80 research outputs found

    Advances in the Exploration of Geothermal Resources of the East Africa Rift System (EARS)

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    This work focuses on the geological, geophysical and geochemical exploration of the geothermal reservoirs located in the East Africa Rift System (EARS), with particular reference to the characterisation of some geothermal fields located in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi. Moreover, this study provides an updated overview of the procedures for the exploration of geothermal resources and can serve therefore as a best-practice guide for future endeavours. Field activities included geological surveys, geophysical investigations (gravity, electromagnetic and seismic measurements) and geochemical survey/analyses. Moreover, stratigraphic data and P&T logs were available at some explored geothermal prospects. An overview of the main investigated geothermal fields was given and three case studies were described in detail as representative examples of geothermal play types of EARS: (i) the Alalobeda field (Ethiopia), located in correspondence of the triple junction Read Sea-Aden Gulf-Main Ethiopian Rift and (ii) the Kiejo-Mbaka field (Tanzania), belonging to EARS\u2019 western branch, both falling in the extensional domain play type, fault controlled or fault-leakage controlled; (iii) the Menengai field (Kenya), the second most important geothermal field in EARS, where a huge quantity of direct data from more than twenty drilled wells is available. The latter can be classified as convection-dominated magmatic play type. Compared to geothermal fields of South-East Asia and Central America, the geothermal of EARS presents some peculiar characters and differences. The plutonic play-type (convection dominated), occurring in fore- or back-arc regions of fold-thrust belts along subduction zones, denotes a well-developed thick and continuous cap rock mainly formed by clay minerals. In the plutonic play of Menengai, the typical impermeable cap rock is practically missing. A \u201czonation\u201d of the play types occurring in EARS can be recognized. The Western Branch is characterised by the presence of fault/fault-leakage controlled play types. In the Eastern Branch, geothermal plays are associated to active or quite recent volcanoes. Due to the foregoing characters, a different approach should be followed in order to characterize properly the geothermal fields present in EARS. In a subduction context, geophysical results from electromagnetic investigations play a fundamental role in the exploration of potential geothermal reservoirs, as in such an environment they are often succesfully used to detect the occurrence of an impermeable cap rock overlying the reservoir (target zone). Therefore, if the resistivity structures inferred in EARS geothermal plays are simply associated with \u201cstandard\u201d resistivity models of cap rock-reservoir formations, the inferred geophysical conceptual model may be grossly incorrect. Wherefore, an accurate and integrated interpretation of all the geoscientific data is essential. In this regard, a detailed structural survey is of primary importance especially in the fault-controlled plays, whereas its importance is often under-estimated in subduction realms. A high-resolution structural survey allows to define a detailed configuration of fractures and faults that may control the fluid upflow from the reservoir. Concerning the application of geochemical methods, in EARS, typical approaches and models developed in the subduction geothermal systems should be re-evaluated. The high-temperature geothermal reservoirs of the Eastern branch (e.g., Olkaria and Menengai in Kenya, and Aluto-Langano in Ethiopia) host not only mature chloride waters, as the geothermal systems situated along subduction zones, but also mature bicarbonate-chloride and mature bicarbonate waters. In volcanic-magmatic regions, deep geothermal liquids are assumed to be produced through neutralization of initially acidic meteoric-magmatic aqueous solutions. The few available data for volcanic gases indicate that subduction zones volcanic gases are enriched in Cl relative to hot-spot and divergent-plate volcanic gases. Therefore, the comparatively small supply of Cl-bearing magmatic gas species (chiefly HCl) in the root of the Eastern EARS geothermal systems might be responsible for the comparatively low Cl contents of related geothermal liquids. The situation might be even more complicated in the western EARS, due to the absence of magmatic systems. Therefore, a more comprehensive approach to water classification is needed to distinguish mature waters from immature ones. In view of the differences with the geothermal systems hosted in subduction zone environments, the future exploration and development of geothermal resources of EARS should thus consider that geothermal resources are rarely due to the presence of a hot magmatic source, but rather to the crustal thinning, which determines thermal anomalies of moderate intensity. Moreover, favorable thermal conditions are not always accompanied by an adequate hydrogeological setting, expecially when they occur in low permeability basalts. In these cases, it is essential to pay attention to the structural setting, in order to design the wells with the highest likelihood of intersecting permeable tectonic structures. Unlike in most Indonesian fields, where permeability tends to be widespread throughout the rock, in the EARS permeability appears in many cases limited to major faults. The planned program of drilling in several prospects of Ethiopia and Tanzania will make available further information improving the overall understanding of the geothermal characteristics of EARS

    Evaluation of geothermal resources in a hotspot realm: Mauritius Island (Indian Ocean)

