696 research outputs found

    China’s Future Military Capabilities

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    The 2022 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America identifies China as the “pacing challenge” for the US military. This monograph examines the process by which China’s military capabilities are developed, the capabilities China’s military is seeking to acquire in the future, and the resulting implications for the US military. To date, all the extant studies have merely described the capabilities the People’s Liberation Army is currently acquiring. This monograph goes further by drawing on the Chinese military’s publications to identify and discuss the capabilities the People’s Liberation Army seeks to acquire in the future. The monograph finds China’s military is engaged in a comprehensive program to field a dominant array of military capabilities for ground, sea, air, space, and cyberspace warfare. Countering these capabilities will require the United States and its allies to engage in an equally comprehensive effort. The monograph’s findings will enable US military planners and policy practitioners to understand the long-term goals of China’s development of military capabilities and to anticipate and counter China’s realization of new capabilities so the United States can maintain its military advantage over the long term.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1956/thumbnail.jp

    Maine’s Initiatives in Geriatric Medical Care: Commentary from the Front Lines

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    Cliff Singer and Roger Renfrew write from their perspectives as medical practitioners and leaders in geriatric medi­cine to examine issues affecting health care and outcomes for older adults in Maine. Focusing on the acute and primary care systems, they highlight issues and policy recommendations they think are most urgent or helpful

    China, Europe, and the Pandemic Recession: Beijing’s Investments and Transatlantic Security

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    Given the depth and breadth of the pandemic-induced recession in Europe, private companies in need of capital and governments looking to shed state-owned enterprises may be tempted to sell shares, assets, or outright ownership to investors with liquidity to spare. Of greatest concern is the role that China might play in Europe, building Beijing’s soft power, weakening allied geopolitical solidarity, and potentially reprising the role it played in the 2010s, when its investments in Europe expanded dramatically. More specifically, there is concern over China’s investments in infrastructure and sensitive technologies relevant to American and allied military operations and capabilities. Whether Europe is prepared and able to parry Beijing’s economic statecraft is somewhat unclear, given varied attitudes toward China and the patchwork of investment screening mechanisms across the continent. Regardless, the outcomes will have significant implications for US security and for the Defense Department specifically. In support of US European Command (EUCOM) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) assembled an interdisciplinary team to examine these issues and offer actionable policy recommendations for military leaders and decisionmakers on both sides of the Atlantic. Study sponsors (nonfunding): United States European Command, United States Department of Homeland Securityhttps://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1945/thumbnail.jp

    Creating Social Enterprises in FairShares Labs

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    In this book, six partner organisations describe FairShares Labs for Social and Blue Innovation. They offer a vision of how to create social enterprise incubators that nurture inclusive multi-stakeholder co-operative enterprises. Building on the theory and practice of Living Labs, Social and Blue Economy and the FairShares Model the text of Creating Social Enterprises in FairShares Labs sets out the concepts, processes and methods for building a FairShares Lab

    Outlook and appraisal [June 1988]

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    The growth of the Scottish economy is now moving into line with the rest of the UK. Industrial production is buoyant. The growth of demand is becoming more broadly based between domestic and external sectors. Yet, construction output still remains relatively depressed, and in a significant number of other industries the ratio of Scottish to UK output remains below that of 1980. As yet there is little indication of the favourable changes in unemployment and vacancies during 1987 being reflected in the most recent employment data. But short-term prospects are more favourable than for several years, while growth forecasts for the medium term compare favourably with those for the UK as a whole

    The Scottish economy [June 1988]

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    With the delay in the publication of this quarter's Commentary it should be borne in mind that responses to both the Scottish Chamber's Business Survey (SCBS) and CBI surveys now refer to developments of two months ago. Accordingly, responses do not take account of, or could reasonably be assumed to have anticipated, the recent increases in nominal interest rates and the depreciation of sterling

    The world economy [June 1988]

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    Growth in the world economy appears to be continuing at a brisk rate. Recent forecasts suggest that output should expand by about 3% this year compared with 3.IX in 1987. The outlook therefore appears to be more favourable than when we last reported; a reflection of the limited impact to date of the October stock market crash. Some progress has been made in adjusting the key trade imbalances but progress remains slow