1,202 research outputs found

    Oxygenated Hydrocarbons in Coastal Waters

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    Production of Acetaldehyde from Ethanol in Coastal Waters

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    Interest in understanding the cycling of ethanol in the environment has grown as ethanol use as a gasoline additive has increased. The production of acetaldehyde from ethanol was measured in Southern California coastal seawater. The rate of increase of acetaldehyde was positively correlated with the rate constant for ethanol biodegradation and bacteria count and was consistent with two consecutive first-order reactions where acetaldehyde is first biologically produced from ethanol then consumed. Correlation with bacteria counts suggested that acetaldehyde degradation was also a biological process. The rate constants for acetaldehyde production from ethanol and acetaldehyde loss averaged 3.0 ± 3.4 × 10−3 min−1 and 2.3 ± 4.5 × 10−2 min−1 respectively. The branching ratio for acetaldehyde production from ethanol was 0.46 ± 0.26 and estimated acetaldehyde biological production rates ranged from 0.022 to 0.800 nM min−1. With high bacterial counts, biological production rates from ethanol exceeded photochemical production rates from chromophoric dissolved organic matter. Overall, acetaldehyde production rates were larger than biodegradation rates, suggesting these waters are a source of acetaldehyde to the atmosphere. Extrapolation to higher ethanol concentrations associated with spills suggests that the production rate of acetaldehyde will initially increase and then decrease as ethanol concentrations increase

    Salt Marshes As a Source Of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (Cdom) To Southern California Coastal Waters

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    To determine chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) sources in Southern California coastal waters, optical properties of a river outlet and adjacent tidally flushed salt marshes were monitored (dry season; June July 2001). Average absorption coefficients doubled at ebb vs. flood tides (4.8 +/- 1.5 vs. 2.1 +/- 0.9 m(-1); 300 nm), suggesting significant salt marsh CDOM inputs into coastal waters. Average spectral slopes were not statistically different for any sites or tides (0.010 +/- 0.002 nm(-1)), consistent with salt marsh CDOM dominating coastal waters. Three-dimensional fluorescence excitation-emission matrices (EEMs) at ebb tide showed contributions from terrestrial, protein, and marine humic-like peaks, suggesting production and output of these materials from the marsh. A marine humic signal at the river outlet during an offshore upwelling event indicated an additional sporadic nonmarsh marine humic-like source. EEMs of six common salt marsh plant leachates showed protein, terrestrial, and marine humic-like peaks. To estimate CDOM photodegradation in the marsh, fluorescence intensity decays from photobleaching experiments were fit to first-order kinetics. Most humic peaks degraded with a half-life of t(1/2) = 10-20 h, which overlaps the estimated residence time of water in the marshes (similar to 12 h). Most protein peaks were resistant to photodegradation, suggesting that the low levels of protein vs. humic-like material measured in natural waters was due to rapid bioutilization of proteinaceous material. The rapid photodegradation of plant leachate humic material and the low spectral slopes for the field sites suggest that marsh sediments would be an important source of CDOM

    Temporal Variation in Optical Properties of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Southern California Coastal Waters with Nearshore Kelp and Seagrass

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    Optical properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) were measured in surf zone waters in diurnal field studies at a Southern California beach with nearshore kelp and seagrass beds and intertidal plant wrack. Absorption coefficients (aCDOM(300 nm)) ranged from 0.35 m21 to 3.7 m21 with short-term variability\u3c1 h, increases at ebb and flood tides and higher values (6 m21) during an offshore storm event. Spectral slopes (S) ranged from 0.0028 nm21 to 0.017 nm21, with higher values after the storm; S was generally inversely correlated with aCDOM(300 nm). 3-D excitation–emission matrix spectra (EEMs) for samples with lower S values had humic-type peaks associated with terrestrial material (A, C), marine microbial material (M) and protein peaks, characteristic of freshly produced organic material. Samples with high S values had no or reduced protein peaks, consistent with aged material. Fluorescent indexes (f450/f500 \u3e2.5, BIX\u3e1.1) were consistent with microbial aquatic sources. Leachates of senescent kelp and seagrass had protein and humic-type EEM peaks. After solar simulator irradiation (4 h), protein peaks rapidly photochemically degraded, humic-type peak C increased in intensity and peak M disappeared. Optical characteristics of kelp leachates were most similar to field samples, consistent with minimal contributions from sea grass, a small component of the biomass at this site. Increases in aCDOM(300 nm) with decreases in S are attributed to the input of freshly produced autochthonous organic material at ebbing and flooding tides, from exudation and microbial processing of senescent plant wrack and nearshore macroalgal vegetation. Other allochthonous sources are hypothesized to be ground water seepage and terrestrial runoff

    Critical-incident trauma and crime scene investigation: A review of police organizational challenges and interventions

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    It is hypothesized that exposure to critical-incident trauma affects crime scene investigators. Individual and organizational attribution factors are analyzed through the use of self-report data collected from crime scene investigators working in a large Midwestern state. This paper analyzes key variables in the job of a crime scene investigator in an effort to determine the level of stress related to CSI work and the nature of organizational support available to the investigator. Although initial findings suggest a high level of satisfaction with the job, the nature of the job can lead to high levels of both professional and personal stress, with work-related stress often driving personal stress. Policy implications for reducing officer stress as well as future research questions are discussed

    Optical Characterization and Distribution of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Soil Porewater from a Salt Marsh Ecosystem

