28 research outputs found

    Innovations in the forest products industry: the Malaysian experience

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    The forest products industry is an important socioeconomic sector to many developing countries, both in terms of foreign exchange earnings and employment. In the case of Malaysia, the industry has been one of the fastest growing manufacturing sectors in the country, driven primarily by comparative advantages derived from factor inputs. However, with increasing competition from other cheaper producing nations particularly China and Vietnam, the Malaysian forest products industry is forced to transform and move along the value-chain through innovation and value-addition. Although the government has played a pivotal role in providing a broad policy framework to support value-adding and innovative activities, success on the ground has been limited. The creativity environment, which is plagued with by low-wage economy, coupled with limited network between research, market and industrial enterprises have stifled innovation within the industry. The lack of information and the poor quality human capital has also contributed to the limited innovation within the forest products industry in the country. Against this background, most innovation within the industry is confined to the realms of alternative raw materials, with minimal technological and design variations. Although extensive research and development activities are undertaken, the commercialization potential of the research outputs is limited due to being not market-driven. Inevitably, innovation in the forest products sector must be based on market-needs and must be driven through technological and design change in order to ensure long-term competitiveness

    The role of chess in the development of children-parents’ perspectives

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    IntroductionThe study examines the role of chess in the development of children from the perspectives of parents. The research focused on analyzing the parents’ perceptions about chess’s role in their children’s development, on finding out how the perception of parents differs depending on whether they know how to play chess or not, and on outlining the profile of the parents whose children play chess.The study was conducted in Romania.MethodsIn order to conduct the study, a quantitative research method was used, while having as a research instrument a non-standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire was applied to parents of chess-playing children who are members of chess clubs from Romania. The sample of the study comprises 774 respondents.ResultsThe results of our research showed that parents are of the opinion that chess helps children develop their cognitive abilities, their character and their competitive spirit. Most of the parents focused on highlighting the positive effects of chess on the development of their children. Parents also considered that chess helped their children develop positive emotions and helped them overcome negative emotions. The results revealed differences between the opinions of parents depending on whether they know how to play chess or not. Thus, parents who do know how to play chess were more likely to focus on the positive effects of the game on the development of their children, and those who know how to play chess were also more satisfied with their children’s accumulated knowledge following chess lessons.DiscussionFindings extend our understanding of how parents perceive the way chess influences the development of their children, it offered us a perspective on the perceived benefits of chess, benefits which should be further analyzed in order to identify under what circumstances chess could be introduced in the school curriculum

    Marx Illusion

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    With “Marx Illusion”, Claudiu Coman recalls sociology - this science of analytic and methodological strictness - to its uncorrupted philosophical dignity. Not only the theorization - that is the seduction of quality essay, Claudiu Coman demonstrating here a single ability - but the philosophy itself: a science, if we want, but as a way of cognitive enclosure of the beings of the world, firstly of those who make the world possible, but of the transcendent world that transcends them making possible - as a 20th century scientist would say - the man’s connection to an existence that is not his own, but that identifies itself with the difference. Being in the world - M. Heidegger writes (in 1928, after the apparition of the work “The Being and Time”) - it is specific only to the man - and here within the Territory of Existence I have the impression that philosophy and sociology responded together. However, working together with philosophy, the sociology extends enveloping the “world less” beings, too. These things would already been in the world as “direct” things (“handy”) being caught by the man by referring to them in the world itself


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    The public sphere, a central habermasian concept, with capitalist origins, becomes the environment of political actors’ participation that allows mass communication. This article describes in detail the dichotomy and the various perspectives of public and private space, including the modern implications of media, primarily TV, regarding the reconfiguration of public space (social and political). In the modern age, the new mediated public space brings new facets of communication situations, including the political side

    Modern media innovation in electoral campaigns (English version)

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    GIn the last years we can observe the appearance of a common pattern of different types of innovation in the election campaigns, but also the existence of an accelerated rhythm of engendering in all types of democracies. This pattern has different appearances or adopts local forms being formed by several elements that are associated with the concept of media (focused democracy). Television has a strategic role in the election campaign because it is the main source of news and entertainment, being also capable of aiming at the public that is not interested directly in the political life. Television news and electoral programs (“shows”) are considered universally essential for the success of the candidates and of the political parties. The development of the communicational methods, especially TV, had decisively transformed the public sphere.electoral campaigns; media focused democracy; media innovations; political advertising; Americanization.

