73 research outputs found

    "Weiblichkeit als Kulturform": zur Codierung der Geschlechter in der Moderne

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    Es wird versucht, die soziologischen Fragen um weibliche und/ oder männliche Kultur durch eine historische Perspektive zu ergänzen und zu repräsentieren. Innerhalb von zwei zentralen Zeiträumen - um 1800 und um 1900 - wird die moderne Verschränkung von Kultur und Geschlecht als Produkt einer Dialektik von Alltagswissen und Wissenschaft, von Politik und Moral untersucht und auf unmittelbare wie paradoxe Folgen für gegenwärtige Thematisierungen geschlechtsspezifischer Kulturen hingewiesen. Durch die Analyse des Entstehungskontextes wird eine bestimmte Definition von "Kultur", von "Geschlecht" und von "Geschlecht und Kultur" als kulturelle Selbstverständlichkeit decodiert. Die These ist: Kultur und Geschlecht im modernen Sinne sind gleich ursprünglich. Sie verdanken ihre Entdeckung derselben kulturellen Lage und sozialpolitischen Konstellation; ihrer Systematisierung und Ausdifferenzierung liegen ähnliche Erkenntnisinteressen und Wissensverschiebungen zugrunde. (GF2


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    Solar Radiation Modification is risky, but so is rejecting it : A call for balanced research

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    As it is increasingly uncertain whether humanity can limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) has been suggested as a potential temporary complement to mitigation. While no replacement for mitigation, evidence to date suggests that some SRM methods could contribute to reducing climate risks and would be technically feasible. But such interventions would also pose environmental risks and unprecedented governance challenges. The risks of SRM must be carefully weighed against those of climate change without SRM. Currently, both types of risks are not sufficiently understood to assess whether SRM could be largely beneficial. Given the already serious impacts of climate change and the possibility that pressure from their increasing severity will trigger rash decisions, we argue that timely, careful investigation and deliberation on SRM is a safer path than wilful ignorance. A framework of ethical guidelines and regulation can help limit potential risks from SRM research

    Feldversuch zur Eradikation von Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) mittels Bakteriophagen in einem Schweinezuchtbetrieb

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    In recent years, Livestock Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) are found frequently in pigs. The colonization of the care staff with LA-MRSA is strongly associated with the intensity and duration of animal contact and LA-MRSA herd prevalence. In human medicine, staphylococcal infections have been controlled successfully by topical or systemic administration of Staphylococcus - associated bacteriophages. Therefore, the present study investigated the effect of a bacteriophage cocktail on skin and mucosal colonization of pigs with MRSA in a pig farm with high MRSA prevalence. In a first experiment, the sows were washed with a bacteriophage cocktail and nose, mouth and vagina were rinsed before the sows were admitted to the farrowing house. Then, 10 ml of the bacteriophage cocktail was administered daily to the sows over the feed until weaning. The suckling piglets were sprayed and sampled twice a week during the suckling period and treated with the bacteriophage cocktail over the feed during the weaning period. In further experiments, the weaning room was nebulized three times a day with a bacteriophage cocktail and different concentrations of bacteriophages were added to the drinking water via Dosatron®. None of the experiments, however, showed an eradication of MRSA neither in nose nor in feces

    Erzählen in der Soziologie - Soziologistische Erzählungen

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