561 research outputs found
Regional Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Biotech Industry: Exploring the Transition from Award-winning Nascent Entrepreneurs to Real Start-ups
Knowledge of factors that determine the transition from nascent entrepreneurship into real entrepreneurship is of major importance for policies aiming to effectively stimulate start-ups. Whereas scholars concentrated on person-specific factors to explain transition probabilities, environmental characteristics have been fairly neglected. Given that entrepreneurship is a strongly localized phenomenon, this paper argues that regional entrepreneurial opportunities are a driving force behind the transition from nascent entrepreneurship to new venture creation. Based on unique data on 103 nascent entrepreneurs in the German biotechnology industry, we empirically assess the importance of regional entrepreneurial opportunities on transition probabilities. Further, we introduce a new approach to measure nascent entrepreneurship by capturing individuals that actively participate in start-up competitions and have won at least one competition. Controlling for technology and individual characteristics, we find strong support for our hypotheses relating to the significant impact of general regional opportunities, specific regional opportunities and the entrepreneurial environment for the probability of transition from award-winning nascent entrepreneurs to real start-ups.Welche Faktoren beeinflussen maßgeblich die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass potenzielle bzw. 'werdende' Unternehmensgründer (nascent entrepreneurs) ihre Gründungsabsicht tatsächlich umsetzen? Hierüber ist bislang kaum etwas bekannt. Das Wissen um die zentralen Einflussfaktoren ist jedoch von hoher Relevanz für die Ausgestaltung eines wirtschaftspolitischen Förderinstrumentariums. Existierende Studien legen einen Fokus auf personenspezifische Merkmale, lassen jedoch die regionale Komponente weitgehend unberücksichtigt. Ausgehend von der Annahme, dass Entrepreneurship stark ortsgebunden stattfindet, argumentiert der Beitrag, dass die Triebkräfte des Übergangs von nascent entrepreneurs zur faktischen Unternehmensgründung in regionalen Rahmenbedingungen (regional entrepreneurial opportunities) zu suchen sind. Diese Annahme wird anhand eines Datensatzes von 103 werdenden Gründern der deutschen Biotechnologiebranche empirisch überprüft. Dabei wird zugleich ein neues Maß der Erfassung von nascent entrepreneurs eingeführt. Dieses umfasst Akteure, die aktiv an einem oder mehreren Gründerwettbewerben teilgenommen haben und in mindestens einem Fall als Preisträger daraus hervorgegangen sind (award-winning nascent entrepreneurs). Unter Berücksichtigung technologischer und personenspezifischer Faktoren bestätigt das ökonometrische Modell in hohem Maße die aufgestellten Hypothesen. Demnach wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit, vom potenziellen zum tatsächlichen Gründer zu werden, stark von - allgemeinen wie auch spezifischen - regionalen Rahmenbedingungen beeinflusst. Zudem kann der Einfluss einer regionalen Gründerkultur bzw. eines positiven Gründerklimas auf die Übergangswahrscheinlichkeit nachgewiesen werden
Human Enhancement Without Organizational Knowledge and by Organizational Order
Organizations strive to ensure and maintain the reliability, safety, security, usability, and competitiveness of their processes, goods, and services. Improvement of employees’ skills and abilities contributes to these ends and is a relevant issue for the field of human factors. However, going a step further than designing ergonomics, implementing protocols, and conducting training is the attempt to enhance employee skills directly through various technological means. So-called Human Enhancement aims at direct technological interference with the employees’ skills and is a notoriously controversial yet deeply historical phenomenon. Drawing from empirical and theoretical literature on Human Enhancement, we seek to provide an initial analysis of this phenomenon in an organizational context. One motivational aspect of contemporary Human Enhancement is the need to meet internal, often self-related, or external, usually social or organizational, demands. Given the different effects and means of Human Enhancement, some forms are illicit, sanctioned, and/or condemned as morally wrong, while others are obligatory and well-established. Enhancement efforts can be based on individual initiative and, hence, without organizational knowledge. The opposite of the spectrum are enhancements applied by organizational order. We also emphasize how an organizational culture may incentivize engagement with illicit means of Human Enhancement. Potentially linked to safety and security-related aspects, its enhancement effects in relation to these two poles can inform stakeholders in their regulatory decisions
Zum Einsatz von Bildschirmtext im IUD-Bereich
Nach der Erläuterung der Arbeitsweise von Bildschirmtext wird seine Funktion für den Bereich IuD untersucht und bewertet
Metadata Schema x-econ Repository
Since May 2017, the x-hub project partners OVGU Magdeburg, University of Vienna, and GESIS dispose of a new repository, called x-econ (https://x-econ.org). The service is dedicated to all experimental economics research projects to disseminate user-friendly archiving and provision of experimental economics research data. The repository x-econ contains all necessary core functionalities of a modern repository and is in a continuous optimization process aiming at functionality enhancement and improvement. x-econ is also one pillar of the multidisciplinary repository x-science (https://x-science.org). The present documentation, which is primarily based on the GESIS Technical Reports on datorium 2014|03 and da|ra 4.0, lists and explains the metadata elements, used to describe research information
Molecular organization of selected prokaryotic S-Iayer proteins
Regular crystalline surface layers (S-layers) are widespread among prokaryotes and probably represent the earliest cell wall structures. S-layer genes have been found in approximately 400 different species of the prokaryotic domains bacteria and archaea. S-layers usually consist of a single (glyco-rprotein species with molecular masses ranging from about 40 to 200 kDa that form lattices of oblique, tetragonal, or hexagonal architecture. The primary sequences of hyperthermophilic archaeal species exhibit some characteristic signatures, Further adaptations to their specific environments occur by various post-translational modifications, such as linkage of glycans, lipids, phosphate, and sulfate groups to the protein or by proteolytic processing. Specific domains direct the anchoring of the S-layer to the underlying cell wall components and transport across the cytoplasma memhrane. In addition to their presumptive original role as protective coats in archaea and bacteria, they have adapted new functions, e.g., as molecular sieves, attachment sites for extracellular enzymes, and virulence factors.Peer reviewe
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