9,354 research outputs found

    Diffusion in hierarchical systems: A simulation study in models of healthy and diseased muscle tissue

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the sensitivity of diffusion-MR signal to microstructural change in muscle tissue associated with pathology, and recommend optimal acquisition parameters. METHODS: We employ Monte-Carlo simulation of diffusing spins in hierarchical tissue to generate synthetic diffusion-weighted signal curves over a wide range of scan parameters. Curves are analyzed using entropy-a measure of curve complexity. Entropy change between a baseline and various microstructural scenarios is investigated. We find acquisitions that optimize entropy difference in each scenario. RESULTS: Permeability changes have a large effect on the diffusion-weighted signal curve. Muscle fiber atrophy is also important, although differentiating between mechanisms is challenging. Several acquisitions over a range of diffusion times is optimal for imaging microstructural change in muscle tissue. Sensitivity to permeability is optimized for high gradient strengths, but sensitivity to other scenarios is optimal at other values. CONCLUSIONS: The diffusion-attenuated signal is sensitive to the microstructural changes, but the changes are subtle. Taking full advantage of the changes to the overall curve requires a set of acquisitions over a range of diffusion times. Permeability causes the largest changes, but even the very subtle changes associated with fiber radius distribution change the curves more than noise alone

    Intelligence quotient in paediatric sickle cell disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    AIM: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the commonest cause of childhood stroke worldwide. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is routinely used to detect additional silent cerebral infarction (SCI), as IQ is lower in SCI as well as stroke. This review assesses the effect of infarction on IQ, and specifically whether, compared to healthy controls, IQ differences are seen in children with SCI with no apparent MRI abnormality. METHOD: A systematic review was conducted to include articles with an SCD paediatric population, MRI information, and Wechsler IQ. A meta-analysis of 19 articles was performed to compare IQ in three groups: stroke vs SCI; SCI vs no SCI; and no SCI vs healthy controls. RESULTS: Mean differences in IQ between all three groups were significant: stroke patients had lower IQ than patients with SCI by 10 points (six studies); patients with SCI had lower IQ than no patients with SCI by 6 points (17 studies); and no patients with SCI had lower IQ than healthy controls by 7 points (seven studies). INTERPRETATION: Children with SCD and no apparent MRI abnormality have significantly lower IQ than healthy controls. In this chronic condition, other biological, socioeconomic, and environmental factors must play a significant role in cognition

    On the potential for mapping apparent neural soma density via a clinically viable diffusion MRI protocol

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    Diffusion MRI is a valuable tool for probing tissue microstructure in the brain noninvasively. Today, model-based techniques are widely available and used for white matter characterisation where their development is relatively mature. Conversely, tissue modelling in grey matter is more challenging, and no generally accepted models exist. With advances in measurement technology and modelling efforts, a clinically viable technique that reveals salient features of grey matter microstructure, such as the density of quasi-spherical cell bodies and quasi-cylindrical cell projections, is an exciting prospect. As a step towards capturing the microscopic architecture of grey matter in clinically feasible settings, this work uses a biophysical model that is designed to disentangle the diffusion signatures of spherical and cylindrical structures in the presence of orientation heterogeneity, and takes advantage of B-tensor encoding measurements, which provide additional sensitivity compared to standard single diffusion encoding sequences. For the fast and robust estimation of microstructural parameters, we leverage recent advances in machine learning and replace conventional fitting techniques with an artificial neural network that fits complex biophysical models within seconds. Our results demonstrate apparent markers of spherical and cylindrical geometries in healthy human subjects, and in particular an increased volume fraction of spherical compartments in grey matter compared to white matter. We evaluate the extent to which spherical and cylindrical geometries may be interpreted as correlates of neural soma and neural projections, respectively, and quantify parameter estimation errors in the presence of various departures from the modelling assumptions. While further work is necessary to translate the ideas presented in this work to the clinic, we suggest that biomarkers focussing on quasi-spherical cellular geometries may be valuable for the enhanced assessment of neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases

    Anatomy and lateralization of the human corticobulbar tracts: an fMRI-guided tractography study

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    The left hemisphere lateralization bias for language functions, such as syntactic processing and semantic retrieval, is well known. Although several theories and clinical data indicate a link between speech motor execution and language, the functional and structural brain lateralization for these functions has never been examined concomitantly in the same individuals. Here we used functional MRI during rapid silent syllable repetition (/lalala/, /papapa/ and /pataka/, known as oral diadochokinesis or DDK) to map the cortical representation of the articulators in 17 healthy adults. In these same participants, functional lateralization for language production was assessed using the well established verb generation task. We then used DDK-related fMRI activation clusters to guide tractography of the corticobulbar tract from diffusion-weighted MRI. Functional MRI revealed a wide inter-individual variability of hemispheric asymmetry patterns (left and right dominant, as well as bilateral) for DDK in the motor cortex, despite predominantly left hemisphere dominance for language-related activity in Broca’s area. Tractography revealed no evidence for structural asymmetry (based on fractional anisotropy) within the corticobulbar tract. To our knowledge, this study is the first to reveal that motor brain activation for syllable repetition is unrelated to functional asymmetry for language production in adult humans. In addition, we found no evidence that the human corticobulbar tract is an asymmetric white matter pathway. We suggest that the predominance of dysarthria following left hemisphere infarct is probably a consequence of disrupted feedback or input from left hemisphere language and speech planning regions, rather than structural asymmetry of the corticobulbar tract itself

    Clinically feasible diffusion MRI in muscle: Time dependence and initial findings in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Purpose: To characterize the diffusion time-dependence in muscle in healthy adult volunteers, boys with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (DMD), and age-matched controls in a clinically feasible acquisition time for pediatric applications. / Methods: Diffusion data were acquired using a pulsed gradient stimulated echo diffusion preparation at 5 different diffusion times (70, 130, 190, 250, and 330 ms), at 4 different b-values (0, 200, 400, 600, and 800 s/mm2) and 6 directions (orthogonal x, y, and z and diagonal xy, xz, and yz) and processed to obtain standard diffusion indices (mean diffusivity [MD] and fractional anisotropy [FA]) at each diffusion time. / Results Time-dependent diffusion was seen in muscle in healthy adult volunteers, boys with DMD, and age-matched controls. Boys with DMD showed reduced MD and increased FA values in comparison to age matched controls across a range of diffusion times. A diffusion time of Δ = 190 ms had the largest effect size. / Conclusions: These results could be used to optimize diffusion imaging in this disease further and imply that these diffusion indices may become an important biomarker in monitoring progression in DMD in the future

    Structural connectivity of the amygdala in young adults with autism spectrum disorder

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by impairments in social cognition, a function associated with the amygdala. Subdivisions of the amygdala have been identified which show specificity of structure, connectivity, and function. Little is known about amygdala connectivity in ASD. The aim of this study was to investigate the microstructural properties of amygdala-cortical connections and their association with ASD behaviours, and whether connectivity of specific amygdala subregions is associated with particular ASD traits. The brains of 51 high-functioning young adults (25 with ASD; 26 controls) were scanned using MRI. Amygdala volume was measured, and amygdala-cortical connectivity estimated using probabilistic tractography. An iterative 'winner takes all' algorithm was used to parcellate the amygdala based on its primary cortical connections. Measures of amygdala connectivity were correlated with clinical scores. In comparison with controls, amygdala volume was greater in ASD (F(1,94) = 4.19; p = .04). In white matter (WM) tracts connecting the right amygdala to the right cortex, ASD subjects showed increased mean diffusivity (t = 2.35; p = .05), which correlated with the severity of emotion recognition deficits (rho = -0.53; p = .01). Following amygdala parcellation, in ASD subjects reduced fractional anisotropy in WM connecting the left amygdala to the temporal cortex was associated with with greater attention switching impairment (rho = -0.61; p = .02). This study demonstrates that both amygdala volume and the microstructure of connections between the amygdala and the cortex are altered in ASD. Findings indicate that the microstructure of right amygdala WM tracts are associated with overall ASD severity, but that investigation of amygdala subregions can identify more specific associations

