83 research outputs found


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    Text analysis, Clemoes, Catholic Homilies, Homily I.12

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    In his homily for the Mid-Lent Sunday (Dominica in Media Quadragessima) in the First Series of Catholic Homilies, Aelfric provides an allegorical understanding of the feeding of the five thousand (John 6:1-14)

    Text analysis, Clemoes, Catholic Homilies, Homily I.34

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    In the homily for the Dedication of the Church of Saint Michael (Dedicatio Ecclesie Sancti Michahelis; September 29) in the First Series of Catholic Homilies, Aelfric describes the legendary discovery of the church of Saint Michael on Mount Gargano and explicates the Gospel reading for the day, Matthew 18.1-10, which recounts Christ's teaching on the kingdom of heaven

    Text analysis, Clemoes, Catholic Homilies, Homily I.38

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    In the homily for the feast of Saint Andrew (Natale Sancti Andreei; November 30) in the First Series of Catholic Homilies, Aelfric explicates the calling of Saints Andrew, Peter, James, and John, based on the Gospel reading for the day (Matthew 4: 18-22) and also describes the passion of Andrew

    Text analysis, Clemoes, Catholic Homilies, Homily I.28

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    Aelfric's homily for the eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (Dominica XI post Pentecosten) in the First Series of Catholic Homilies offers historical and allegorical interpretations of the episodes of Christ weeping over the fate of Jerusalem and driving the money-changers from the Temple (Luke 19:41-47), citing Gregory the Great as his source
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