33,587 research outputs found

    The RHMC algorithm for theories with unknown spectral bounds

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    The Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo (RHMC) algorithm extends the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm for lattice QCD simulations to situations involving fractional powers of the determinant of the quadratic Dirac operator. This avoids the updating increment (dtdt) dependence of observables which plagues the Hybrid Molecular-dynamics (HMD) method. The RHMC algorithm uses rational approximations to fractional powers of the quadratic Dirac operator. Such approximations are only available when positive upper and lower bounds to the operator's spectrum are known. We apply the RHMC algorithm to simulations of 2 theories for which a positive lower spectral bound is unknown: lattice QCD with staggered quarks at finite isospin chemical potential and lattice QCD with massless staggered quarks and chiral 4-fermion interactions (χ\chiQCD). A choice of lower bound is made in each case, and the properties of the RHMC simulations these define are studied. Justification of our choices of lower bounds is made by comparing measurements with those from HMD simulations, and by comparing different choices of lower bounds.Comment: Latex(Revtex 4) 25 pages, 8 postscript figure

    Ampoule sealing apparatus and process

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    An apparatus and process for sealing fused quartz ampoules housing a semiconductor growth charge under vacuum is described. An elongated fused quartz ampoule having an enlarged diameter open end and a reduced diameter closed end is vertically retained in a vacuum assembly. A semiconductor charge is disposed within the reduced diameter portion of the ampoule. A quartz plug of substantially the same diameter as the reduced diameter portion is suspended within the open and of the ampoule via a rotary vacuum feed. After evacuation of the ampoule a plug is lowered into the reduced diameter area and sealed therein while maintaining the vacuum on the ampoule. The charged ampoule area is then separated from the remaining structure by breaking along the scored line

    Investigation of the dc-excited xenon laser final report, 24 mar. 1964 - 24 mar. 1965

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    Electron energy spectra in gas laser discharges and investigation of new discharge configuration

    Quantitative multielement analysis using high energy particle bombardment

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    Charged particles ranging in energy from 0.8 to 4.0 MeV are used to induce resonant nuclear reactions, Coulomb excitation (gamma X-rays), and X-ray emission in both thick and thin targets. Quantitative analysis is possible for elements from Li to Pb in complex environmental samples, although the matrix can severely reduce the sensitivity. It is necessary to use a comparator technique for the gamma-rays, while for X-rays an internal standard can be used. A USGS standard rock is analyzed for a total of 28 elements. Water samples can be analyzed either by nebulizing the sample doped with Cs or Y onto a thin formvar film or by extracting the sample (with or without an internal standard) onto ion exchange resin which is pressed into a pellet

    Dust emission from high latitude cirrus clouds

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    In order to study dust emission from grains in the interstellar medium, the infrared properties were analyzed in a number of isolated high latitude dust clouds which contain no dominant internal heating sources. The clouds are spatially resolved, have a simple geometry, and are mapped in the IRAS bands at 12, 25, 60, and 100 microns. For a number of these clouds, extinction data (A sub B) were obtained from starcounts. A large part (30 to 50 percent) of the infrared radiation of the clouds in the IRAS wavelength range of 8 to 130 micron is emitted in the short wavelength bands at 12 and 25 micron. The 60/100 micron ratios for the integrated fluxes of the clouds have a typical value of 0.19 + or - 0.05

    Infrared properties of dust grains derived from IRAS observations

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    The analysis of several diffuse interstellar clouds observed by the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) is presented. The 60/100 micron flux ratios appear to be nearly constant in clouds with up to 1 sup m visual extinction at the center. Observations of a highly regular cloud in Chamaeleon show that the 12/100 micron ratio peaks at an intermediate radial distance and declines towards the center of the cloud. These observations indicate that nonequilibrium emission accounts only for the 12 and 25 micron bands; strong emission observed at the 60 micron band is probably due to equilibrium thermal radiation. The correlation of the 12 micron emission with a red excess observed for a high latitude cloud, L1780, is shown to be consistent with the assumption that both features are due to fluorescence by the same molecular species

    CO-dark gas and molecular filaments in Milky Way type galaxies

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    We use the moving mesh code AREPO coupled to a time-dependent chemical network to investigate the formation and destruction of molecular gas in simulated spiral galaxies. This allows us to determine the characteristics of the gas that is not traced by CO emission. Our extremely high resolution AREPO simulations allow us to capture the chemical evolution of the disc, without recourse to a parameterised `clumping factor'. We calculate H2 and CO column densities through our simulated disc galaxies, and estimate the CO emission and CO-H2 conversion factor. We find that in conditions akin to those in the local interstellar medium, around 42% of the total molecular mass should be in CO-dark regions, in reasonable agreement with observational estimates. This fraction is almost insensitive to the CO integrated intensity threshold used to discriminate between CO-bright and CO-dark gas, as long as this threshold is less than 10 K km/s. The CO-dark molecular gas primarily resides in extremely long (>100 pc) filaments that are stretched between spiral arms by galactic shear. Only the centres of these filaments are bright in CO, suggesting that filamentary molecular clouds observed in the Milky Way may only be small parts of much larger structures. The CO-dark molecular gas mainly exists in a partially molecular phase which accounts for a significant fraction of the total disc mass budget. The dark gas fraction is higher in simulations with higher ambient UV fields or lower surface densities, implying that external galaxies with these conditions might have a greater proportion of dark gas.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Ampoule sealing apparatus and process

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    An apparatus 10 for effecting sealing of a fused quartz ampoule 24 while maintaining a vacuum on the ampoule via system 12 is disclosed. A plug 28 of fused quartz is lowered into the vertically disposed ampoule 24 (while maintaining the vacuum thereon) and heat sealed therein to prevent any vapor escape from, or contamination of, the contained semiconductor growth charge 29 during subsequent semiconductor crystal growth processes. A rotary vacuum feed-through mechanism 16 selectively rotates axle 34 and spool 32 to unwind wire 30 for lowering of plug 28 into the reduced diameter portion 24b of ampoule 24. Ampoule 24 is hermatically connected to vacuum housing 18 by quick release flange 20 wherein O-ring 22 retains ampoule 24

    Energy gap measurement of nanostructured thin aluminium films for use in single Cooper-pair devices

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    Within the context of superconducting gap engineering, Al-\alox-Al tunnel junctions have been used to study the variation in superconducting gap, Δ\Delta, with film thickness. Films of thickness 5, 7, 10 and 30 nm were used to form the small area superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) tunnel junctions. In agreement with previous measurements we have observed an increase in the superconducting energy gap of aluminium with a decrease in film thickness. In addition, we find grain size in small area films with thickness \textbf{≥\geq} 10 nm has no appreciable effect on energy gap. Finally, we utilize 7 and 30 nm films in a single Cooper-pair transistor, and observe the modification of the finite bias transport processes due to the engineered gap profile
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