6,056 research outputs found

    Resolution of Nearly Mass Degenerate Higgs Bosons and Production of Black Hole Systems of Known Mass at a Muon Collider

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    The direct s-channel coupling to Higgs bosons is 40000 times greater for muons than electrons; the coupling goes as mass squared. High precision scanning of the lighter h0h^0 and the higher mass H0H^0 and A0A^0 is thus possible with a muon collider. The H0H^0 and A0A^0 are expected to be nearly mass degenerate and to be CP even and odd, respectively. A muon collider could resolve the mass degeneracy and make CP measurements. The origin of CP violation in the K0K^{0} and B0B^{0} meson systems might lie in the the H0/A0H^0/A^0 Higgs bosons. If large extra dimensions exist, black holes with lifetimes of 1026\sim 10^{-26} seconds could be created and observed via Hawking radiation at the LHC. Unlike proton or electron colliders, muon colliders can produce black hole systems of known mass. This opens the possibilities of measuring quantum remnants, gravitons as missing energy, and scanning production turn on. Proton colliders are hampered by parton distributions and CLIC by beamstrahlung. The ILC lacks the energy reach.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, 2 figures, proceedings to the DPF 2004: Annual Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of APS, 26 August-31 August 2004, Riverside, CA, US

    On the origin of bimodal duration distribution of Gamma Ray Bursts

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    The modified version of a bullet model for gamma ray bursts is studied. The central engine of the source produces multiple sub-jets that are contained within a cone. The emission of photons in the source frame of a sub-jet either takes part in an infinitesimally thin shell, or during its expansion for a finite time. The analysis of the observed profiles of GRBs taken by BATSE leads us to the conclusion that the latter possibility is much more favored. We also study the statistical distribution of GRBs, in the context of their bimodality of durations, taking into account the detector's capability of observing the signal above a certain flux limit. The model with shells emitting for a finite time is able to reproduce only one class of bursts, short or long, depending on the adopted physical parameters. Therefore we suggest that the GRB bimodality is intrinsically connected with two separate classes of sources.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures; accepted by MNRAS. Small changes to match the corre cted proof

    The protein import apparatus of chloroplasts

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    Routing of cytosolically synthesized precursor proteins into chloroplasts is a specific process which involves a multitude of soluble and membrane components. In this review we wil1 focus on early events of the translocation pathway of nuclear coded plastidic precursor proteins and compare import routes for polypeptide of the outer chloroplast envelope to that of internal chloroplast compartments. A number of proteins housed in the chloroplast envelopes have been implied to be involved in the translocation process, but so far a certain function has not been assigned to any of these proteins. The only exception could be an envelope localized hsc 70 homologue which could retain the import competence of a precursor protein in transit into the organelle

    Leptogenesis with Left-Right domain walls

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    The presence of domain walls separating regions of unbroken SU(2)LSU(2)_L and SU(2)RSU(2)_R is shown to provide necessary conditions for leptogenesis which converts later to the observed Baryon aymmetry. The strength of lepton number violation is related to the majorana neutrino mass and hence related to current bounds on light neutrino masses. Thus the observed neutrino masses and the Baryon asymmetry can be used to constrain the scale of Left-Right symmetry breaking.Comment: References added, To appear in Praman

    Where is SGR1806-20?

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    We apply a statistical method to derive very precise locations for soft gamma repeaters using data from the interplanetary network. We demonstrate the validity of the method by deriving a 600 arcsec^2 error ellipse for SGR1900+14 whose center agrees well with the VLA source position. We then apply it to SGR1806-20, for which we obtain a 230 arcsec^2 error ellipse, the smallest burst error box to date. We find that the most likely position of the source has a small but significant displacement from that of the non-thermal core of the radio supernova remnant G10.0-0.3, which was previously thought to be the position of the repeater. We propose a different model to explain the changing supernova remnant morphology and the positions of the luminous blue variable and the bursting source.Comment: 12 pages and 2 color figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    On the origin of the March 5, 1979 gamma ray transient: A vibrating neutron star in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    It is proposed that a vibrating neutron star in the Large Magellanic Cloud is the source of the March 5 transient. Neutron star vibrations transport energy rapidly to the surface, heat the atmosphere by wave dissipation, and decay by gravitational radiation reaction. The electromagnetic emission arises from e(+)-e(-) pairs which cool and annihilate in the strong magnetic field of the neutron star. The field also confines the pairs, and this allows the production of the redshifted annihilation feature observed in the data. The redshift implies a gravitational radiation damping time which agrees with the 0.15 second duration of the impulsive phase of the event. Thus, the March 5 transient may be both the first detection of a vibrating neutron star and indirect evidence for gravitational radiation

    Strange Quarks Nuggets in Space: Charges in Seven Settings

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    We have computed the charge that develops on an SQN in space as a result of balance between the rates of ionization by ambient gammas and capture of ambient electrons. We have also computed the times for achieving that equilibrium and binding energy of the least bound SQN electrons. We have done this for seven different settings. We sketch the calculations here and give their results in the Figure and Table II; details are in the Physical Review D.79.023513 (2009).Comment: Six pages, one figure. To appear in proceedings of the 2008 UCLA coference on dark matter and dark energ