287 research outputs found

    Generation of Post-Newtonian Gravitational Radiation via Direct Integration of the Relaxed Einstein Equations

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    The completion of a network of advanced laser-interferometric gravitational-wave observatories around 2001 will make possible the study of the inspiral and coalescence of binary systems of compact objects (neutron stars and black holes), using gravitational radiation. To extract useful information from the waves, such as the masses and spins of the bodies, theoretical general relativistic gravitational waveform templates of extremely high accuracy will be needed for filtering the data, probably as accurate as O[(v/c)6]O[(v/c)^6] beyond the predictions of the quadrupole formula. We summarize a method, called DIRE, for Direct Integration of the Relaxed Einstein Equations, which extends and improves an earlier framework due to Epstein and Wagoner, in which Einstein's equations are recast as a flat spacetime wave equation with source composed of matter confined to compact regions and gravitational non-linearities extending to infinity. The new method is free of divergences or undefined integrals, correctly predicts all gravitational wave ``tail'' effects caused by backscatter of the outgoing radiation off the background curved spacetime, and yields radiation that propagates asymptotically along true null cones of the curved spacetime. The method also yields equations of motion through O[(v/c)4]O[(v/c)^4], radiation-reaction terms at O[(v/c)5]O[(v/c)^5] and O[(v/c)7]O[(v/c)^7], and gravitational waveforms and energy flux through O[(v/c)4]O[(v/c)^4], in agreement with other approaches. We report on progress in evaluating the O[(v/c)6]O[(v/c)^6] contributions.Comment: 11 pages, PTPTeX, submitted to Proceedings of the Yukawa-Kyoto International Seminar 9

    The 1919 measurement of the deflection of light

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    The measurement of the deflection of starlight during a total solar eclipse on May 29, 1919 was the first verification of general relativity by an external team of scientists, brought Einstein and his theory to the attention of the general public, and left a legacy of experimental testing that continues today. The discovery of gravitational lenses turned Einstein's deflection into an important tool for astronomy and cosmology. This article reviews the history of the 1919 measurement and other eclipse measurements, describes modern measurements of the effect using radio astronomy, and of its cousin, the Shapiro time delay, and discusses gravitational lenses.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity for its "Milestones of General Relativity" focus issue to be published during the Centenary Year of G

    Resource Letter PTG-1: Precision Tests of Gravity

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    This resource letter provides an introduction to some of the main current topics in experimental tests of general relativity as well as to some of the historical literature. It is intended to serve as a guide to the field for upper-division undergraduate and graduate students, both theoretical and experimental, and for workers in other fields of physics who wish learn about experimental gravity. The topics covered include alternative theories of gravity, tests of the principle of equivalence, solar-system and binary-pulsar tests, searches for new physics in gravitational arenas, and tests of gravity in new regimes, involving astrophysics and gravitational radiation.Comment: 9 pages; submitted to American Journal of Physic

    Orbital flips in hierarchical triple systems: relativistic effects and third-body effects to hexadecapole order

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    We analyze the secular evolution of hierarchical triple systems in the post-Newtonian approximation to general relativity. We expand the Newtonian three-body equations of motion in powers of the ratio a/Aa/A, where aa and AA are the semimajor axis of the inner binary's orbit and of the orbit of the third body relative to the center of mass of the inner binary, respectively. The leading order "quadrupole" terms, of order (a/A)3(a/A)^3 relative to the 1/a21/a^2 acceleration within the inner binary, are responsible for the well-known Kozai-Lidov oscillations of orbital inclination and eccentricity. The octupole terms, of order (a/A)4(a/A)^4 have been shown to allow the inner orbit to "flip" from prograde relative to the outer orbit to retrograde and back, and to permit excursions to very large eccentricities. We carry the expansion of the equations of motion to hexadecapole order, corresponding to contributions of order (a/A)5(a/A)^5. We also include the leading orbital effects of post-Newtonian theory, namely the pericenter precessions of the inner and outer orbits. Using the Lagrange planetary equations for the orbit elements of both binaries, we average over orbital timescales, obtain the equations for the secular evolution of the elements through hexadecapole order, and employ them to analyze cases of astrophysical interest. We find that, for the most part, the orbital flips found at octupole order are robust against both relativistic and hexadecapole perturbations. We show that, for equal-mass inner binaries, where the octupole terms vanish, the hexadecapole contributions can alone generate orbital flips and excursions to very large eccentricities.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, typos corrected; matches published versio