28 research outputs found

    Antibody drug conjugates with hydroxamic acid cargos for histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibition.

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    The bioconjugation of hydroxamic acids to antibodies has been made possible through a non-cleavable linker based on the p-mercaptobenzyl alcohol structure that releases hydroxamates in the cells

    Identification and functional characterization of loss-of-function mutations of the calcium-sensing receptor in four italian kindreds with familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia

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    Objective: Identification and characterization of calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) mutations in four unrelated Italian kindreds with familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia. Design: Clinical evaluation and genetic analysis of CASR gene. Functional characterization of mutated CASRs. Methods: Direct sequencing of CASR gene in genomic DNA. Studies of CASR-mediated increases in cytosolic calcium concentration [Ca2C]i in CASR-transfected COS-7 cells in vitro. Results: Four unreported heterozygous CASR mutations were identified, including three missense (H595Y, P748H, and C765W) and one splice site (IVS2C1GOC) mutation. The H595Y, P748H, and C765W mutant receptors, although expressed at normal levels on the cell surface, showed a reduced response in [Ca2C]i relative to the wildtype (WT) CASR to increasing extracellular calcium concentrations. Cotransfection experiments showed that the H595Y and P748H mutants did not affect the apparent affinity of the WT CASR for calcium, suggesting that they do not exert a dominant-negative effect. On the other hand, the co-transfected C765W mutant decreased the maximum response of the WT CASR to calcium, suggesting that it may reduce the effective concentration of the normal CASR on the cell surface or impair its maximal signaling capacity. Conclusions: Four CASR mutations were identified. The reduced functional responses to extracellular calcium and normal expression of the mutant receptors suggest that conformational changes account for altered CASR activity. Moreover, a reduced complement of normal CASRs in these heterozygous patients, perhaps combined with a mutant receptor-induced decrease in maximal activity of the WT receptor, may contribute to defective calcium-sensing in vivo.L'articolo è disponibile sul sito dell'editore http://www.euro-endo.org/default.asp

    Synthetic approaches to novel linkers for the bioconjugation of pharmaceutical active compounds

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    Gli Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADC) sono tra i farmaci più promettenti per la terapia mirata antitumorale. Gli ADC sfruttano infatti la capacità degli anticorpi monoclonali di indirizzare il trasporto di molecole citotossiche in modo selettivo al sito del tumore, con un miglioramento dell’efficacia della sicurezza del farmaco citotossico. La porzione linker di collegamento tra l’anticorpo e il farmaco è una componente cruciale di ogni ADC: deve essere stabile in plasma ma instabile all’interno della cellula, permettendo il rilascio del farmaco citotossico solo nell’ambiente citoplasmatico ed evitando un rilascio prematuro nella circolazione sanguigna. In questo progetto di tesi sono stati esplorati numerosi aspetti degli ADC. Abbiamo sviluppato il primo ADC coniugato con un acido idrossamico, l’inibitore dell’enzima istone deacetilasi vorinostat, connesso attraverso un linker degradabile dal metabolismo cellulare. Inoltre, il farmaco è meno potente di quelli solitamente usati negli ADC con una ridotta tossicità sistemica. Per quanto riguarda i “self-immolative spacers”, abbiamo sviluppato un nuovo linker ramificato che permette la possibilità di una sintesi modulare dei vari componenti: tale linker è capace di rilasciare un modello di farmaco citotossico mediante la riduzione di un gruppo disolfuro. Inoltre, sono stati effettuati anche studi verso un approccio convergente alla sintesi dei linker. Oltre al lavoro con i bioconiugati, sono stati sintetizzate alcune impurezze della sintesi industriale dell’agonista dei recettori della melatonina Tasimelteon ed è stata sviluppata una nuova sintesi stereoselettiva dell’agonista dei recettori della sfingosina Ozanimod.Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) are emerging as the next generation anticancer therapeutic agents. ADCs take advantage of the specificity of monoclonal antibody to target the delivery of drugs to the tumor site, with an expectation of improving the efficacy and safety of the cytotoxic payload. The linker plays a key role in the development of ADC derivatives and its blood stability as well as its possible degradation into the cell need to be carefully tuned. The synthesis of the linker offers many opportunities for organic chemistry. In this thesis we explored several different aspects of the ADC field. We developed the first ADC charged with a hydroxamic acid payload (the HDAC inhibitor vorinostat), connected through a metabolic sensitive linker. Moreover, the presence of a not highly cytotoxic drug leads to a lower systemic toxicity compared the one generally observed with traditional ADCs. With regard to self-immolative spacers, we designed a novel multifunctional branched linker that offers the opportunity of a modular synthesis of the various ADCs components. This linker is able to release a model of an amine payload from a disulfide trigger moiety. Furthermore, we present also studies towards a convergent approach to the synthesis of the linker. Besides the work on bioconjugates, we report the preparation of several synthetic impurities of the melatonin receptors agonist Tasimelteon and a new protecting group-free stereoselective synthesis of the sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor agonist Ozanimod

    Bone disease in primary hyperparathyrodism.

