3 research outputs found

    Connecting red cells in a bichromatic Voronoi diagram

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    Let S be a set of n + m sites, of which n are red and have weight wR, and m are blue and weigh wB. The objective of this paper is to calculate the minimum value of wR such that the union of the red Voronoi cells in the weighted Voronoi diagram of S is a connected set. The problem is solved for the multiplicatively-weighted Voronoi diagram in O((n+m)^2 log(nm)) time and for the additively-weighted Voronoi diagram in O(nmlog(nm)) time

    Improving shortest paths in the Delaunay triangulation

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    We study a problem about shortest paths in Delaunay triangulations. Given two nodes s; t in the Delaunay triangulation of a point set P, we look for a new point p that can be added, such that the shortest path from s to t in the Delaunay triangulation of P u{p} improves as much as possible. We study properties of the problem and give efficient algorithms to find such a point when the graph-distance used is Euclidean and for the link-distance. Several other variations of the problem are also discussed