    Constructing and Communicating the Visual Identity of a University. Case Study: Visual Identity of Transilvania University of Brasov

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    In order to be successful in today’s competitive environment, universities must have well-established identities. This study focused on the construction and communication of the visual identity of Transilvania University of Brasov. The purpose of this study was to assess if the change produced the effects expected by the initiators. Interviews with students and teachers were conducted. We found that the current visual identity does not maintain a connection with the old one, and our research supported the idea that identity is dynamic and subject to change. The change took place from top to bottom. The current identity is linked to the university’s geographical position in the country. The change produced the desired outcomes, but there were some issues in regards to the meaning of the logo and students and teachers having difficulties in understanding it, and thus the university should better communicate how it wants to be perceived through it

    Blogged into the System: A Systematic Review of the Gamification in e-Learning before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Gamification is becoming more relevant, especially after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine. The purpose of our paper is to analyse the changes which occurred in the effects of gamification on e-learning as a result of the COVID-19 quarantine emergence in the spring of 2020. This paper describes the scientific contributions about the game elements most frequently implemented and their effects on those that use e-learning platforms, as well as the factors that contribute to the development of effective gamification in e-learning before and during the pandemic. Drawing upon the PRISMA framework, a number of 103 articles were identified in two databases: the Web of Science and Scopus. This paper discusses the previous works associated with the corpus of knowledge built around gamification in the past decade. This research shows that before the COVID-19 pandemic, even though many papers were written on gamification in education prior to 2019, there is a trend regarding the multiple mentions of using storylines, challenges, or badges in order to create and maintain competition among users, which in turn may influence and increase the level of social interactions and the coalescence of communities

    Patient Satisfaction with Private Recovery Services and Importance of Physician Behavior during COVID Time

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    Introduction: Patient satisfaction represents an essential indicator of the quality of care in the medical recuperation sector. This study aimed to identify the degree of satisfaction in patients who benefit from medical recuperation services in one private clinic from Romania and the factors that played a part in this respect. Method: An online questionnaire was completed by 105 patients of a private clinic in the period immediately following the opening of the clinic after the quarantine period due to COVID-19. The following concepts were measured: general satisfaction with clinical recuperation services (SG), physician’s behavior (PB), the impact of interventions on the state of health (IHI), modern equipment (ME), and the intention to return to the clinic (IRC). Based on a linear regression model, the impact of PB, IHI, ME, and IRC variables on general satisfaction (SG) was established. Results: The study results confirm the data from studies carried out in different sociocultural contexts in ordinary time, where physician behavior is the most crucial factor in patients’ satisfaction. Therefore, we can say that the physiotherapist’s behavior has an essential role in determining the patients’ satisfaction both in ordinary time and in COVID-19 time. The data in this study reflect the fact that satisfaction with the services offered by a medical recuperation clinic is a predictor for using the services in the future. Still, our study reflects a moderate relationship in intensity

    Social and Emotional Intelligence as Factors in Terrorist Propaganda: An Analysis of the Way Mass Media Portrays the Behavior of Islamic Terrorist Groups

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    In the era of speed and technology, mass media has an important role in keeping people informed about events happening all around the world, but also in shaping their opinion. One of the main issues that mass-media focuses on is represented by terrorist propaganda. Nowadays, terrorist attacks have become more frequent, and we argue that, due to their social and emotional intelligence, terrorists have the power to manipulate not only people but also mass media. The purpose of our paper was to assess the way Romanian and foreign online mass-media channels present information about Islamic terrorist groups and the activities developed by them, in order to raise awareness about the matter of propaganda and the role of mass media in promoting it. In order to conduct the research, content analysis was used as a method. A total of 36 news presented online by Romanian and foreign mass-media channels were analyzed. The result of the research revealed that Romanian mass-media channels focus more on using words with aggressive content, and that foreign mass-media channels focus on religious and cultural-geographic content. Therefore, the results of the research revealed that the way mass media presents terrorist attacks can unintentionally contribute to the promotion of terrorist propaganda

    Using Mixed Methods to Understand Teaching and Learning in COVID 19 Times

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    This research focuses on teaching–learning behavior in the online environment under crisis conditions, such as those caused by COVID-19. Data were collected from 427 participants from Central and Eastern Europe and North and Central Asia. An integrative mixed method design was used, combining components of both qualitative and quantitative research. The research method used was the inquiry based on a semi-structured questionnaire, which combined closed items with open-ended and semi-structured interviews. The quantitative results revealed significant differences between professors and students regarding the self-reported adaptability level, creativity, need for help in online teaching–learning, and collaboration with colleagues for solving problems in the online teaching–learning medium. The opinions of professors do not differ from those of students regarding the advantages, disadvantages, vulnerable areas, and aspects of online education. Thematic analysis, used to analyze the qualitative data, emphasized the participants’ perceptions of online teaching–learning efficiency in crises. Based on the results, it was concluded that the aspects that need to become a priority in online education concern mainly the didactic quality of the learning experience