6,722 research outputs found

    Time Series Analysis of Export Demand Equations: A Cross-Country Analysis

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    The paper estimates export demand elasticities for a large number of developing and industrial countries, using time-series techniques that account for the nonstationarity in the data. The average long-run price and income elasticities are found to be approximately -1 and 1.5, respectively. Thus, exports do react to both the trade partners' income and to relative prices. Africa faces the lowest income elasticities for its exports, while Asia has both the highest income and price elasticities. The price and income elasticity estimates have good statistical properties. Copyright 1999, International Monetary Fund

    Entanglement in Anderson Nanoclusters

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    We investigate the two-particle spin entanglement in magnetic nanoclusters described by the periodic Anderson model. An entanglement phase diagram is obtained, providing a novel perspective on a central property of magnetic nanoclusters, namely the temperature dependent competition between local Kondo screening and nonlocal Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yoshida spin ordering. We find that multiparticle entangled states are present for finite magnetic field as well as in the mixed valence regime and away from half filling. Our results emphasize the role of charge fluctuations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A stable, single-photon emitter in a thin organic crystal for application to quantum-photonic devices

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    Single organic molecules offer great promise as bright, reliable sources of identical single photons on demand, capable of integration into solid-state devices. It has been proposed that such molecules in a crystalline organic matrix might be placed close to an optical waveguide for this purpose, but so far there have been no demonstrations of sufficiently thin crystals, with a controlled concentration of suitable dopant molecules. Here we present a method for growing very thin anthracene crystals from super-saturated vapour, which produces crystals of extreme flatness and controlled thickness. We show how this crystal can be doped with a widely adjustable concentration of dibenzoterrylene (DBT) molecules and we examine the optical properties of these molecules to demonstrate their suitability as quantum emitters in nanophotonic devices. Our measurements show that the molecules are available in the crystal as single quantum emitters, with a well-defined polarisation relative to the crystal axes, making them amenable to alignment with optical nanostructures. We find that the radiative lifetime and saturation intensity vary little within the crystal and are not in any way compromised by the unusual matrix environment. We show that a large fraction of these emitters are able to deliver more than 101210^{12} photons without photo-bleaching, making them suitable for real applications.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, comments welcom

    Symmetry Induced 4-Wave Capillary Wave Turbulence

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    We report theoretical and experimental results on 4-wave capillary wave turbulence. A system consisting of two inmiscible and incompressible fluids of the same density can be written in a Hamiltonian way for the conjugated pair (η,Ψ)(\eta,\Psi). When given the symmetry zzz\to-z, the set of weakly non-linear interacting waves display a Kolmogorov-Zakharov (KZ) spectrum nkk4n_k\sim k^{-4} in wave vector space. The wave system was studied experimentally with two inmiscible fluids of almost equal densities (water and silicon oil) where the capillary surface waves are excited by a low frequency random forcing. The power spectral density (PSD) and probability density function (PDF) of the local wave amplitude are studied. Both theoretical and experimental results are in fairly good agreement with each other.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Non mean-field behavior of the contact process on scale-free networks

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    We present an analysis of the classical contact process on scale-free networks. A mean-field study, both for finite and infinite network sizes, yields an absorbing-state phase transition at a finite critical value of the control parameter, characterized by a set of exponents depending on the network structure. Since finite size effects are large and the infinite network limit cannot be reached in practice, a numerical study of the transition requires the application of finite size scaling theory. Contrary to other critical phenomena studied previously, the contact process in scale-free networks exhibits a non-trivial critical behavior that cannot be quantitatively accounted for by mean-field theory.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    Photon correlations in a two-site non-linear cavity system under coherent drive and dissipation

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    We calculate the normalized second-order correlation function for a system of two tunnel-coupled photonic resonators, each one exhibiting a single-photon nonlinearity of the Kerr type. We employ a full quantum formulation: the master equation for the model, which takes into account both a coherent continuous drive and radiative as well as non-radiative dissipation channels, is solved analytically in steady state through a perturbative approach, and the results are compared to exact numerical simulations. The degree of second-order coherence displays values between 0 and 1, and divides the diagram identified by the two energy scales of the system - the tunneling and the nonlinear Kerr interaction - into two distinct regions separated by a crossover. When the tunneling term dominates over the nonlinear one, the system state is delocalized over both cavities and the emitted light is coherent. In the opposite limit, photon blockade sets in and the system shows an insulator-like state with photons locked on each cavity, identified by antibunching of emitted light.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Josephson surface plasmons in spatially confined cuprate superconductors

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    In this work, we generalize the theory of localized surface plasmons to the case of high-Tc cuprate superconductors, spatially confined in the form of small spherical particles. At variance from ordinary metals, cuprate superconductors are characterized by a low-energy bulk excitation known as the Josephson plasma wave (JPW), arising from interlayer tunneling of the condensate along the c-axis. The effect of the JPW is revealed in a characteristic spectrum of surface excitations, which we call Josephson surface plasmons. Our results, which apply to any material with a strongly anisotropic electromagnetic response, are worked out in detail for the case of multilayered superconductors supporting both low-frequency (acoustic) and transverse-optical JPW. Spatial confinement of the Josephson plasma waves may represent a new degree of freedom to engineer their frequencies and to explore the link between interlayer tunnelling and high-Tc superconductivity