196 research outputs found

    Transient domain walls and lepton asymmetry in the Left-Right symmetric model

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    It is shown that the dynamics of domain walls in Left-Right symmetric models, separating respective regions of unbroken SU(2)_L and SU(2)_R in the early universe, can give rise to baryogenesis via leptogenesis. Neutrinos have a spatially varying complex mass matrix due to CP-violating scalar condensates in the domain wall. The motion of the wall through the plasma generates a flux of lepton number across the wall which is converted to a lepton asymmetry by helicity-flipping scatterings. Subsequent processing of the lepton excess by sphalerons results in the observed baryon asymmetry, for a range of parameters in Left-Right symmetric models.Comment: v2 version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. Discussion in Introduction and Conclusion sharpened. Equation (12) corrected. 16 pages, 3 figure files, RevTeX4 styl

    Electroweak Baryogenesis in Non-minimal Composite Higgs Models

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    We address electroweak baryogenesis in the context of composite Higgs models, pointing out that modifications to the Higgs and top quark sectors can play an important role in generating the baryon asymmetry. Our main observation is that composite Higgs models that include a light, gauge singlet scalar in the spectrum [as in the model based on the symmetry breaking pattern SO(6)/SO(5)], provide all necessary ingredients for viable baryogenesis. In particular, the singlet leads to a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition and introduces new sources of CP violation in dimension-five operators involving the top quark. We discuss the amount of baryon asymmetry produced and the experimental constraints on the model.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Magnetic Fields at First Order Phase Transition: A Threat to Electroweak Baryogenesis

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    The generation of the observed baryon asymmetry may have taken place during the electroweak phase transition, thus involving physics testable at LHC, a scenario dubbed electroweak baryogenesis. In this paper we point out that the magnetic field which is produced in the bubbles of a first order phase transition endangers the baryon asymmetry produced in the bubble walls. The reason being that the produced magnetic field couples to the sphaleron magnetic moment and lowers the sphaleron energy; this strengthens the sphaleron transitions inside the bubbles and triggers a more effective wash out of the baryon asymmetry. We apply this scenario to the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) where, in the absence of a magnetic field, successful electroweak baryogenesis requires the lightest CP-even Higgs and the right-handed stop masses to be lighter than about 127 GeV and 120 GeV, respectively. We show that even for moderate values of the magnetic field, the Higgs mass required to preserve the baryon asymmetry is below the present experimental bound. As a consequence electroweak baryogenesis within the MSSM should be confronted on the one hand to future measurements at the LHC on the Higgs and the right-handed stop masses, and on the other hand to more precise calculations of the magnetic field produced at the electroweak phase transition.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Minor corrections and references added to match published versio

    Electroweak Phase Transition in Two Higgs Doublet Models

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    We reexamine the strength of the first order phase transition in the electroweak theory supplemented by an extra Higgs doublet. The finite-temperature effective potential, VeffV_{eff}, is computed to one-loop order, including the summation of ring diagrams, to study the ratio Ď•c/Tc\phi_c/T_c of the Higgs field VEV to the critical temperature. We make a number of improvements over previous treatments, including a consistent treatment of Goldstone bosons in VeffV_{eff}, an accurate analytic approximation to VeffV_{eff} valid for any mass-to-temperature ratios, and use of the experimentally measured top quark mass. For two-Higgs doublet models, we identify a significant region of parameter space where Ď•c/Tc\phi_c/T_c is large enough for electroweak baryogenesis, and we argue that this identification should persist even at higher orders in perturbation theory. In the case of the minimal supersymmetric standard model, our results indicate that the extra Higgs bosons have little effect on the strength of the phase transition.Comment: 18 pp., 5 figures, uses epsf.tex. Corrected matching conditions for analytic approximation to thermal effective potential, eq. (10), and typos in eq. (5

    Decaying Dark Matter can explain the electron/positron excesses

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    PAMELA and ATIC recently reported excesses in e+ e- cosmic rays. Since the interpretation in terms of DM annihilations was found to be not easily compatible with constraints from photon observations, we consider the DM decay hypothesis and find that it can explain the e+ e- excesses compatibly with all constraints, and can be tested by dedicated HESS observations of the Galactic Ridge. ATIC data indicate a DM mass of about 2 TeV: this mass naturally implies the observed DM abundance relative to ordinary matter if DM is a quasi-stable composite particle with a baryon-like matter asymmetry. Technicolor naturally yields these type of candidates.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Ghost Condensation and a Consistent Infrared Modification of Gravity

