82 research outputs found

    La confiance entre les enseignants de cégep : dynamique caractérisant le lien entre le leadership transformationnel des dirigeants et l’efficacité collective des enseignants

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    Affiche présentée dans le cadre du Colloque de l'ARC, «La culture de la recherche au collégial», dans le cadre du 82e Congrès de l'Acfas, Université Concordia, Montréal, le 14 mai 2014.L’efficacité collective des enseignants, qui se définit comme la croyance des membres de ce groupe dans leur capacité de performer ensemble et d’atteindre un objectif, est reconnue comme un facteur clé de la réussite des étudiants. Néanmoins, nous en savons peu sur ses déterminants, ce qui est d’ailleurs déploré par les chercheurs. Deux facteurs ont fait l’objet d’une attention particulière dans le cadre de notre étude : le leadership transformationnel des dirigeants et la confiance entre les enseignants. Le premier est une composante clé ancrée dans la confiance et permettant de développer l’organisation avec une vision à long terme. Le deuxième s’établit avec le temps et les interactions répétées entre les collègues, et est considéré comme un facteur aussi important en milieu scolaire qu’en milieu organisationnel. Cette étude a été réalisée auprès de 436 enseignants provenant de huit cégeps. Deux hypothèses ont été validées : (1) le leadership transformationnel est positivement lié à l’efficacité collective des enseignants et (2) la confiance entre les enseignants agit à titre de variable médiatrice entre le leadership transformationnel et l’efficacité collective. Ainsi, à travers les liens de confiance qui se créent entre les collègues, le leadership des dirigeants joue un rôle important dans la croyance des enseignants quant à leur capacité à atteindre un objectif. Les implications théoriques et pratiques de cette étude seront abordées lors de la présentation

    The role of job control and job demands in becoming physically active during the covid-19 pandemic : a three-wave longitudinal study

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    Organizational studies suggest that certain psychosocial working conditions are liable to foster positive health outcomes, such as engaging in leisure-time physical activities. However, the psychosocial factors contributing to this improvement remain unexplored, particularly in the workplace and in the context of the decline observed in the physical activity level of the population worldwide. The objective of the study was to examine whether exposure to different combinations of psychosocial working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic predicts the probability of becoming physically active among Quebec workers. Job demands, job control, and physical activity were assessed three times during the first year of the pandemic via an online questionnaire among physically inactive workers (n = 440). Logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine the associations between various combinations of psychosocial risks and physical activity. A total of 117 participants became physically active during the study. After controlling for covariates, active jobs increased the odds of becoming physically active, compared to high-strain jobs (OR = 2.57 (95% CI 1.13 to 5.87)). Having a highly demanding job may not negatively impact physical activity if workers have enough job control to achieve the required tasks

    Predicting intraindividual changes in teacher burnout : the role of perceived school environment and motivational factors

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    Based on self-determination theory, this study proposes and tests a motivational model of intraindividual changes in teacher burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment). Participants were 806 French-Canadian teachers in public elementary and high schools. Results show that changes in teachers’ perceptions of classroom overload and students’ disruptive behavior are negatively related to changes in autonomous motivation, which in turn negatively predict changes in emotional exhaustion. Results also indicate that changes in teachers’ perceptions of students’ disruptive behaviors and school principal’s leadership behaviors are related to changes in self-efficacy, which in turn negatively predict changes in three burnout components

    Does task-related identified regulation moderate the sociometer effect? : a study of performance feedback, perceived inclusion, and state self-esteem

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    The aim of this study was to understand the processes explaining the effects of private performance feedback (success vs. failure) on state self-esteem from the stance of sociometer theory and self-determination theory. We investigated whether or not the effect of private performance feedback on state self-esteem was mediated by perceived inclusion as a function of participants’ level of task-related identified regulation (i.e., importance of the activity for oneself). Ninety participants were randomly assigned to one of the following three conditions: failure, success, or control. Our regression analyses based on both original and bootstrap samples indicate that perceived inclusion does not mediate the effect of feedback on state self-esteem for individuals high in task-related identified regulation. Such an effect only operates for individuals low in task-related identified regulation. In sum, our results show that the perceived inclusion process proposed by sociometer theory applies more when individuals find that the activity is less important for them (i.e., identified regulation)

    Le rôle modérateur de l'activité physique dans la relation entre le modèle demande-latitude et le présentéisme

