263 research outputs found

    The effect of ketamine on the consolidation and extinction of contextual fear memory

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    Ketamine, principally an antagonist of N-methyl-á´…-aspartate receptors, induces schizophrenia-like symptoms in adult humans, warranting its use in the investigation of psychosis-related phenotypes in animal models. Genomic studies further implicate N-methyl-á´…-aspartate receptor-mediated processes in schizophrenia pathology, together with more broadly-defined synaptic plasticity and associative learning processes. Strong pathophysiological links have been demonstrated between fear learning and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. To further investigate the impact of ketamine on associative fear learning, we studied the effects of pre- and post-training ketamine on the consolidation and extinction of contextual fear memory in rats. Administration of 25 mg/kg ketamine prior to fear conditioning did not affect consolidation when potentially confounding effects of state dependency were controlled for. Pre-training ketamine (25 mg/kg) impaired the extinction of the conditioned fear response, which was mirrored with the use of a lower dose (8 mg/kg). Post-training ketamine (25 mg/kg) had no effect on the consolidation or extinction of conditioned fear. These observations implicate processes relating to the extinction of contextual fear memory in the manifestation of ketamine-induced phenotypes, and are consistent with existing hypotheses surrounding abnormal associative learning in schizophreni

    The role of schizophrenia susceptibility genes in associative learning

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    Schizophrenia is highly heritable, indicating that a large proportion of one’s susceptibility to developing the disorder is attributable to genetics. Recent large-scale genomic studies have revealed that genetic variants in patients with schizophrenia affect genes involved in synaptic plasticity processes, which are required for learning and memory, including genes encoding protein complexes associated with the NMDA receptor and the postsynaptic density. Further evidence suggests that associative learning may be particularly affected, although it is unclear which components of this cognitive process are implicated in schizophrenia. The present studies investigated the relationship between particular phases of associative learning, represented by the consolidation, retrieval and extinction of contextual fear memory in rats, with genetic variants, psychoactive drugs and postsynaptic density proteins associated with schizophrenia. I tested associative learning-related gene expression datasets for enrichment in genetic copy number variants from a large cohort of patients with schizophrenia and demonstrated that only genes associated with extinction learning are enriched in patient variants (Chapter 3). I report that fear extinction in rats was impaired by administration of the NMDA antagonist and psychotomimetic, ketamine (Chapter 4). The expression of activity- induced, postsynaptic density products of the Homer1 gene, which has been linked to psychiatric disease, was differentially regulated in specific hippocampal subregions following extinction learning (Chapter 5), and the effect of a partial knockdown of these genes during different phases of associative learning was investigated (Chapter 6). These results build on clinical studies linking abnormalities in associative and, specifically, extinction learning with schizophrenia and support the notion that genetic variants associated with the disorder impact particular cognitive domains. My findings are consistent with the theory that altered inhibitory-type learning processes contribute to the manifestation of schizophrenia

    FMRP and CYFIP1 at the synapse and their role in psychiatric vulnerability

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    There is increasing awareness of the role genetic risk variants have in mediating vulnerability to psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and autism. Many of these risk variants encode synaptic proteins, influencing biological pathways of the postsynaptic density and, ultimately, synaptic plasticity. Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 (FMR1) and Cytoplasmic FRMP-Interacting Protein (CYFIP1) contain two such examples of highly penetrant risk variants and encode synaptic proteins with shared functional significance. In this Review, we will discuss the biological actions of FMRP and CYFIP1, including their regulation of i) protein translation and specifically FMRP targets, ii) dendritic and spine morphology and iii) forms of synaptic plasticity such as long-term depression. We draw upon a range of preclinical studies that have used genetic dosage models of FMR1 and CYFIP1 to determine their biological function. In parallel, we discuss how clinical studies of Fragile X Syndrome or 15q11.2 deletion patients have informed our understanding of FMRP and CYFIP1 proteins, and highlight the latest psychiatric genomic findings that continue to implicate FMRP and CYFIP1. Lastly, we assess the current limitations in our understanding of FMRP and CYFIP1 biology and how they must be addressed before mechanism-led therapeutic strategies can be developed for psychiatric disorders

