132 research outputs found
multitemporal analysis of algal blooms with meris images in a deep meromictic lake
MERIS images (2003-2011) were used to detect algal bloom events in Lake Idro (Northern Italy) applying a semi-empirical algorithm. From the study of an intense phenomenon occurred in late summer 2010, a retrospective analysis of similar events during late summer/ early autumn period was performed. High intra- and inter-annual variability was observed and three additional bloom events were identified on 2003, 2005 and 2008. Hydrological and weather parameters were examined at different temporal intervals (August-October, September-October and monthly from August to October) to investigate the regulating factors of bloom incidence. Rather low temperatures and the persistence of clouds seem t
Echoendoscopy-guided drainage of pancreatic collections using self-expanding metallic prosthesis: a retrospective observational cross-sectional study
Background: Pancreatic fluid collections are local complications of acute pancreatitis. Advances in research and the development of new techniques to address local complications have allowed minimally invasive therapeutic options. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided drainage is currently the procedure of choice. Objective: To describe the results of the placement of a self-expanding metallic prosthesis for echoendoscopy-guided drainage of pancreatic collections in patients. Methods: This study followed a retrospective observational cross-sectional model (STROBE rules). The study was sent and approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. For data analysis, descriptive statistical analysis (mean and standard deviation), non-parametric analysis (Kruskal-Wallis, with p<0.05 with a statistical difference in CI95%), and parametric analysis (One-Way Anova, with p>0.05 with a statistical difference in CI95%), and logistic regression analysis, with p<0.05 with statistical significance in CI95%. Results: Thirteen patients were referred for drainage of collections, and 4 patients were excluded. Of the 9 patients studied, there was a predominance of males (7:2) with a mean age of 54.5 years. Eight patients had walled-off necrosis (WON). The device used was the Hot AxiosTM self-expanding luminal apposition metallic prosthesis, which was inserted uneventfully in all patients. Complete resolution of the condition was found in 88.8% of cases. After logistic regression analysis between the categorical predictors (Gender and Age) versus the response predictors (Necrosectomy, Review Interval, and Stent Permanence), it was observed that certain Gender or Age can influence the response predictors. Conclusion: Drainage of pancreatic collections using minimally invasive techniques is a safe and effective procedure
Galgenhof/SteinbĂĽhl aus der Sicht von sozialen, kulturellen, politischen, bildungs- und freizeitbezogenen Einrichtungen
"Durch die Befragung der Einrichtungen sollten folgende Fragestellungen beantwortet werden: Wie bewerten Einrichtungen die soziale, kulturelle, politische, bildungs- und freizeitbezogene Infrastruktur im Stadterneuerungsgebiet? Welche sozialen Probleme treten ihrer Ansicht nach besonders häufig auf, welche eher selten? Wie gut sind die Einrichtungen über Projekte der Stadterneuerung informiert? Welche Vorstellungen haben sie über Ziele und Schwerpunkte der Stadterneuerung? Wie hoch ist ihre Bereitschaft zur Mitarbeit in der Stadterneuerung?"(Textauszug
Leben in Galgenhof/SteinbĂĽhl: Ergebnisse der BewohnerInnenbefragung
"Der BewohnerInnenbefragung lagen unterschiedliche Zielsetzungen zugrunde. Zum einen sollten die Meinungen, Ansichten und Urteile der BewohnerInnen zu ihrer Wohnung, zur Wohnumgebung, zu ausgewählten öffentlichen Räumen, zu sozialen Problemen und zur sozialen Infrastruktur in den beiden Stadtteilen Galgenhof/Steinbühl sowie deren Image erfasst werden, zum anderen sollte der soziale Status und die Lebenssituation der Befragten, ihre sozialen Beziehungen, insbesondere zwischen den ethnischen Gruppen, und die Bereitschaft, sich nachbarschaftlich und ehrenamtlich zu engagieren, erhoben werden." (Textauszug
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