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    Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the moderating role of physical activity in the relationship between job demands, job control and presenteeism. Methods The data were collected from a population-based web panel of 1,450 workers in Quebec. The Job Demand-Control (JDC) model was used to dichotomize job demands and control. To test the moderating role of physical activity, a preliminary analysis was carried out in which the relationship between job demands, job control and presenteeism was stratified by physical activity level (active/inactive). Then, a latent moderation was modeled in which physical activity was hypothesized to moderate the relationships between JDC categories (active, passive, low-strain, high-strain) and presenteeism. Results Physical activity significantly moderated the relationship (i.e., lower presenteeism) for the active job and passive job categories. Lower presenteeism was also observed for high-strain job but not at a significant level. No moderation was observed for low-strain job. Conclusion Physical activity, which can be considered as a personal resource, is likely to reduce presenteeism for employees in an active or passive job. The results of this study suggest the value of incorporating an individual resource such as physical activity as a moderating variable in the relationship between work characteristics and presenteeism

    Psychological need satisfaction across work and personal life: an empirical test of a comprehensive typology

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    IntroductionA comprehensive typology of the satisfaction of psychological needs at work and in personal life was developed and tested. The typology proposes five scenarios (Enriched, Middling, Impoverished, Work-Fulfilled, and Personal Life-Fulfilled) accounting for various profiles of employees showing distinct configurations of global and specific levels of need satisfaction at work and in personal life.MethodsThe scenarios were tested in a sample of 1,024 employees.ResultsUsing latent profile analysis, five profiles were identified that were consistent with four or the five scenarios, either aligned (Globally Satisfied, Globally Unsatisfied) or misaligned (Globally Satisfied at Work with High Relatedness, Globally Satisfied in Personal Life with High Autonomy, and Globally Satisfied in Personal Life with Low Autonomy) across domains. No profile corresponding to the Middling scenario was observed.DiscussionThe results indicate that perceived job and individual characteristics predicted membership in distinct profiles. More importantly, unlike the profile Globally Unsatisfied, the profile Globally Satisfied contributed substantially to higher well-being (vitality and lower psychological distress), and to more favorable job attitudes (job satisfaction and lower turnover intentions) and behaviors (self-rated job performance and lower absenteeism, presenteeism, and work injuries). Furthermore, two of the misaligned profiles were also substantially associated with highly desirable outcome levels

    The late radiotherapy normal tissue injury phenotypes of telangiectasia, fibrosis and atrophy in breast cancer patients have distinct genotype-dependent causes

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    The relationship between late normal tissue radiation injury phenotypes in 167 breast cancer patients treated with radiotherapy and: (i) radiotherapy dose (boost); (ii) an early acute radiation reaction and (iii) genetic background was examined. Patients were genotyped at single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in eight candidate genes. An early acute reaction to radiation and/or the inheritance of the transforming growth factor-β1 (TGFβ1 −509T) SNP contributed to the risk of fibrosis. In contrast, an additional 15 Gy electron boost and/or the inheritance of X-ray repair cross-complementing 1 (XRCC1) (R399Q) SNP contributed to the risk of telangiectasia. Although fibrosis, telangiectasia and atrophy, all contribute to late radiation injury, the data suggest that they have distinct underlying genetic and radiobiological causes. Fibrosis risk is associated with an inflammatory response (an acute reaction and/or TGFβ1), whereas telangiectasia is associated with vascular endothelial cell damage (boost and/or XRCC1). Atrophy is associated with an acute response, but the genetic predisposing factors that determine the risk of an acute response or atrophy have yet to be identified. A combined analysis of two UK breast cancer patient studies shows that 8% of patients are homozygous (TT) for the TGFβ1 (C-509T) variant allele and have a 15-fold increased risk of fibrosis following radiotherapy (95% confidence interval: 3.76–60.3; P=0.000003) compared with (CC) homozygotes

    A Bioinformatics Filtering Strategy for Identifying Radiation Response Biomarker Candidates

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    The number of biomarker candidates is often much larger than the number of clinical patient data points available, which motivates the use of a rational candidate variable filtering methodology. The goal of this paper is to apply such a bioinformatics filtering process to isolate a modest number (<10) of key interacting genes and their associated single nucleotide polymorphisms involved in radiation response, and to ultimately serve as a basis for using clinical datasets to identify new biomarkers. In step 1, we surveyed the literature on genetic and protein correlates to radiation response, in vivo or in vitro, across cellular, animal, and human studies. In step 2, we analyzed two publicly available microarray datasets and identified genes in which mRNA expression changed in response to radiation. Combining results from Step 1 and Step 2, we identified 20 genes that were common to all three sources. As a final step, a curated database of protein interactions was used to generate the most statistically reliable protein interaction network among any subset of the 20 genes resulting from Steps 1 and 2, resulting in identification of a small, tightly interacting network with 7 out of 20 input genes. We further ranked the genes in terms of likely importance, based on their location within the network using a graph-based scoring function. The resulting core interacting network provides an attractive set of genes likely to be important to radiation response