    Regulation of the expression of the psychiatric risk gene Cacna1c during associative learning

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    CACNA1Cencodes the Cav1.2 L-type voltage-gated calcium channel. Generic variation in CACNA1C has been consistently identified as associated with risk for psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder and autism. Psychiatric risk loci are also enriched for genes involved in the regulation of synaptic plasticity. Here, we show that the expression of Cacna1c is regulated in the rat hippocampus after context exposure, contextual fear conditioning and fear memory retrieval in a manner that correlates to specific memory processes. Using quantitative in situ hybridisation, the expression was down-regulated in CA1 by brief exposure to a novel context and to a conditioned context, and up-regulated in the dentate gyrus after contextual fear conditioning. No changes were measured after prolonged context exposure followed by conditioning, a procedure that retards fear conditioning (latent inhibition), nor with fear memory recall leading to extinction. These results are consistent with a selective role for Cav1.2 in the consolidation of context memory and contextual fear memory, and with processes associated with the maintenance of the fear memory after recall. The dysregulation of CACNA1C may thus be related to associative memory dysfunction in schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders

    The association of hippocampal long-term potentiation-induced gene expression with genetic risk for psychosis

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    Genomic studies focusing on the contribution of common and rare genetic variants of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder support the view that substantial risk is conferred through molecular pathways involved in synaptic plasticity in the neurons of cortical and subcortical brain regions, including the hippocampus. Synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) is central to associative learning and memory and depends on a pattern of gene expression in response to neuronal stimulation. Genes related to the induction of LTP have been associated with psychiatric genetic risk, but the specific cell types and timepoints responsible for the association are unknown. Using published genomic and transcriptomic datasets, we studied the relationship between temporally defined gene expression in hippocampal pyramidal neurons following LTP and enrichment for common genetic risk for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and for copy number variants (CNVs) and de novo coding variants associated with schizophrenia. We observed that upregulated genes in hippocampal pyramidal neurons at 60 and 120 min following LTP induction were enriched for common variant association with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder subtype I. At 60 min, LTP-induced genes were enriched in duplications from patients with schizophrenia, but this association was not specific to pyramidal neurons, perhaps reflecting the combined effects of CNVs in excitatory and inhibitory neuron subtypes. Gene expression following LTP was not related to enrichment for de novo coding variants from schizophrenia cases. Our findings refine our understanding of the role LTP-related gene sets play in conferring risk to conditions causing psychosis and provide a focus for future studies looking to dissect the molecular mechanisms associated with this risk

    Enrichment of the local synaptic translatome for genetic risk associated with schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder

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    Background Genes encoding synaptic proteins or mRNA targets of the RNA binding protein, Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), have been linked to schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) through the enrichment of genetic variants conferring risk to these disorders. FMRP binds many transcripts with synaptic functions and is thought to regulate their local translation, a process which enables rapid and compartmentalized protein synthesis required for development and plasticity. Methods We used summary statistics from large-scale genome-wide association studies of schizophrenia (74,776 cases, 101,023 controls) and ASD (18,381 cases, 27,969 controls) to test the hypothesis that the subset of synaptic genes encoding localized transcripts is more strongly associated with each disorder than non-localized transcripts. We also postulated that this subset of synaptic genes is responsible for associations attributed to FMRP targets. Results Schizophrenia associations were enriched in genes encoding localized synaptic transcripts compared to the remaining synaptic genes, or to the remaining localized transcripts; this also applied to ASD associations, although only for transcripts observed after stimulation by fear conditioning. The genetic associations with either disorder captured by these gene sets were independent of those derived from FMRP targets. Schizophrenia association was related to FMRP interactions with mRNAs in somata, but not in dendrites, whilst ASD association was related to FMRP binding in either compartment. Conclusions Our data suggest that synaptic transcripts capable of local translation are particularly relevant to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and ASD, but do not characterize the associations attributed to current sets of FMRP targets

    Dynamic expression of genes associated with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder across development

