118 research outputs found

    Stretching Folding Instability and Nanoemulsions

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    Here we show a folding-stretching instability in a microfluidic flow focusing device using silicon oil (100cSt) and water. The fluid dynamics video demonstrates an oscillating thread of oil focused by two co-flowing streams of water. We show several high-speed sequences of these oscillations with 30,000 frames/s. Once the thread is decelerated in a slower moving pool downstream an instability sets in and water-in-oil droplets are formed. We reveal the details of the pinch-off with 500,000 frames/s. The pinch-off is so repeatable that complex droplet patterns emerge. Some of droplets are below the resolution limit, thus smaller than 1 micrometer in diameter

    Characterization and modification of cavitation pattern in shock wave lithotripsy

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    The temporal and spatial dynamics of cavitation bubble cloud growth and collapse in extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is studied experimentally. The first objective is obtaining reproducible cloud patterns experimentally and comparing them with FDTD-calculations. Second, we describe a method to modify the cavitation pattern by timing two consecutive pressure waves at variable delays. It is found that the spatial and temporal dynamics of the cavitation bubble can be varied in large ranges. The ability to control cavitation dynamics allows discussing strategies for improvement of medical and biological applications of shock waves such as cell membrane poration and stone fragmentation

    Controlled Cavitation in Microfluidic Systems

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    We report on cavitation in confined microscopic environments which are commonly called microfluidic or lab-on-a-chip systems. The cavitation bubble is created by focusing a pulsed laser into these structures filled with a light-absorbing liquid. At the center of a 20 µm thick and 1 mm wide channel, pancake-shaped bubbles expand and collapse radially. The bubble dynamics compares with a two-dimensional Rayleigh model and a planar flow field during the bubble collapse is measured. When the bubble is created close to a wall a liquid jet is focused towards the wall, resembling the jetting phenomenon in axisymmetry. The jet flow creates two counter-rotating vortices which stir the liquid at high velocities. For more complex geometries, e.g., triangle- and square-shaped structures, the number of liquid jets recorded correlates with the number of boundaries close t

    Oscillate Boiling from Electrical Microheaters

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    Oscillate boiling offers excellent heat transfer at temperatures above the Leidenfrost temperature. Here we realize an electrical microheater with an integrated thermal probe and resolve the thermal cycle during the high-frequency bubble oscillations. Thermal rates of 108 10^8\,K/s were found indicating its applicability for compact and rapid heat transfer from micro electrical devices

    Finite amplitude wave propagation through bubbly fluids

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    The existence of only a few bubbles could drastically reduce the acoustic wave speed in a liquid. Wood's equation models the linear sound speed, while the speed of an ideal shock waves is derived as a function of the pressure ratio across the shock. The common finite amplitude waves lie, however, in between these limits. We show that in a bubbly medium, the high frequency components of finite amplitude waves are attenuated and dissipate quickly, but a low frequency part remains. This wave is then transmitted by the collapse of the bubbles and its speed decreases with increasing void fraction. We demonstrate that the linear and the shock wave regimes can be smoothly connected through a Mach number based on the collapse velocity of the bubbles

    Merging of Soap Bubbles and Why Surfactant Matters

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    The merging of two soap bubbles is a fundamental fluid mechanical process in foam formation. In the present experimental study the liquid films from two soap bubbles are brought together. Once the liquid layers initially separated by a gas sheet are bridged on a single spot the rapid merging of the two liquid films proceed. Thereby the connecting rim is rapidly accelerated into the separating gas layer. We show that due to the dimple formation the velocity is not uniform and the high acceleration causes initially a Rayleigh-Taylor instability of the liquid rim. At later times, the rim takes heals into a circular shape. However for sufficient high concentrations of the surfactant the unstable rim pinches off microbubbles resulting in a fractal dendritic structure after coalescence

    Bubble nucleation and jetting inside a millimetric droplet

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    In this work, we present experiments and simulations on the nucleation and successive dynamics of laser-induced bubbles inside liquid droplets in free-fall motion, i.e. a case where the bubbles are subjected to the influence of a free boundary in all directions. The droplets of a millimetric size are released from a height of around 20\,cm and acquire a velocity of around 2\,m/s at the moment the bubble is nucleated. Within this droplet, we have investigated the nucleation of secondary bubbles induced by the rarefaction wave that is produced when the shock wave emitted by the laser-induced plasma reflects at the drop surface. Interestingly, three-dimensional clusters of cavitation bubbles are observed. Their shape is compared with the negative pressure distribution computed with a CFD model and allows us to estimate a cavitation threshold value. High-speed recordings of the drop/bubble dynamics are complemented by the velocity and pressure fields simulated for the same initial conditions. The effect of the proximity of a curved free surface on the jetting dynamics of the bubbles was qualitatively assessed by classifying the cavitation events using a non-dimensional stand-off parameter which depends on the drop size, the bubble maximum radius and the relative position of the bubble inside the drop. Here, we found that the curvature of the free surface does not play a determinant role on the jet dynamics, being the distance to the surface the dominant parameter. The oscillation of the laser-induced bubbles promote the onset of Rayleigh-Taylor and Rayleigh-Plateau instabilities, observed on the drop's surface. The specific mechanisms leading to the destabilisation of the droplet surface were identified through a careful inspection of the high speed images

    Birth and growth of cavitation bubbles within water under tension confined in a simple synthetic tree

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    Water under tension, as can be found in several systems including tree vessels, is metastable. Cavitation can spontaneously occur, nucleating a bubble. We investigate the dynamics of spon- taneous or triggered cavitation inside water filled microcavities of a hydrogel. Results show that a stable bubble is created in only a microsecond timescale, after transient oscillations. Then, a diffusion driven expansion leads to filling of the cavity. Analysis reveals that the nucleation of a bubble releases a tension of several tens of MPa, and a simple model captures the different time scales of the expansion process
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