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    Nowadays, primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is mostly a mild disease. Overt skeletal manifestations are rare but decreased bone mineral density (BMD) can still be demonstrated. Even in mild cases, excess parathyroid hormone (PTH) increases bone turnover leading to bone loss particularly at cortical sites. Conversely, a relative preservation of cancellous bone has been shown by histomorphometric analyses and advanced imaging techniques. An increased fracture rate has been demonstrated in untreated patients with PHPT at peripheral sites and in the spine. Parathyroidectomy (PTx) is the definitive cure for PHPT. With the restoration of normal PTH, bone resorption is quickly tapered down, while bone formation proceeds at the level of bone multicellular units, which were activated prior to PTx. The rapid refilling of the enlarged remodeling space and the subsequent matrix mineralization will result in an increase in BMD at sites rich in trabecular bone, such as lumbar spine and hip, which mainly occurs during the first 6–12 months after PTx. Cortical bone is less responsive to PTX because of the low rate of bone turnover, but sensible increases in BMD at the distal third of the radius can be observed in the long term. PTx seems to decrease the risk of fractures but more data are needed before a definitive conclusion on this important matter can be reached. Treatment with bisphosphonates can be considered for patients with low BMD who do not undergo PTx. Two-year treatment with alendronate has been shown to decrease bone turnover markers and increase BMD at the lumbar spine and hip, but not at the distal radius. Cinacalcet stably decreased serum calcium levels across a broad range of PHPT severity, but no change in BMD occurred in patients treated for up to 5.5 years

    Parathyroid tumorigenesis

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a common endocrinopathy, mostly caused by a monoclonal parathyroid adenoma. This review primarily summarizes current knowledge concerning molecular pathogenesis of familial forms of primary hyperparathyroidism and sporadic (non familial) parathyroid tumors. The hereditary syndromes have been recognized as exhibiting Mendelian inheritance patterns and include multiple endocrine neoplasia types 1 (MEN 1) and 2A (MEN 2A), hereditary hyperparathyroidism- jaw tumor (HPT-JT) syndrome, familial isolated hyperparathyroidism (FIHP), familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH) and severe neonatal hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT). Inactivating mutations of MEN1 tumor suppressor gene are responsible for MEN 1 in >90% of cases. MEN1 gene has also an established role in the pathogenesis of sporadic parathyroid adenomas. Allelic loss (LOH) of chromosome 11q13 occurs in about 30-40% and somatic mutation of MEN1 gene occur in about 12-20% of sporadic parathyroid adenomas. A mouse model of MEN1 deficiency causes a phenotype that includes the same range of major endocrine tumors as in MEN 1 patients, and exhibits multistage tumor progression with metastatic potential. Hormonal disturbances, such as abnormal PTH and insulin levels, were also observed in these mice. Mutations in a newly identified tumor suppressor gene, HRPT2, have been recently associated with the development of HPT-JT. HRPT2 mutations are also frequent in sporadic parathyroid carcinomas and central to their pathogenesis. MEN1 and HRPT2 genes mutations have also been found in a subset of FIHP families. FHH and NSHPT represent the mildest and severest variants of PHPT, respectively. Both cause hypercalcemia from birth and atypical PHPT that always uniquely persists after subtotal parathyroidectomy. Future identification of additional oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes will clarify the molecular basis of abnormalities of parathyroid proliferation and regulatory function and other specific features unique to the parathyroid tumorigenesis

    A new mutation of the MEN1 gene in an italian kindred with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: To report a new mutation of the multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) gene in an Italian kindred. DESIGN: The study included the female proband, aged 50 years, affected by primary hyperparathyroidism, insulinoma and prolactinoma, and ten relatives. Blood samples were obtained for biochemical and genetic analyses. Clinical screening tests included serum glucose, ionized calcium, intact parathyroid hormone, GH, insulin and prolactin. The coding sequence, including nine coding exons and 16 splice sites, was amplified by PCR and directly sequenced. RESULTS: Two additional cases of primary hyperparathyroidism were identified among the paternal family members. The sequence analysis showed a heterozygous T to C transition at codon 444 in exon 9, resulting in a leucine to proline substitution (L444P) in the patient and in the two paternal family members with primary hyperparathyroidism. The L444P amino acid change was absent in 50 normal subjects. The mutation determined the loss of a BlnI restriction site of the wild-type sequence and the creation of a new restriction EcoRII site. The patient, but not her paternal affected relatives, also had a common heterozygous polymorphism (D418D) in exon 9. CONCLUSIONS: A new MEN1 mutation (L444P) in exon 9 has been identified; this substitution caused the loss of a BlnI restriction site and the creation of a new EcoRII site

    High-intensity focused ultrasound as an alternative to the surgical approach in primary hyperparathyroidism: a preliminary experience

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    Background: Surgery is the therapy of choice in primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT), although other less invasive techniques have been used in the attempt to cure the disease. Recently, high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), a totally non-invasive technique, has become available to cure solid tumors. Aim: The aim of this pilot study has been to assess the safety and efficacy of HIFU in symptomatic patients with PHPT. Material and methods: Four out of 31 patients with surgical indications within a cohort of 47-screened patients with PHPT were considered eligible for the study. All patients accepted to participate and were submitted to HIFU treatment in a single session. One patient was submitted to surgery after HIFU treatment. Patients were followed-up for 12 months after the procedure. Results: A persistent or a partial remission of the disease, respectively, were obtained in 2 patients (50%), including the one who underwent surgery after HIFU treatment. Safety was assessed performing laryngoscopy in all patients after HIFU procedure. A transient vocal cord paralysis was observed in all patients treated by HIFU only. No permanent side effects were observed in the long term. Conclusions: HIFU might be a promising technique in treating PHPT, provided that further development of the software decreases the rate of side effects and improves the short- and long-term efficacy. (J. Endocrinol. Invest. 34: 655-659, 2011) (C) 2011, Editrice Kurti