425 research outputs found

    Sparsity driven ultrasound imaging

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    An image formation framework for ultrasound imaging from synthetic transducer arrays based on sparsity-driven regularization functionals using single-frequency Fourier domain data is proposed. The framework involves the use of a physics-based forward model of the ultrasound observation process, the formulation of image formation as the solution of an associated optimization problem, and the solution of that problem through efficient numerical algorithms. The sparsity-driven, model-based approach estimates a complex-valued reflectivity field and preserves physical features in the scene while suppressing spurious artifacts. It also provides robust reconstructions in the case of sparse and reduced observation apertures. The effectiveness of the proposed imaging strategy is demonstrated using experimental data

    Solar Neutron Events of October-November 2003

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    During the period when the Sun was intensely active on October-November 2003, two remarkable solar neutron events were observed by the ground-based neutron monitors. On October 28, 2003, in association with an X17.2 large flare, solar neutrons were detected with high statistical significance (6.4 sigma) by the neutron monitor at Tsumeb, Namibia. On November 4, 2003, in association with an X28 class flare, relativistic solar neutrons were observed by the neutron monitors at Haleakala in Hawaii and Mexico City, and by the solar neutron telescope at Mauna Kea in Hawaii simultaneously. Clear excesses were observed at the same time by these detectors, with the significance calculated as 7.5 sigma for Haleakala, and 5.2 sigma for Mexico City. The detector onboard the INTEGRAL satellite observed a high flux of hard X-rays and gamma-rays at the same time in these events. By using the time profiles of the gamma-ray lines, we can explain the time profile of the neutron monitor. It appears that neutrons were produced at the same time as the gamma-ray emission.Comment: 35 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Superconducting Transition Temperature in Heterogeneous Ferromagnet-Superconductor Systems

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    We study the shift of the the superconducting transition temperature TcT_c in ferromagnetic-superconducting bi-layers and in a superconducting film supplied a square array of ferromagnetic dots. We find that the transition temperature in these two cases change presumably in opposite direction and that its change is not too small. We extend these results to multilayer structures. We predict that rather small external magnetic field ∌10\sim 10 Oe can change the transition temperature of the bilayer by 10% .Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Temperature dependence and mechanisms for vortex pinning by periodic arrays of Ni dots in Nb films

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    Pinning interactions between superconducting vortices in Nb and magnetic Ni dots were studied as a function of current and temperature to clarify the nature of pinning mechanisms. A strong current dependence is found for a square array of dots, with a temperature dependent optimum current for the observation of periodic pinning, that decreases with temperature as (1-T/Tc)3/2. This same temperature dependence is found for the critical current at the first matching field with a rectangular array of dots. The analysis of these results allows to narrow the possible pinning mechanisms to a combination of two: the interaction between the vortex and the magnetic moment of the dot and the proximity effect. Moreover, for the rectangular dot array, the temperature dependence of the crossover between the low field regime with a rectangular vortex lattice to the high field regime with a square configuration has been studied. It is found that the crossover field increases with decreasing temperature. This dependence indicates a change in the balance between elastic and pinning energies, associated with dynamical effects of the vortex lattice in the high field range.Comment: 12 text pages (revtex), 6 figures (1st jpeg, 2nd-6th postscript) accepted in Physical Review

    Absolute polarization angle calibration using polarized diffuse Galactic emission observed by BICEP

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    We present a method of cross-calibrating the polarization angle of a polarimeter using BICEP Galactic observations. \bicep\ was a ground based experiment using an array of 49 pairs of polarization sensitive bolometers observing from the geographic South Pole at 100 and 150 GHz. The BICEP polarimeter is calibrated to +/-0.01 in cross-polarization and less than +/-0.7 degrees in absolute polarization orientation. BICEP observed the temperature and polarization of the Galactic plane (R.A= 100 degrees ~ 270 degrees and Dec. = -67 degrees ~ -48 degrees). We show that the statistical error in the 100 GHz BICEP Galaxy map can constrain the polarization angle offset of WMAP Wband to 0.6 degrees +\- 1.4 degrees. The expected 1 sigma errors on the polarization angle cross-calibration for Planck or EPIC are 1.3 degrees and 0.3 degrees at 100 and 150 GHz, respectively. We also discuss the expected improvement of the BICEP Galactic field observations with forthcoming BICEP2 and Keck observations.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures and 2 tables. To appear in Proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 201

