21 research outputs found

    Frutose em humanos: Efeitos metabólicos, utilização clínica e erros inatos associados

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    This article reviews the metabolism of fructose and sorbitol, their main clinical indications and the consequences of inadequate use. Fructose, an important carbohydrate in the diet, is present mostly in fruits and vegetables; it can also be synthesized from glucose in the organism, through the sorbitol. Fructose is known for its metabolism's inherent errors, whose clinical manifestations are potentially serious, as well as for its use as a glucose substitute in the diabetic patients' diet, due to its metabolism not being dependent from insulin. In the last years, especially in developed countries, the consumption of fructose has increased considerably, due to its use as a sweetener in industrialized foods. However, adverse side-effects may occur with the excessive ingestion of fructose, such as the increase in blood's triglycerides and cholesterol. Therefore, to know which are the patients' normal blood levels is quite important for establishing the safe amount of fructose to be prescribed, as well as for allowing the screening of metabolism diseases associated with fructose

    Red blood cell transfusions in the neonate

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    Despite recent trends to decrease allogeneic red blood cell (RBC) transfusion thresholds, such transfusions remain an important supportive and life-saving intervention for neonatal intensive care patients. In neonates, apart from concerns about transfusionassociated infections, many controversial questions regarding transfusion practices remain unanswered. Moreover, neonates present specific clinical and immunologic characteristics that require selected blood component products. This article addresses many of these issues from a medical perspective, with emphasis on the best blood banking techniques to provide RBC products for neonatal transfusions. Copyright © 2011 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

    Selenium and vitamin A and E in the nutrition of very low-birth weight preterm infants

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    Deficient antioxidant defenses in preterm infants have been implicated in diseases such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy of prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis, periventricular leukomalacia, and intraventricular hemorrhage. The antioxidant properties of selenium, vitamin A, and vitamin E make these elements important in the nutrition of Very Low-Birth Weight (VLBW) infants. Selenium is a component of glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that prevents the production of free radicals. The decrease in plasma selenium in VLBW infants in the first month after birth makes evident that preterm infants have low selenium store and require supplementation by parenteral and enteral nutrition. A meta-analysis, with only three trials, showed that selenium supplementation did not affect mortality, and the incidence of neonatal chronic lung disease or retinopathy of prematurity, but was associated with a reduction in lateonset sepsis. Most VLBW infants and extremely Low-Birth Weight Infants (ELBW) are born with low vitamin A stores and need vitamin A supplementation by intramuscular or enteral route. Low plasma retinol concentrations increase the risk of chronic lung disease/bronchopulmonary dysplasia and long-term respiratory disabilities in preterm infants. There is evidence that vitamin A supplementation decreases the mortality or oxygen requirement at one month of age, and oxygen requirement at 36 weeks’ postmenstrual age. Vitamin E blocks natural peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids from lipid layers of cell membranes. VLBW infants have a decrease in plasma concentrations in the first month after birth suggesting the need of vitamin E supplementation. A meta-analysis on vitamin E supplementation concluded that vitamin E did not affect mortality, risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and necrotizing enterocolitis but reduced the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage and increased the risk of sepsis. Serum vitamin E concentrations higher than 3.5 mg/dL are associated with a decrease in the risk of severe retinopathy of prematurity, and blindness, but also with an increase in neonatal sepsis. Caution is recommended with the supplementation of high doses of parenteral vitamin E and supplementation that increases serum levels above 3.5 mg/dL. In conclusion: although it is known that preterm infants are deficient in selenium, vitamin A and E, more studies are required to determine the best way to supplement and the impact of supplementation on neonatal outcome

    Alterações anatomopatológicas placentárias. Relação com o peso e idade gestacional de recém-nascido

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    The authors studied gross and histological abnormalities of placentae from 566 newborns, grouped according to birth and gestational age. The relation of hemorragic abnormalities, infections of membranes and placental tissue, chronic infections, calcifications, hydropic degeneration of villi, chorangioma, cysts, vascular lesions (endarteritis) with newborn weight, length of gestation and intrauterine growth retardation were determined. We concluded that lesions due to disturbances of placental blood flow were significantly more frequent in placentae from term newborns small for gestational age; villi hydropic degenerations were more frequent in placentae of pre-term newborns appropriate for gestational age. Chronic infections had a tendency to be greater in placentae from infants with diminished intrauterine growth. Term newborns small for gestational age had greater proportions of placental abnormalities than the other groups

    Estudo do peso e da idade gestacional de recem-nascidos e dos fatores que interferem no desenvolvimento fetal: nivel socio-economico, fatores maternos, fetais e placentarios

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    The present study was undertaken to determine the importance of socioeconomic factors (family income), urban or rural family location, parity, maternal age, the presence of maternal and fetal pathologies as well as placental abnormalities on the weight and gestational age of 566 newborns. The highest incidence of newborns with low birth weight for gestational age was significantly more frequent in urban populations when the mothers were from low socio-economic levels. In mothers from low socioeconomic levels infants with low birth weight for gestational age were seen in greater proportion among primaparas and had a tendency to be higher in mothers aged less than 20 years; prematurity was highest in mothers ≥ 30 years old and significantly higher from the 8th gestation on. Maternal and fetal pathologies emphasized these characteristics and placental pathologies were not correlated with the distribution of weight and length of gestation. In mothers of high socioeconomic levels age and parity were not correlated with weight and gestational age of the newborns

    Preeclampsia: Effect on the fetus and newborn

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is the most common medical complication in pregnancy and a major cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. This disease is a great challenge for obstetricians because there are no effective interventions to treat or prevent it, and antenatal care involves a difficult balance between the risks for women to continue pregnancy and the risks for the baby's early birth. Fetal complications in PE are directly related to gestational age and the severity of maternal disease and include increased rates of preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction, placental abruption, and perinatal death. The major complications for the newborn are related to prematurity, although the data on the morbidity and outcome for preterm infants of women who have PE are conflicting, and few studies address this issue. The pathogenesis of PE involves abnormal placentation associated with immune and vascular events that result in endothelial dysfunction and clinical manifestations of PE. This disease has been associated with imbalance in angiogenic factors and oxidative stress. Nevertheless, only a limited number of studies have been carried out on fetuses and newborns that suggest that infants born from women who have PE are exposed to increased oxidative stress. Because oxidative stress and free radicals may play roles in several neonatal diseases, a direct effect of maternal disease on neonatal outcome is expected, and further research on such neonates, in the short- and long-term, is urgently needed. © 2011 by the American Academy of Pediatrics