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    Geochemical and geothermal investigations were performed in the Mauritius Island, located along the Seychelles-Mascarene Plateau, aimed at the preliminary assessment of possible geothermal resources. The central part of the island may be the most suitable as characterized by the most recent volcanic activity (0.03 Ma). Geochemical analyses of water samples collected from this area indicate no mature water and the chemical features are ascribable to short-term water-rock interaction in shallow hydrogeological circuits. A gradient borehole was drilled and thermal logs performed after complete thermal equilibration to evaluate the thermal gradient in central part of the island. A value of 43 \ub0C km-1 was measured and a similar result was obtained by logging a deep well no longer used for water extraction. The results point to a weak or null deep-seated thermal anomaly beneath Mauritius. This might mean that the deep thermal processes (mantle plume) invoked to occur in the hotspot area do not likely yield any particular thermal signature

    Geophysical imaging of the Luhoi geothermal field, Tanzania

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    The Luhoi prospect is a coastal basin located within Rufiji Trough along the passive continental margin of western Indian Ocean of Tanzania, a sector extending south of the termination of the eastern branch of the African Rift System. The structural pattern is dominated by tectonic features belonging to the WNW-ESE Tagalala Trend and to the NE-SW Selous Trend that have been active until recent times. The thermal manifestations are mostly located along a WNW-ESE direction flowingfollowing the Ruhoi River, in the south-western sector of the focal study area. The Wingoyongo Hill, located in the north-eastern sector of the focal area, forms a morphological high where emissions of H2S and bituminous staining were observed. Here, an old well intersected 800 m of quartz sandstone with minor intercalations of siltstone and claystone (Kipatimu Series, Lower Cretaceous). Magnetotelluric (MT), time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) and gravimetric geophysical surveys were carried as part of a geoscientific study funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iceland through Icelandic International Development Agency (ICEIDA) and the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). The goal of the survey was to advance the state of knowledge of the Luhoi geothermal prospect, in order to elaborate the conceptual model of the field. The survey area extends over a surface of approximately 75 km2, designed to include the Luhoi hot springs and the Wingoyongo fumaroles. The gravimetric data set is composed of 124 measurements collected on a regular grid at a nominal spatial sampling of 800 m, and 16 more to infer the regional field. The residual Bouguer anomaly map shows an elongated gravimetric high trending NE-SW with values up to 3 mGal, surrounded by gravimetric lows up to -2 mGal. Forward and inverse 2D/3D models image an asymmetrical horst like structure trending NE-SW. Both the thermal manifestations and the Wingoyongo Hill are aligned along the NW flank of the horst. Since the Wingoyongo well intersected sandstones for about 800 m, the horst like structure is interpreted as made by the Kipatimu sandstones. The two depressions bordering the horst like structure are filled with lower density materials, likely siltstones, claystones and/or mudstones, with an estimated maximum thickness of 1.1 km. The MT and TDEM data were acquired at 76 locations, with a nominal spatial sampling of 750 m. The static shift effect has been corrected by TDEM/MT phases joint inversion. MT impedances and tippers have been estimated by means of the remote reference technique with robust processing methods coupled with a coherence rejection scheme. Resistivity 3D inversion reveals two conductive anomalies coincident with the low-density sedimentary rocks bordering the horst structure. A clear updoming of resistivity marks the NW flank of the horst and it is interpreted as due to a combined effect of different alteration, lithology and fluid content and to reflect the main upflow of the geothermal system

    Three-dimensional geophysical modelling of Kiejo-Mbaka geothermal field, Tanzania

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    The Kiejo-Mbaka geothermal field is located close to the eastern margin of the Karonga Rift Basin and is part of the Rungwe volcanic province where the EARS splits up into its Western and Eastern branches in southern Tanzania. The area is characterised by a Precambrian gneiss metamorphic basement complex, outcropping along the NW-trending, SW-dipping Mbaka fault. Geothermal manifestations mainly consist of hot springs, flowing close to the Mbaka fault. An integrated geophysical survey was carried out over the Kiejo-Mbaka geothermal field by TGDC (Tanzania Geothermal Development Company), under the supervision of ELC-Electroconsult (Italy). The campaign included 76 Magnetotelluric (MT) and Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) soundings and 133 gravity measurements; a dense station grid allowed for a detailed geophysical 2D and 3D modelling. Two and 3D gravity modelling indicate that the positive residual Bouguer anomaly can be explained by a high density (3 g/cm3) body, constituting the gneiss basement, elongating NW-SE. NE and SW of it, lower density layers (2.5 g/cm3) are observable; the attitude of their bottoms is compatible with the Mbaka fault direction and the Livingstone fault trend (NNW). We found that 3D MT inversion was the only tool giving a reliable resistivity imaging in the Mbaka prospect. From the final 3D MT model, a very resistive body (>2000 Ohm m) deepening toward SE is visible; this body represent the gneiss basement, and the surfaces delimiting it are associated with the Mbaka fault and the Livingstone fault trend. Three conductive zones (less than 10 Ohm m) have been identified: two of them affect the Mbaka fault footwall, NE of the resistive basement, while another one is located beneath the plain, SE of it. This latter zone shows a thickness of about 1 km. It is apparent that the low-density regions well correspond with the high-conductivity zones imaged by the MT 3D inversion. The integrated geophysical interpretation then leads to two possible geological scenarios: these regions can be constituted by (post-rift) sediments (possibly affected by low-T geothermal alteration) or by intensively fractured and low-T altered basement; however, we stress that the possible geothermal alteration is not necessarily related to the present-day geothermal activity, and caution should be taken in result interpretation

