188 research outputs found

    Direct measurement of thermophoretic forces

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    We study the thermophoretic motion of a micron sized single colloidal particle in front of a flat wall by evanescent light scattering. To quantify thermophoretic effects we analyse the nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) of the particle in a constant temperature gradient perpendicular to the confining walls. We propose to determine thermophoretic forces from a 'generalized potential' associated with the probability distribution of the particle position in the NESS. Experimentally we demonstrate, how this spatial probability distribution is measured and how thermophoretic forces can be extracted with 10 fN resolution. By varying temperature gradient and ambient temperature, the temperature dependence of Soret coefficient ST(T)S_T(T) is determined for r=2.5μmr = 2.5 \mu m polystyrene and r=1.35μmr = 1.35 \mu m melamine particles. The functional form of ST(T)S_T(T) is in good agreement with findings for smaller colloids. In addition, we measure and discuss hydrodynamic effects in the confined geometry. The theoretical and experimental technique proposed here extends thermophoresis measurements to so far inaccessible particle sizes and particle solvent combinations

    Probing linear and nonlinear microrheology of viscoelastic fluids

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    Bulk rheological properties of viscoelastic fluids have been extensively studied in macroscopic shearing geometries. However, little is known when an active microscopic probe is used to locally perturb them far from the linear-response regime. Using a colloidal particle dragged periodically by scanning optical tweezers through a viscoelastic fluid, we investigate both, its linear and nonlinear microrheological response. With increasing particle velocity, we observe a transition from constant viscosity to a thinning regime, where the drag force on the probe becomes a nonlinear function of the particle velocity. We demonstrate that this transition is only determined by the ratio of the fluid's equilibrium relaxation time and the period of the driving.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Transient dynamics of a colloidal particle driven through a viscoelastic fluid

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    We experimentally study the transient motion of a colloidal particle actively dragged by an optical trap through different viscoelastic fluids (wormlike micelles, polymer solutions, and entangled λ\lambda-phage DNA). We observe that, after sudden removal of the moving trap, the particle recoils due to the recovery of the deformed fluid microstructure. We find that the transient dynamics of the particle proceeds via a double exponential relaxation, whose relaxation times remain independent of the initial particle velocity whereas their amplitudes strongly depend on it. While the fastest relaxation mirrors the viscous damping of the particle by the solvent, the slow relaxation results from the recovery of the strained viscoelastic matrix. We show that this transient information, which has no counterpart in Newtonian fluids, can be exploited to investigate linear and nonlinear rheological properties of the embedding fluid, thus providing a novel method to perform transient rheology at the micron-scale.Comment: 19 pages, 7 Figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Run-and-Tumble-Like Motion of Active Colloids in Viscoelastic Media

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    Run-and-tumble (RNT) motion is a prominent locomotion strategy employed by many living microorganisms. It is characterized by straight swimming intervals (runs), which are interrupted by sudden reorientation events (tumbles). In contrast, directional changes of synthetic microswimmers (active particles, APs) are caused by rotational diffusion, which is superimposed with their translational motion and thus leads to rather continuous and slow particle reorientations. Here we demonstrate that active particles can also perform a swimming motion where translational and orientational changes are disentangled, similar to RNT. In our system, such motion is realized by a viscoelastic solvent and a periodic modulation of the self-propulsion velocity. Experimentally, this is achieved using light-activated Janus colloids, which are illuminated by a time-dependent laser field. We observe a strong enhancement of the effective translational and rotational motion when the modulation time is comparable to the relaxation time of the viscoelastic fluid. Our findings are explained by the relaxation of the elastic stress, which builds up during the self-propulsion, and is suddenly released when the activity is turned off. In addition to a better understanding of active motion in viscoelastic surroundings, our results may suggest novel steering strategies for synthetic microswimmers in complex environments.Comment: 6 figures, New Journal of Physics accepte

    Dynamics of self-propelled Janus particles in viscoelastic fluids

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    We experimentally investigate active motion of spherical Janus colloidal particles in a viscoelastic fluid. Self-propulsion is achieved by a local concentration gradient of a critical polymer mixture which is imposed by laser illumination. Even in the regime where the fluid's viscosity is independent from the deformation rate induced by the particle, we find a remarkable increase of up to two orders of magnitude of the rotational diffusion with increasing particle velocity, which can be phenomenologically described by an effective rotational diffusion coefficient dependent on the Weissenberg number. We show that this effect gives rise to a highly anisotropic response of microswimmers in viscoelastic media to external forces depending on its orientation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Physical Review Letters (accepted

    Experimental Accessibility of Generalized Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations for Nonequilibrium Steady States

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    We study the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for a Brownian particle driven into a nonequilibrium steady state experimentally. We validate two different theoretical variants of a generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the choice of variables crucially affects the accuracy of determining the nonequilibrium response from steady state nonequilibrium fluctuations

    Measurement of second-order response without perturbation

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    We study the second order response functions of a colloidal particle being subjected to an anharmonic potential. Contrary to typical response measurements which require an external perturbation, here we experimentally confirm a recently developed approach where the system's susceptibilities up to second order are obtained from the particle's equilibrium trajectory [PCCP 17\mathrm{{\bf 17}}, 6653 (2015)]. The measured susceptibilities are in quantitative agreement with those obtained from the response to an external perturbation.Comment: 4 figure

    Experimental observation of directional locking and dynamical ordering of colloidal monolayers driven across quasiperiodic substrates

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    We experimentally investigate the structural behavior of an interacting colloidal monolayer being driven across a decagonal quasiperiodic potential landscape created by an optical interference pattern. When the direction of the driving force is varied, we observe the monolayer to be directionally locked on angles corresponding to the symmetry axes of the underlying potential. At such locking steps we observe a dynamically ordered smectic phase in agreement with recent simulations. We demonstrate, that such dynamical ordering is due to the interaction of particle lanes formed by interstitial and non-interstitial particles.Comment: accepted at Phys. Rev. Let

    Surface melting of a colloidal glass

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    Despite their technological relevance, a full microscopic understanding of glasses is still lacking. This applies even more to their surfaces whose properties largely differ from that of the bulk material. Here, we experimentally investigate the surface of a two-dimensional glass as a function of the effective temperature. To yield a free surface, we use an attractive colloidal suspension of micron-sized particles interacting via tunable critical Casimir forces. Similar to crystals, we observe surface melting of the glass, i.e., the formation of a liquid film at the surface well below the glass temperature. Underneath, however, we find an unexpected region with bulk density but much faster particle dynamics. It results from connected clusters of highly mobile particles which are formed near the surface and deeply percolate into the underlying material. Because its thickness can reach several tens of particle diameters, this layer may elucidate the poorly understood properties of thin glassy films which find use in many technical applicationsComment: accepted with Nature Communication