordance, stigma, discrimination, couples, South Africa, Tanzania, Ukrain

    The occurrence and removal of algae (including cyanobacteria) and their related organic compounds from source water in Vaalkop Dam with conventional and advanced drinking water treatment processes

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    Cyanobacterial bloom formation in freshwaters, such as rivers, lakes and dams, is known to occur throughout the world. The Vaalkop Dam, which serves as source to the Vaalkop drinking water treatment works (DWTW), is no exception. Blooms of cyanobacteria occur annually in Vaalkop Dam as well as in dams from which Vaalkop is replenished during low-rainfall periods. These blooms during the summer months are associated with the production of cyanotoxins and taste and odour compounds such as geosmin and MIB. The Vaalkop DWTW uses a combination of conventional and advanced water treatment processes to deal with the cyanobacteria and their related organic compounds in the source water. The overall objectives of this study were to: (i) investigate the occurrence of algae (including cyanobacteria) and cyanotoxins in the Vaalkop Dam; (ii) establish which environmental variables are responsible for the development and onset of algae, and (iii) determine whether the Vaalkop DWTW is able to eliminate the influence that algae (including cyanobacteria) may have on the drinking water. Multivariate statistical analyses revealed seasonal variation in algal assemblages in the raw water. The risk of cyanobacteria bloom formation proved to be especially high during the summer months as the nutrients needed for cyanobacterial growth are available and the temperature range is optimal, causing the production of geosmin, MIB and microcystin. The presence of Ceratium hirundinella (O.F. Müller) Dujardin, in the source water appears to exacerbate the negative effect that cyanobacteria have on the drinking water treatment process. When Ceratium hirundinella is present, floc formation is inhibited, causing more of the problematic algae to penetrate into the drinking water. Even though advanced treatment options such as ozone and granular activated carbon filters are used at Vaalkop DWTW, the effects of the organic compounds produced by cyanobacteria are not entirely eliminated during the treatment process.Keywords: potable water treatment, geosmin, MIB (2-methylisoborneol), microcystin, granular activated carbon (GAC), ozon

    The clinical utility and cost effectiveness of routine thyroid screening in adult psychiatric patients presenting at Stikland Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa

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    Objective: The use of thyroid tests to assess psychiatric patients remains debatable. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the utility and cost effectiveness of the current protocol used in thyroid testing in adult psychiatric patients presenting at Stikland Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa. Method: This was a retrospective chart review conducted at Stikland Hospital between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2005. The following data was recorded: demographic variables, clinical diagnoses at admission and discharge, number of days from admission to a thyroid test request, the reason for thyroid screening, number of thyroid tests, their yield and costs involved, as well as the action taken following an abnormal thyroid test result. Results: The mean age of patients (n = 1080: n = 364 male, n = 716 female) was 42.8 years (SD ±16.6). Pre-existing thyroid disease was documented in 70 (6%) of patients. Normal Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test results significantly (p = 0.0001) increased, whilst abnormal TSH test results significantly (p = 0.0001) decreased from baseline to follow-up. Except for gender, the outcome of TSH screening was independent of demographic and clinical diagnoses. Only 16% of TSH tests yielded clinically significant results. Conclusion: The findings of this study do not support the early, routine screening for thyroid dysfunction in psychiatric patients at this facility. It is possible that thyroid screening may present with transient abnormalities of no particular clinical significance, and would therefore not be a cost effective practice.Keywords: Psychiatry; Screening; Thyroid abnormality; Thyroid stimulating hormon

    Genetic variation in nodule size at different sites on the skins of slaughter ostriches

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    Nodule size is an important indicator of leather quality in the ostrich leather trade. The present study investigated genetic variation in nodule size at five sites on the skin, namely the neck, back, upper leg, flank and butt. Nodule size increased with an increased chronological age at all sites. Estimates of h² for nodule size ranged from 0.09 ± 0.07 on the flank region to 0.24 ± 0.10 on the upper leg region. Genetic correlations between nodule sizes measured at different sites were generally lower than expected, linked to high standard errors and, mostly not significant. These preliminary results seem to suggest that nodule size on different locations of the skin is not necessarily the same genetic trait. Apart from the limitations evident from these results, the objective measurement of nodules on ostrich skins is tedious when done manually, with little prospect for automation. The number of nodules per dm² (nodule density) was considered within skin sites as an indirect criterion for the improvement of nodule size. However, genetic correlations between nodule density and nodule size were negative, variable in size and generally not significantly different from zero or unity. Based on these preliminary results, alternative strategies for the genetic improvement of ostrich skin nodule size should be considered. South African Journal of Animal Science Vol. 36(3) 2006: 160-16

    Is genetic selection for skin nodule traits of ostriches feasible?

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    Preliminary genetic parameters for nodule traits of ostrich skins were estimated to examine whether genetic improvement of skin quality is feasible. Average nodule size and density per dmยฒ were determined on five localities on each of 439 ostrich skins. An animal model with random animal and skin permanent environmental effects was fitted for the traits considered. Fixed effects were locality on skin, age, year of hatch and gender. Locality significantly influenced nodule size and nodule density. Nodule size increased with an increase in slaughter age, while nodule density decreased. Estimates for heritability were low at 0.10 for both traits, but still differed significantly from zero. The genetic correlation between nodule density and average nodule size was very high at -0.72. The skin permanent environmental correlation was -0.33, the environmental correlation -0.17 and the phenotypic correlation was -0.28. More research into genetic variation within localities and correlations with other easily measurable traits is indicated for genetic improvement of ostrich leather quality. South African Journal of Animal Science Supp 2 2004: 29-3

    A retrospective review of trends and clinical characteristics of methamphetamine-related acute psychiatric admissions in a South African context

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    Objective: Epidemiological studies indicate that methamphetamine (MA) abuse poses a major challenge to health in the Western Cape. The objectives of this study were to retrospectively assess the trends, clinical characteristics and treatment demand of MArelated admissions to a psychiatric ward in this region. Method: The clinical records of patients admitted to an acute psychiatric admission ward at Tygerberg Hospital from 1 January 2002 to 30 June 2002 and 1 January 2006 to 30 June 2006, were retrospectively reviewed. Admission numbers including those of adolescent and adult substance users were compared for both study periods. Study samples comparing demographic profile, admission status, length of stay, psychopathology, treatment requirements and referral pattern to other disciplines between MA users and non-users were collected for the 2006 period. Results: There was a significant (