    Focused Inversion of Gravimetric and Magnetotelluric Data for Geothermal Investigations

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    Focused inversion techniques may be applied to geophysical data inversion in order to image complex structures in the subsoil. These algorithms may image complex \u201cblocky\u201d structures giving useful information in geothermal exploration that may be smoothed out by standard inversion algorithms that use stabilizer that penalize sharp transitions. We have tested the modified total variation and the maximum gradient support stabilizers in the inversion of synthetic and field magnetotelluric and gravimetric data. The gravimetric data from the Luhoi geothermal prospect have been used to map the sharp density transition between the sandstone and the overlying claystone layers. The resulting horst structure imaged in 2D and 3D models by the maximum gradient support stabilizer solution allow to trace the main fault system that drives the up-flow of hydrothermal waters. The 1D magnetotelluric \u201cblocky\u201d models with lateral constrain (pseudo-3D) image the lithological contact between the claystone and sandstone far from the horst area and reveal resistivity variations in the claystone layer associated with sand lenses. In the horst area, resistivity models image hydrothermal alteration affecting the sandstone layer

    Integrated geophysical imaging of the Aluto-Langano geothermal field (Ethiopia)

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    The Aluto-Langano geothermal system is located in the central part of the Main Ethiopian Rift, one of the world\u2019s most tectonically active areas, where continental rifting has been occurring since several Ma and has yielded widespread volcanism and enhanced geothermal gradient. The geothermal system is associated to the Mt Aluto Volcanic Complex, located along the eastern margin of the rift and related to the Wonji Fault Belt, constituted by Quaternary NNE-SSW en-echelon faults. These structures are younger than the NE-SW border faults of the central Main Ethiopian Rift and were originated by a stress field oblique to the rift direction. This peculiar tectonism yielded local intense rock fracturing that may favour the development of geothermal reservoirs. In this paper, we present the results of an integrated geophysical survey carried out in 2015 over an area of about 200 km2 covering the Mt Aluto Volcanic Complex. The geophysical campaign included 162 coincident magnetotelluric and time domain electromagnetic soundings, and 207 gravity stations, partially located in the sedimentary plain surrounding the volcanic complex. Three-dimensional inversion of the full MT static-corrected tensor and geomagnetic tipper was performed in the 338-0.001 Hz band. Gravity data processing comprised digital enhancement of the residual Bouguer anomaly and 2D-3D inverse modelling. The geophysical results were compared to direct observations of stratigraphy, rock alteration and temperature available from the several deep wells drilled in the area. The magnetotelluric results imaged a low-resistivity layer which appears well correlated with the mixed alteration layer found in the wells and can be interpreted as a low-temperature clay cap. The clay-cap bottom depth is well corresponds to a change of thermal gradient. The clay cap is discontinuous, and in the central area of the volcanic complex is characterised by a dome-shape structure likely related to isotherm rising. The propilitic alteration layer, pinpointed as the 80-Ohm-m isosurface, shows two dome-shape highs. The first is NNE-trending, and may be interpreted as an upflow zone along a fault of the Wonji belt. Two productive wells are located along the borders of this area, as well as the alignements of fumaroles and altered grounds. The second is linked to a wide resistive area, located at shallow depth, where no clay cap was detected. It could be interpreted as a fossil high-temperature alteration zone reaching shallow depths, and it is associated to several fumaroles. Modeling of 2D/3D gravity data shows that the anomalies are due to shallow density variations likely related to lithology. The deep lateral variations due to structural lineaments inferred from well stratigraphy have no detectable signature. However, the trend analysis performed on the residual Bouguer anomaly (via horizontal and tilt derivative computations), allowed to identify five lineaments. Three of them exhibit NNE-SSW strike, corresponding to the Wonji Fault Belt Trend, whereas two have NNW-SSE strike, corresponding to the Red Sea Rift trend, which in this area is of minor evidence. The signature of shallow structures is then indicative of major regional structures. One of the lineaments marks the presence of a major fumarolic zone

