9 research outputs found

    Feminismo, liberdade e prostituição: para além do dissenso democrático

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    Exportado OPUSMade available in DSpace on 2019-08-10T02:30:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_vers_o_biblioteca.pdf: 2582384 bytes, checksum: bf636e070220cf543f69c2d0f8e5a573 (MD5) Previous issue date: 6A tese identifica o dissenso democrático em torno da liberalização, proibição ou abolição da prostituição, dissenso esse entendido como resultado das disputas entre as diferentes linguagens políticas. Tais linguagens variam segundo os conceitos de liberdade, a relação deste com a ideia de igualdade e com o âmbito da sexualidade. O objetivo do trabalho é compreender os debates políticos em torno do significado da prostituição que foram estabelecidos na modernidade e contemporaneidade. Nesse sentido, examinamos alguns momentos decisivos o republicanismo democrático de Mary Wollstonecraft; a primeira onda do feminismo; o liberalismo de John Stuart Mill; o debate sobre prostituição no marxismo clássico e no anarquismo e, finalmente, as contribuições de Simone de Beauvoir, da segunda onda do feminismo e os debates que a seguiram. Foi possível concluir que o conceito de liberdade como autonomia, no pensamento político feminista, do século XVIII à primeira metade do século XX, foi fundamental para compreender a prostituição como uma forma de não liberdade. Esse conceito foi desestabilizado durante a segunda metade do século XX, no contexto dos debates feministas sobre a sexualidade e da emergência do neoliberalismo. Proponho, por fim, a reabilitação do conceito ampliado de liberdade como autonomia, no escopo do feminismo, de modo a construir uma base normativa emancipadora para pensar dilemas como o da prostituição.The thesis identifies the democratic dissent around the liberalization, prohibition or abolition of prostitution, understood as a result of the disputes between the different political languages. These languages vary according to the concepts of freedom, the relation of this to the idea of equality and the scope of sexuality. The purpose of the paper is to understand the political debates surrounding the meaning of prostitution that were established in modernity and contemporaneity. In this sense, we examine a few decisive moments - the democratic republicanism of Mary Wollstonecraft; the first wave of feminism; the liberalism of John Stuart Mill; the debate on prostitution in classical Marxism and anarchism, and finally the contribution of Simone de Beauvoir, the second wave of feminism and the ensuing debates. It was possible to conclude that the concept of freedom as autonomy in feminist political thought from the eighteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century was fundamental to understanding prostitution as a form of non-freedom. This concept was destabilized during the second half of the twentieth century in the context of feminist debates about sexuality and the emergence of neoliberalism. I propose, finally, the rehabilitation of the expanded concept of freedom as autonomy, within the scope of feminism, in order to build an emancipatory normative basis for thinking of dilemmas such as prostitution

    Entre o estado patriarcal e o feminismo estatal: o caso dos mecanismos institucionais de mulheres na América Latina

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    Exportado OPUSMade available in DSpace on 2019-08-13T20:21:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 vers_o_final_biblioteca.pdf: 1649926 bytes, checksum: da9978228eebc592235cd78499615ebb (MD5) Previous issue date: 28A presente dissertação versa sobre a tensa e disputada relação entre os feminismos e o Estado e, nesse bojo, busca compreender o papel dos mecanismos institucionais de mulheres (MIMs) na América Latina, entendidos como os órgãos encarregados de coordenar e/ou implementar as políticas direcionadas às mulheres. A partir de uma abordagem feminista, o trabalho tem o objetivo de entender qual o papel e influência dos MIMs na inserção da temática feminista na agenda estatal, na construção de políticas de igualdade de gênero e na representação da perspectiva das mulheres e dos movimentos feministas e de mulheres. Serão examinados fatores contextuais e políticos, que poderiam ou não, influenciar o papel político desses mecanismos; serão analisadas as características que diferenciariam os tipos de mecanismos existentes na região e também serão investigados os desenhos e conteúdos dos planos nacionais de igualdade de gênero. Será possível perceber que os MIMs emergem em contextos muito variados, se fortalecendo principalmente a partir da década de noventa, mas ainda possuem uma variedade de formatos institucionais. Têm ampla interlocução com os movimentos de mulheres e atuam em contextos sociais e políticos diversos, marcados por transformações políticas e sociais da região, com a ascensão de novos governos progressistas, com a adoção de novas agendas sociais e também a partir de novos contornos organizadores da atuação dos feminismos, sintetizados na ideia de uma quarta onda feminista em curso na América Latina.The present work focuses on the tense and contested relationship between feminism and the state and seeks to understand the role of institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women (IMAWs) in Latin America. Since a feminist approach, the study aims to understand the role and influence of IMAWs in the insertion of the feminist agenda within the state, the construction of gender equality policies and the representation of womens and feminist and womens movements perspective. Contextual and political factors will be examined, which may or may not influence the political role of these mechanisms, it will be analyzed the characteristics that differentiate the types of mechanisms in the region and also the designs and content of national gender equality plans. It will be possible to realize that IMAWs emerge in very different contexts, becoming stronger especially since the nineties, but still have a variety of institutional forms. They have extensive dialogue with women's movements and operate in various social and political contexts, marked by political and social changes in the region, with the rise of new progressive governments, with the adoption of new social agendas and also from new contours that organize feminists performance, synthesized by the idea of a fourth feminist wave underway in Latin America

    The Prostitution in Classical Marxism: Critique of Capitalism and Bourgeois Double Standard of Sexual Morality

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    The article aims to examine how the traditions of classical Marxism and anarchist feminism of the nineteenth century to the early twentieth century understood the issue of prostitution, connecting it with specific views on gender relations, on sexual autonomy and on ways to overcome the oppression of women workers. Recognizing the diversity of perspectives and relative limits, the critique of the institution of prostitution will be developed based on the need to overcome the capitalist system of production, the dismantling of bourgeois institutions like family and marriage, the construction of egalitarian social relations, based on solidarity and as a form of female emancipation

    Desafios à despatriarcalização do Estado brasileiro

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    Humanism and solidarity in brazilian foreign policy under Lula (2003-2010): theory and practice

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    The "humanistic" or "solidarity-based" trend in the Brazilian strategy of international insertion, adopted after the rise to power of President Lula and considered innovative, consolidated the objective of prioritizing the South-South axis and can be explained by domestic, regional, and systemic reasons. This strategy was put into practice by increasing the international aid granted by Brazil, by transferring resources and technology and by the emphasis placed on conveying to partner countries some of the domestic social policies and programmes developed successfully by the Brazilian government. The aims of this paper are: (a) to look at how this "humanism" and "solidarity" appeared in the discourse of the Brazilian authorities; (b) to discuss the reasons for them and their logic in the national, regional, and systemic dimensions; and (c) to map the initiatives adopted, the preferred partners and areas, the resources used and the intragovernmental connections necessary for their implementation