    Penetration of Josephson vortices and measurement of the c-axis penetration depth in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ÎŽBi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+\delta}: Interplay of Josephson coupling, surface barrier and defects

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    The first penetration field H_{J}(T) of Josephson vortices is measured through the onset of microwave absorption in the locked state, in slightly overdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+Ύ\rm{Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+\delta}} single crystals (T_{c} ~ 84 K). The magnitude of H_{J}(T) is too large to be accounted for by the first thermodynamic critical field H_{c1}(T). We discuss the possibility of a Bean-Livingston barrier, also supported by irreversible behavior upon flux exit, and the role of defects, which relates H_{J}(T) to the c-axis penetration depth λc(T)\lambda_{c}(T). The temperature dependence of the latter, determined by a cavity perturbation technique and a theoretical estimate of the defect-limited penetration field are used to deduce from H_{J}(T) the absolute value of λc(0)=(35±15)Όm\lambda_{c}(0)=(35 \pm 15) \mu m.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Josephson Plasma Resonance as a Structural Probe of Vortex Liquid

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    Recent developments of the Josephson plasma resonance and transport c-axis measurements in layered high Tc_{c} superconductors allow to probe Josephson coupling in a wide range of the vortex phase diagram. We derive a relation between the field dependent Josephson coupling energy and the density correlation function of the vortex liquid. This relation provides a unique opportunity to extract the density correlation function of pancake vortices from the dependence of the plasma resonance on the abab-component of the magnetic field at a fixed cc-axis component.Comment: 4 pages, 1 fugure, accepted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Microwave Current Imaging in Passive HTS Components by Low-Temperature Laser Scanning Microscopy (LTLSM)

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    We have used the LTLSM technique for a spatially resolved investigation of the microwave transport properties, nonlinearities and material inhomogeneities in an operating coplanar waveguide YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} (YBCO) microwave resonator on an LaAlO_3 (LAO) substrate. The influence of twin-domain blocks, in-plane rotated grains, and micro-cracks in the YBCO film on the nonuniform rf current distribution were measured with a micrometer-scale spatial resolution. The impact of the peaked edge currents and rf field penetration into weak links on the linear device performance were studied as well. The LTLSM capabilities and its future potential for non-destructive characterization of the microwave properties of superconducting circuits are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 2-column format, presented at High Temperature Superconductors in High Frequency Fields 2004, Journal of Superconductivity (in press

    Josephson Coupling, Phase Correlations, and Josephson Plasma Resonance in Vortex Liquid Phase

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    Josephson plasma resonance has been introduced recently as a powerful tool to probe interlayer Josephson coupling in different regions of the vortex phase diagram in layered superconductors. In the liquid phase, the high temperature expansion with respect to the Josephson coupling connects the Josephson plasma frequency with the phase correlation function. This function, in turn, is directly related to the pair distribution function of the liquid. We develop a recipe to extract the phase and density correlation functions from the dependencies of the plasma resonance frequency ωp(B)\omega_p({\bf B}) and the cc axis conductivity σc(B)\sigma_c({\bf B}) on the {\it ab}-component of the magnetic field at fixed {\it c} -component. Using Langevin dynamic simulations of two-dimensional vortex arrays we calculate density and phase correlation functions at different temperatures. Calculated phase correlations describe very well the experimental angular dependence of the plasma resonance field. We also demonstrate that in the case of weak damping in the liquid phase, broadening of the JPR line is caused mainly by random Josephson coupling arising from the density fluctuations of pancake vortices. In this case the JPR line has a universal shape, which is determined only by parameters of the superconductors and temperature.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B, December

    Vortex phases in mesoscopic cylinders with suppressed surface superconductivity

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    Vortex structures in mesoscopic cylinder placed in external magnetic field are studied under the general de Gennes boundary condition for the order parameter corresponding to the suppression of surface superconductivity. The Ginzburg-Landau equations are solved based on trial functions for the order parameter for vortex-free, single-vortex, multivortex, and giant vortex phases. The equilibrium vortex diagrams in the plane of external field and cylinder radius and magnetization curves are calculated at different values of de Gennes "extrapolation length" characterizing the boundary condition for the order parameter. The comparison of the obtained variational results with some available exact solutions shows good accuracy of our approach.Comment: RevTex, 11 pages, 10 figure
