133 research outputs found

    Align and Copy: UZH at SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task for Morphological Reinflection

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    This paper presents the submissions by the University of Zurich to the SIGMORPHON 2017 shared task on morphological reinflection. The task is to predict the inflected form given a lemma and a set of morpho-syntactic features. We focus on neural network approaches that can tackle the task in a limited-resource setting. As the transduction of the lemma into the inflected form is dominated by copying over lemma characters, we propose two recurrent neural network architectures with hard monotonic attention that are strong at copying and, yet, substantially different in how they achieve this. The first approach is an encoder-decoder model with a copy mechanism. The second approach is a neural state-transition system over a set of explicit edit actions, including a designated COPY action. We experiment with character alignment and find that naive, greedy alignment consistently produces strong results for some languages. Our best system combination is the overall winner of the SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task 1 without external resources. At a setting with 100 training samples, both our approaches, as ensembles of models, outperform the next best competitor.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 15th Annual SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology at CoNLL 201

    Challenges in the Alignment, Management and Exploitation of Large and Richly Annotated Multi-Parallel Corpora

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    The availability of large multi-parallel corpora offers an enormous wealth of material to contrastive corpus linguists, translators and language learners, if we can exploit the data properly. Necessary preparation steps include sentence and word alignment across multiple languages. Additionally, linguistic annotation such as partof- speech tagging, lemmatisation, chunking, and dependency parsing facilitate precise querying of linguistic properties and can be used to extend word alignment to sub-sentential groups. Such highly interconnected data is stored in a relational database to allow for efficient retrieval and linguistic data mining, which may include the statistics-based selection of good example sentences. The varying information needs of contrastive linguists require a flexible linguistic query language for ad hoc searches. Such queries in the format of generalised treebank query languages will be automatically translated into SQL queries

    Imitation Learning for Neural Morphological String Transduction

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    We employ imitation learning to train a neural transition-based string transducer for morphological tasks such as inflection generation and lemmatization. Previous approaches to training this type of model either rely on an external character aligner for the production of gold action sequences, which results in a suboptimal model due to the unwarranted dependence on a single gold action sequence despite spurious ambiguity, or require warm starting with an MLE model. Our approach only requires a simple expert policy, eliminating the need for a character aligner or warm start. It also addresses familiar MLE training biases and leads to strong and state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks.Comment: 6 pages; accepted to EMNLP 201

    Automatic Generation and Evaluation of Reading Comprehension Test Items with Large Language Models

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    Reading comprehension tests are used in a variety of applications, reaching from education to assessing the comprehensibility of simplified texts. However, creating such tests manually and ensuring their quality is difficult and time-consuming. In this paper, we explore how large language models (LLMs) can be used to generate and evaluate multiple-choice reading comprehension items. To this end, we compiled a dataset of German reading comprehension items and developed a new protocol for human and automatic evaluation, including a metric we call text informativity, which is based on guessability and answerability. We then used this protocol and the dataset to evaluate the quality of items generated by Llama 2 and GPT-4. Our results suggest that both models are capable of generating items of acceptable quality in a zero-shot setting, but GPT-4 clearly outperforms Llama 2. We also show that LLMs can be used for automatic evaluation by eliciting item reponses from them. In this scenario, evaluation results with GPT-4 were the most similar to human annotators. Overall, zero-shot generation with LLMs is a promising approach for generating and evaluating reading comprehension test items, in particular for languages without large amounts of available data

    A case study in tagging case in german: an assessment of statistical approaches

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    In this study, we assess the performance of purely statistical approaches using supervised machine learning for predicting case in German (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, n/a). We experiment with two different treebanks containing morphological annotations: TIGER and TUEBA. An evaluation with 10-fold cross-validation serves as the basis for systematic comparisons of the optimal parametrizations of different approaches. We test taggers based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Decision Trees, and Conditional Random Fields (CRF). The CRF approach based on our hand-crafted feature model achieves an accuracy of about 94%. This outperforms all other approaches and results in an improvement of 11% compared to a baseline HMM trigram tagger and an improvement of 2% compared to a state-of-the-art tagger for rich morphological tagsets. Moreover, we investigate the effect of additional (morphological) categories (gender, number, person, part of speech) in the internal tagset used for the training. Rich internal tagsets improve results for all tested approaches

    UZH_CLyp at SemEval-2023 Task 9: Head-First Fine-Tuning and ChatGPT Data Generation for Cross-Lingual Learning in Tweet Intimacy Prediction

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    This paper describes the submission of UZH_CLyp for the SemEval 2023 Task 9 ``Multilingual Tweet Intimacy Analysis. We achieved second-best results in all 10 languages according to the official Pearson's correlation regression evaluation measure. Our cross-lingual transfer learning approach explores the benefits of using a Head-First Fine-Tuning method (HeFiT) that first updates only the regression head parameters and then also updates the pre-trained transformer encoder parameters at a reduced learning rate. Additionally, we study the impact of using a small set of automatically generated examples (in our case, from ChatGPT) for low-resource settings where no human-labeled data is available. Our study shows that HeFiT stabilizes training and consistently improves results for pre-trained models that lack domain adaptation to tweets. Our study also shows a noticeable performance increase in cross-lingual learning when synthetic data is used, confirming the usefulness of current text generation systems to improve zeroshot baseline results. Finally, we examine how possible inconsistencies in the annotated data contribute to cross-lingual interference issues

    Detection of interaction articles and experimental methods in biomedical literature

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    Background: This article describes the approaches taken by the OntoGene group at the University of Zurich in dealing with two tasks of the BioCreative III competition: classification of articles which contain curatable protein- protein interactions (PPI-ACT) and extraction of experimental methods (PPI-IMT). Results: Two main achievements are described in this paper: (a) a system for document classification which crucially relies on the results of an advanced pipeline of natural language processing tools; (b) a system which is capable of detecting all experimental methods mentioned in scientific literature, and listing them with a competitive ranking (AUC iP/R > 0.5). Conclusions: The results of the BioCreative III shared evaluation clearly demonstrate that significant progress has been achieved in the domain of biomedical text mining in the past few years. Our own contribution, together with the results of other participants, provides evidence that natural language processing techniques have become by now an integral part of advanced text mining approaches

    Tracking Discourses on Public and Hidden People in Historical Newspapers

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    CLUZH at SIGMORPHON 2022 Shared Tasks on Morpheme Segmentation and Inflection Generation

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    This paper describes the submissions of the team of the Department of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich, to the SIGMORPHON 2022 Shared Tasks on Morpheme Segmentation and Inflection Generation. Our submissions use a character-level neural transducer that operates over traditional edit actions. While this model has been found particularly wellsuited for low-resource settings, using it with large data quantities has been difficult. Existing implementations could not fully profit from GPU acceleration and did not efficiently implement mini-batch training, which could be tricky for a transition-based system. For this year’s submission, we have ported the neural transducer to PyTorch and implemented true mini-batch training. This has allowed us to successfully scale the approach to large data quantities and conduct extensive experimentation. We report competitive results for morpheme segmentation (including sharing first place in part 2 of the challenge). We also demonstrate that reducing sentence-level morpheme segmentation to a word-level problem is a simple yet effective strategy. Additionally, we report strong results in inflection generation (the overall best result for large training sets in part 1, the best results in low-resource learning trajectories in part 2). Our code is publicly available
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