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    We propose a theoretically consistent modification of gravity in the infrared, which is compatible with all current experimental observations. This is an analog of Higgs mechanism in general relativity, and can be thought of as arising from ghost condensation--a background where a scalar field \phi has a constant velocity, = M^2. The ghost condensate is a new kind of fluid that can fill the universe, which has the same equation of state, \rho = -p, as a cosmological constant, and can hence drive de Sitter expansion of the universe. However, unlike a cosmological constant, it is a physical fluid with a physical scalar excitation, which can be described by a systematic effective field theory at low energies. The excitation has an unusual low-energy dispersion relation \omega^2 \sim k^4 / M^2. If coupled to matter directly, it gives rise to small Lorentz-violating effects and a new long-range 1/r^2 spin dependent force. In the ghost condensate, the energy that gravitates is not the same as the particle physics energy, leading to the possibility of both sources that can gravitate and antigravitate. The Newtonian potential is modified with an oscillatory behavior starting at the distance scale M_{Pl}/M^2 and the time scale M_{Pl}^2/M^3. This theory opens up a number of new avenues for attacking cosmological problems, including inflation, dark matter and dark energy.Comment: 42 pages, LaTeX 2

    Amplification of hypercharge electromagnetic fields by a cosmological pseudoscalar

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    If, in addition to the standard model fields, a new pseudoscalar field exists and couples to hypercharge topological number density, it can exponentially amplify hyperelectric and hypermagnetic fields in the symmetric phase of the electroweak plasma, while coherently rolling or oscillating. We present the equations describing the coupled system of a pseudoscalar field and hypercharge electromagnetic fields in the electroweak plasma at temperatures above the electroweak phase transition, discuss approximations to the equations, and their validity. We then solve the approximate equations using assorted analytical and numerical methods, and determine the parameters for which hypercharge electromagnetic fields can be exponentially amplified.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    First-order cosmological phase transitions in the radiation dominated era

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    We consider first-order phase transitions of the Universe in the radiation-dominated era. We argue that in general the velocity of interfaces is non-relativistic due to the interaction with the plasma and the release of latent heat. We study the general evolution of such slow phase transitions, which comprise essentially a short reheating stage and a longer phase equilibrium stage. We perform a completely analytical description of both stages. Some rough approximations are needed for the first stage, due to the non-trivial relations between the quantities that determine the variation of temperature with time. The second stage, instead, is considerably simplified by the fact that it develops at a constant temperature, close to the critical one. Indeed, in this case the equations can be solved exactly, including back-reaction on the expansion of the Universe. This treatment also applies to phase transitions mediated by impurities. We also investigate the relations between the different parameters that govern the characteristics of the phase transition and its cosmological consequences, and discuss the dependence of these parameters with the particle content of the theory.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures; v2: Minor changes, references added; v3: several typos correcte

    Dynamics of Two Higgs Doublet CP Violation and Baryogenesis at the Electroweak Phase Transition

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    We quantitatively study the charge transport mechanism of electroweak baryogenesis in a realistic two-Higgs-doublet model, comparing the contributions from quarks and leptons reflecting from electroweak domain walls, and comparing the exact profile of the CP-violating phase with a commonly used ansatz. We note that the phenomenon of spontaneous CP violation at high temperature can occur in this model, even when there is no CP violation at zero temperature. We include all known effects which are likely to influence the baryon production rate, including strong sphalerons, the nontrivial dispersion relations of the quasiparticles in the plasma, and Debye screening of gauged charges. We confirm the claim of Joyce, Prokopec and Turok that the reflection of tau leptons from the wall gives the dominant effect. We conclude that this mechanism is marginally strong enough to produce the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe.Comment: 49 pp. latex, 6 figures; section on diffusion expanded and corrected, published versio

    Structure of the Quark Propagator at High Temperature

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    In the high temperature, chirally invariant phase of QCD, the quark propagator is shown to have two sets of poles with different dispersion relations. A reflection property in momentum space relates all derivatives at zero-momentum of the particle and hole energies, the particle and hole damping rates, and the particle and hole residues. No use is made of perturbation theory.Comment: 8 pages, Latex twocolum
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