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    To characterize chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in marsh porewaters and its contribution as a carbon source, optical properties (absorbance, fluorescence indices, 3-dimensional excitation-emission matrices [EEMs]) of soil porewater and surface water were measured in a southern Californian salt marsh. Absorption coefficients and fluorescence intensities were higher in porewater than in overlying surface waters, consistent with higher CDOM concentration at depth. Humic-type peaks A and C were observed in EEMs in all samples, and peak M was observed in surface waters and shallow porewater to -5 cm depth. Fluorescence:absorbance (flu:abs) ratios and spectral slopes (S) decreased across the surface interface, and emission peak maxima were red-shifted—changes that are consistent with increasing molecular weight (MW) and aromaticity in soil porewater due to humification, and lower-MW, less aromatic material in oxic surface waters from oxidative photochemical and biological processing. At lower depths, bands were observed where intensity, flu:abs ratios and S increased; absorption coefficients decreased; emission maxima for humic-type peaks were blue-shifted; and tryptophan-type protein peaks were observed. These changes are consistent with lower-MW and less aromatic material from enhanced microbial activity. Variations in iron concentrations and sulfate depletion with depth were consistent with these bands having different dominant anaerobic microbial metabolic pathways. Overall, optical property trends suggest that soil porewater is a reservoir of CDOM in the salt marsh, with organic material from terrestrial watershed inputs and in situ production from marsh vegetation stored and processed in sediments

    Optical Characterization of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Fe(II) Concentrations in Soil Porewaters Along a Channel-Bank Transect in a Salt Marsh

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    Chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) optical properties were measured in surface and porewaters as a function of depth and distance from the channel in a transect up the bank in a southern California salt marsh. Higher absorbance coefficients and fluorescence intensities in porewaters at depth vs. surface waters and shallower porewaters suggest soil porewater is a reservoir of CDOM in the marsh. Higher values were observed at the marsh sites compared to the channel site, suggesting increased production and storage in the marsh sites, and reduced leaching into overlying surface waters, is occurring. Spectral slope ratios decreased with depth, consistent with more aromatic, higher molecular weight material in the deeper porewaters, possibly due to different bacterial processing in the anaerobic vs. aerobic zones. Fe(II) concentrations, indicative of anaerobic bacterial processing, increased significantly at depth to values \u3e 1000 μM, consistent with active anaerobic microbial processing occurring at depth. The transitions to higher reduced iron concentrations correlated with increased absorbance and fluorescence, suggesting processing by anaerobic iron-reducing bacteria in these deeper zones may not mineralize as much carbon as in the shallower aerobic zones. Alternatively, this may be due to reduction of solid iron oxides coated with organic matter releasing both DOM and Fe(II). The ratio of humic-like fluorescence to the absorption coefficient decreased with increasing iron concentration, possibly due to optical interference by iron species. Taken together, the data indicate that marsh sites in the salt marsh act as a reservoir for higher molecular weight, more aromatic organic matter

    Biological Degradation of Acetaldehyde in Southern California Coastal Waters

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    Oxygenated hydrocarbons are ubiquitous in the atmosphere with levels ranging from low ppt (acetaldehyde) to low ppb (methanol). As an OH sink and an atmospheric HOx and ozone source, oxygenated hydrocarbons have a direct impact on the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. The oceans are one of the largest sources of uncertainty in current atmospheric budget estimates of these species. A better understanding of the processes that produce and destroy these species in seawater would improve our understanding of the role of the oceans in cycling these species into or out of the atmosphere. We have measured the degradation rate of acetaldehyde in unfiltered and filtered southern California coastal waters. Rates were determined by following the concentrations of D-4 labelled acetaldehyde in spiked (nM levels) seawater in 100ml glass syringes as a function of time. Concentrations were determined by isotope dilution purge and trap gas chromatography mass spectrometry using C-13 labelled acetaldehyde as the internal standard. Degradation rates in 0.2um filtered seawater were not measurable. Degradation rates in unfiltered seawater were first order and ranged from 0.046 to 0.32 hr-1. Bacteria levels were also measured in all samples. Acetaldehyde degradation rates scale with bacteria levels. Variability as a function of time, rainfall and other water quality parameters will be discussed

    The Degradation of Acetaldehyde in Estuary Waters in Southern California, USA

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    Acetaldehyde plays an important role in oxidative cycles in the troposphere. Estimates of its air-water flux are important in global models. Biological degradation is believed to be the dominant loss process in water, but there have been few measurements, none in estuaries. Acetaldehyde degradation rates were measured in surface waters at the inflow to the Upper Newport Back Bay estuary in Orange County, Southern California, USA, over a 6-month period including the rainy winter season. Deuterated acetaldehyde was added to filtered and unfiltered water samples incubated in glass syringes, and its loss analyzed by purge and trap gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Filtered samples showed no significant degradation, suggesting that particle-mediated degradation is the dominant removal process. Correlation between measured degradation rate constants in unfiltered incubations and bacteria counts suggests the loss is due to microorganisms. Degradation in unfiltered samples followed first-order kinetics, with rate constants ranging from 0.0006 to 0.025 min-1 (k; average 0.0043 ± 0.006 min-1). Turnover (1/k) ranged from 40 to 1667 min, consistent with prior studies in coastal waters. Acetaldehyde concentrations in the estuary are estimated to range from 30 to ~500 nM (average ~250 nM). Results suggest the estuary is a source of acetaldehyde to the atmosphere
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