    Susceptibility Mapping in Sickle Cell Anaemia Patients with and Without Chronic Blood Transfusions

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    Sickle cell anaemia (SCA) is a genetic disorder affecting haemoglobin. Previous studies suggest that the iron content in some deep-brain regions is higher in transfused SCA patients (TSCA) than in healthy controls (HC). We hypothesised that iron content in those regions is lower in non-transfused patients (NSCA) than in controls as NSCA have low haematocrit. A pilot study (5 TSCA, 5 NSCA, 5 HC) showed that susceptibility values were significantly lower in the globus pallidus of both TSCA and NSCA than in HC, supporting our second hypothesis. A larger study (20 NSCA, 18 HC) showed a trend in this direction

    Validation and noise robustness assessment of microscopic anisotropy estimation with clinically feasible double diffusion encoding MRI

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    Purpose: Double diffusion encoding (DDE) MRI enables the estimation of microscopic diffusion anisotropy, yielding valuable information on tissue microstructure. A recent study proposed that the acquisition of rotationally invariant DDE metrics, typically obtained using a spherical “5‐design,” could be greatly simplified by assuming Gaussian diffusion, facilitating reduced acquisition times that are more compatible with clinical settings. Here, we aim to validate the new minimal acquisition scheme against the standard DDE 5‐design, and to quantify the proposed method's noise robustness to facilitate future clinical use. / Theory and Methods: DDE MRI experiments were performed on both ex vivo and in vivo rat brains at 9.4 T using the 5‐design and the proposed minimal design and taking into account the difference in the number of acquisitions. The ensuing microscopic fractional anisotropy (μFA) maps were compared over a range of b‐values up to 5000 s/mm2. Noise robustness was studied using analytical calculations and numerical simulations. / Results: The minimal protocol quantified μFA at an accuracy comparable to the estimates obtained by means of the more theoretically robust DDE 5‐design. μFA's sensitivity to noise was found to strongly depend on compartment anisotropy and tensor magnitude in a nonlinear manner. When μFA < 0.75 or when mean diffusivity is particularly low, very high signal‐to‐noise ratio is required for precise quantification of µFA. / Conclusion: Our work supports using DDE for quantifying microscopic diffusion anisotropy in clinical settings but raises hitherto overlooked precision issues when measuring μFA with DDE and typical clinical signal‐to‐noise ratio

    High-resolution microscopic diffusion anisotropy imaging in the human hippocampus at 3T

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    Purpose Several neurological conditions are associated with microstructural changes in the hippocampus that can be observed using DWI. Imaging studies often use protocols with whole-brain coverage, imposing limits on image resolution and worsening partial-volume effects. Also, conventional single-diffusion-encoding methods confound microscopic diffusion anisotropy with size variance of microscopic diffusion environments. This study addresses these issues by implementing a multidimensional diffusion-encoding protocol for microstructural imaging of the hippocampus at high resolution. Methods The hippocampus of 8 healthy volunteers was imaged at 1.5-mm isotropic resolution with a multidimensional diffusion-encoding sequence developed in house. Microscopic fractional anisotropy (µFA) and normalized size variance (CMD) were estimated using q-space trajectory imaging, and their values were compared with DTI metrics. The overall scan time was 1 hour. The reproducibility of the protocol was confirmed with scan–rescan experiments, and a shorter protocol (14 minutes) was defined for situations with time constraints. Results Mean µFA (0.47) was greater than mean FA (0.20), indicating orientation dispersion in hippocampal tissue microstructure. Mean CMD was 0.17. The reproducibility of q-space trajectory imaging metrics was comparable to DTI, and microstructural metrics in the healthy hippocampus are reported. Conclusion This work shows the feasibility of high-resolution microscopic anisotropy imaging in the human hippocampus at 3 T and provides reference values for microstructural metrics in a healthy hippocampus