    Interpretation of Thermal Response Tests in Borehole Heat Exchangers Affected by Advection

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    ABSTRACT We focus on the treatment of thermal response test data when both advection and short-period changes of surface temperature occur. We used a moving line source model to simulate temperature-time signals under an advective thermal regime. The subsurface thermal conductivity, the Darcy velocity and the borehole thermal resistance were inferred by means of an optimisation procedure. In case of Darcy velocity lower than 10 -7 m s -1 , the underground thermal conductivity is comparable to that obtained by means of the infinite line source model, which assumes a purely conductive thermal regime. The optimisation analysis was finally applied to real thermal response test data. The temperature-time curves were filtered to remove the disturbing spectral components associated with a non-optimal thermostatic behaviour of the apparatus. This produced reliable estimates of thermal and hydraulic parameters. An independent method based on the analysis of temperature-depth logs was also used to validate the inferred groundwater flow. INTRODUCTION The thermal power that can be extracted with borehole heat exchangers (BHE) depends mainly on the thermal properties of the underground, and in particular, on thermal conductivity. Laboratory measurements of thermo-physical properties can be unfeasible, as core samples are often unavailable in boreholes. Thus, in-situ tests are routinely used to determine subsurface and borehole thermal properties. Tests record the underground temperature variation with time due to a constant heat that is injected (or extracted) by means of a carrier fluid into a borehole acting as a heat exchanger. The most commonly used model to analyse temperature-time curves obtained from these tests is the infinite line source (ILS). If some conditions are fulfilled, this model can give rapid and appropriate estimations of thermal parameters. On the other hand, several flaws can often affect the data interpretation. Some of them are related to the model assumptions, which imply a purely conductive heat transfer regime, a homogeneous medium, no vertical heat-flow and infinite length of the borehole. Others have to do with the difficulty in the proper thermal insulation of the test equipment, and consequently with the oscillations of the carrier fluid temperature due to surface air temperature changes, which generally produce a periodic offset in the recorded temperature-time curves. In this paper, we discuss the treatment of the thermal response test (TRT) data when both advection caused by groundwater flow and periodic changes of air surface temperature occur. An approach based on the moving line source (MLS) model is tested with simulations of temperaturetime signals obtained under different hypothesis of thermal and hydraulic conditions. Then, the same procedure is applied to real TRT data to estimate thermal conductivity, borehole thermal resistance and Darcy velocity. The magnitude of the inferred groundwater flow is finally checked by means of an independent method based on the analysis of the undisturbed temperaturedepth records

    Multidisciplinary exploration of the Tendaho Graben geothermal fields

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    The NW-SE trending Tendaho Graben is the major extensional feature of the Afar, Ethiopia. Rifting and volcanic activity within the graben occurred mostly between 1.8 and 0.6 Ma, but extended to at least 0.2 Ma. Very recent (0.22\u2013 0.03 Ma) activity is focused along the southern part of the younger and active Manda Hararo Rift, which is included in the north-western part of the graben. Extension gave rise to about 1600 m of vertical displacement (verified by drilling) of the basaltic Afar Stratoid sequence, over a crust with a mean thickness of about 23 km. The infill of graben, overlying the Stratoids, consists of volcanic and sedimentary deposits that have been drilled by six exploratory wells. Within the graben, two main geothermal fields have been explored by intensive geological, geochemical and geo- physical surveys over an area that approximately covers a square sector of 40x40 km. Both new and existing data sets have been integrated. The Dubti-Ayrobera system is located along the central axis of the graben. Available data, acquired in the last three decades, comprise more than two thousands gravity and magnetic stations, 229 magnetotelluric stations and structural-geological and geochemical observations. The Alalobeda system is located along the SW flank of the graben, at about 25 km from the Dubti-Ayrobera system and has been very recently stud- ied by means of gravimetric (300 stations), magnetotelluric and TDEM (140 stations) geological and geochemical surveys. The new residual magnetic anomaly map has been used to map the younger normal polarity basalt distribution and infer the location of the unknown main rift axis. The bedrock surface resulting by the 3D inversion of the new residual Bouguer anomaly enlightens the main normal faults hindered by sediments and the secondary structures represented by horsts and grabens. The three-dimensional resistivity models allow mapping the sedimentary infill of the graben, fracture zones in the Afar Stradoids bedrock and the dome-shape structure of the clay cap layer. The 2D and 3D gravimetric, magnetic and resistivity models have been integrated with the structural, geological and geochemical outcomings in order to get an updated conceptual model of the geothermal systems