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    Common genetic variation contributes a substantial proportion of risk for both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Furthermore, there is evidence of significant, but not complete, overlap in genetic risk between the two disorders. It has been hypothesised that genetic variants conferring risk for these disorders do so by influencing brain development, leading to the later emergence of symptoms. The comparative profile of risk gene expression for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder across development over different brain regions however remains unclear. Using genotypes derived from genome-wide associations studies of the largest available cohorts of patients and control subjects, we investigated whether genes enriched for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder association show a bias for expression across any of 13 developmental stages in prefrontal cortical and subcortical brain regions. We show that genetic association with schizophrenia is positively correlated with expression in the prefrontal cortex during early midfetal development and early infancy, and negatively correlated with expression during late childhood, which stabilises in adolescence. In contrast, risk-associated genes for bipolar disorder did not exhibit a bias towards expression at any prenatal stage, although the pattern of postnatal expression was similar to that of schizophrenia. These results highlight the dynamic expression of genes harbouring risk for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder across prefrontal cortex development and support the hypothesis that prenatal neurodevelopmental events are more strongly associated with schizophrenia than bipolar disorder

    Social interaction following prepubertal stress alters prefrontal gene expression associated with cell signalling and oligodendrocytes

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    Early-life adversity is associated with an increased risk of psychopathology, including mood disorders, later in life. Early-life stress affects several physiological systems, however, the exact mechanisms underlying pathological risk are not fully understood. This knowledge is crucial in developing appropriate therapeutic interventions. The prepubertal period is documented as a key developmental period for the maturation of the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a brain region involved in higher cognitive functions, including social function. In this study, we performed RNA sequencing on the PFC of adult rats who had experienced prepubertal stress (PPS) and controls to investigate the genome-wide consequences of this stress. PPS alters social behaviour in adulthood, therefore we also performed RNA sequencing on PPS and control rats following a social interaction test to determine social activity-dependent gene changes. At a baseline state (1 week following a social interaction test), no genes were differentially expressed in the PPS group. However, 1603 genes were differentially expressed in PPS rats compared to controls following a social interaction. These genes were enriched in biological pathways associated with cell signalling and axon myelination dynamics. Cell enrichment analysis showed these genes were associated with oligodendrocytes, and a comparison with an existing early-life stress sequencing dataset showed that pathways linked to oligodendrocyte morphology are impacted in a range of models of early-life stress in rodents. In conclusion, we identify pathways, including those involved in axon myelination, that are differentially activated in the adult in response to social stimulation following PPS. These differential responses may contribute to vulnerability to psychiatric pathology

    Neuronal activity increases translocator protein (TSPO) levels

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    The mitochondrial protein, translocator protein (TSPO), is a widely used biomarker of neuroinflammation, but its non-selective cellular expression pattern implies roles beyond inflammatory processes. In the present study, we investigated whether neuronal activity modifies TSPO levels in the adult central nervous system. First, we used single-cell RNA sequencing to generate a cellular landscape of basal TSPO gene expression in the hippocampus of adult (12 weeks old) C57BL6/N mice, followed by confocal laser scanning microscopy to verify TSPO protein in neuronal and non neuronal cell populations. We then quantified TSPO mRNA and protein levels after stimulating neuronal activity with distinct stimuli, including designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs), exposure to a novel environment and acute treatment with the psychostimulant drug, amphetamine. Single-cell RNA sequencing demonstrated a non-selective and multi-cellular gene expression pattern of TSPO at basal conditions in the adult mouse hippocampus. Confocal laser scanning microscopy confirmed that TSPO protein is present in neuronal and non -neuronal (astrocytes, microglia, vascular endothelial cells) cells of cortical (medial prefrontal cortex) and subcortical (hippocampus) brain regions. Stimulating neuronal activity through chemogenetic (DREADDs), physiological (novel environment exposure) or psychopharmacological (amphetamine treatment) approaches led to consistent increases in TSPO gene and protein levels in neurons, but not in microglia or astrocytes. Taken together, our findings show that neuronal activity has the potential to modify TSPO levels in the adult central nervous system. These findings challenge the general assumption that altered TSPO expression or binding unequivocally mirrors ongoing neuroinflammation and emphasize the need to consider non-inflammatory interpretations in some physiological or pathological contexts
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