137 research outputs found

    SFMetrics: An analysis tool for scanning force microscopy images of biomolecules

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    Scanning force microscopy (SFM) allows direct, rapid and high-resolution visualization of single molecular complexes; irregular shapes and differences in sizes are immediately revealed by the scanning tip in three-dimensional images. However, high-throughput analysis of SFM data is limited by the lack of versatile software tools accessible to SFM users. Most existing SFM software tools are aimed at broad general use: from material-surface analysis to visualization of biomolecules. Results: We present SFMetrics as a metrology toolbox for SFM, specifically aimed at biomolecules like DNA and proteins, which features (a) semi-automatic high-throughput analysis of individual molecules; (b) ease of use working within MATLAB environment or as a stand-alone application; (c) compatibility with MultiMode (Bruker), NanoWizard (JPK instruments), Asylum (Asylum research), ASCII, and TIFF files, that can be adjusted with minor modifications to other formats. Conclusion: Assembled in a single user interface, SFMetrics serves as a semi-automatic analysis tool capable of measuring several geometrical properties (length, volume and angles) from DNA and protein complexes, but is also applicable to other samples with irregular shapes. &Copy; Malm et al.; licensee BioMed Central

    BLM–DNA2–RPA–MRN and EXO1–BLM–RPA–MRN constitute two DNA end resection machineries for human DNA break repair

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    Repair of dsDNA breaks requires processing to produce 3′-terminated ssDNA. We biochemically reconstituted DNA end resection using purified human proteins: Bloom helicase (BLM); DNA2 helicase/nuclease; Exonuclease 1 (EXO1); the complex comprising MRE11, RAD50, and NBS1 (MRN); and Replication protein A (RPA). Resection occurs via two routes. In one, BLM and DNA2 physically and specifically interact to resect DNA in a process that is ATP-dependent and requires BLM helicase and DNA2 nuclease functions. RPA is essential for both DNA unwinding by BLM and enforcing 5′ → 3′ resection polarity by DNA2. MRN accelerates processing by recruiting BLM to the end. In the other, EXO1 resects the DNA and is stimulated by BLM, MRN, and RPA. BLM increases the affinity of EXO1 for ends, and MRN recruits and enhances the processivity of EXO1. Our results establish two of the core machineries that initiate recombinational DNA repair in human cells

    Salivary cortisol and cognitive development in infants from low-income communities

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    Early stress exposure is proposed to have significant lasting effects on cognitive development. The glucocorticoid hormone cortisol, a product of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, is a particular focus of research, however, the majority of past research has been based on studies of older children and adults. Evidence linking cortisol levels in infancy with cognitive development is lacking. In a large cohort sample of infants (N = 1,091) oversampled for psychosocial risk, we tested whether basal cortisol levels and cortisol reactivity to emotional stressors administered at 7 and 15 months of age were associated with cognitive development measured at 15 months. Cognitive development was measured using the Mental Development Index of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Multiple regression analyses indicated that basal cortisol levels at 15 months, and to a lesser extent at 7 months, were inversely associated with infant cognitive development after adjusting for psychosocial and obstetric risk. The findings provide some of the first evidence that HPA axis activity in infancy is associated with early cognitive development

    第7章 平成22年度~24年度特別研究 : 「地域歴史遺産保全活用教育研究を基軸とした地域歴史文化育成支援拠点の整備」事業

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    textabstractThe Mre11 complex (Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 or MRN) binds double-strand breaks where it interacts with CtIP/Ctp1/Sae2 and ATM/Tel1 to preserve genome stability through its functions in homology-directed repair, checkpoint signaling and telomere maintenance. Here, we combine biochemical, structural and in vivo functional studies to uncover key properties of Mre11-W243R, a mutation identified in two pediatric cancer patients with enhanced ataxia telangiectasia-like disorder. Purified human Mre11-W243R retains nuclease and DNA binding activities in vitro. X-ray crystallography of Pyrococcus furiosus Mre11 indicates that an analogous mutation leaves the overall Mre11 threedimensional structure and nuclease sites intact but disorders surface loops expected to regulate DNA and Rad50 interactions. The equivalent W248R allele in fission yeast allows Mre11 to form an MRN complex that efficiently binds double-strand breaks, activates Tel1/ATM and maintains telomeres; yet, it causes hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation and collapsed replication forks, increased Rad52 foci, defective Chk1 signaling and meiotic failure. W248R differs from other ataxia telangiectasia-like disorder analog alleles by the reduced stability of its interaction with Rad50 in cell lysates. Collective results suggest a separation-of-function mutation that disturbs interactions amongst the MRN subunits and Ctp1 required for DNA end processing in vivo but maintains interactions sufficient for Tel1/ATM checkpoint and telomere maintenance functions

    Structural and torsional properties of the RAD51-dsDNA nucleoprotein filament

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    Human RAD51 is a key protein in the repair of DNA by homologous recombination. Its assembly onto DNA, which induces changes in DNA structure, results in the formation of a nucleoprotein filament that forms the basis of strand exchange. Here, we determine the structural and mechanical properties of RAD51-dsDNA filaments. Our measurements use two recently developed magnetic tweezers assays, freely orbiting magnetic tweezers and magnetic torque tweezers, designed to measure the twist and torque of individual molecules. By directly monitoring changes in DNA twist on RAD51 binding, we determine the unwinding angle per RAD51 monomer to be 45°, in quantitative agreement with that of its bacterial homolog, RecA. Measurements of the torque that is built up when RAD51-dsDNA filaments are twisted show that under conditions that suppress ATP hydrolysis the torsional persistence length of the RAD51-dsDNA filament exceeds that of its RecA counterpart by a factor of three. Examination of the filament's torsional stiffness for different combinations of divalent ions and nucleotide cofactors reveals that the Ca2+ ion, apart from suppressing ATPase activity, plays a key role in increasing the torsional stiffness of the filament. These quantitative measurements of RAD51-imposed DNA distortions and accumulated mechanical stress suggest a finely tuned interplay between chemical and mechanical interactions within the RAD51 nucleoprotein filament

    Chromosomal transformation in Bacillus subtilis is a non-polar recombination reaction

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    Natural chromosomal transformation is one of the primary driving forces of bacterial evolution. This reaction involves the recombination of the internalized linear single-stranded (ss) DNA with the homologous resident duplex via RecA-mediated integration in concert with SsbA and DprA or RecO. We show that sequence divergence prevents Bacillus subtilis chromosomal transformation in a log-linear fashion, but it exerts a minor effect when the divergence is localized at a discrete end. In the nucleotide bound form, RecA shows no apparent preference to initiate recombination at the 3′- or 5′-complementary end of the linear duplex with circular ssDNA, but nucleotide hydrolysis is required when heterology is present at both ends. RecA·dATP initiates pairing of the linear 5′ and 3′ complementary ends, but only initiation at the 5′-end remains stably paired in the absence of SsbA. Our results suggest that during gene transfer RecA·ATP, in concert with SsbA and DprA or RecO, shows a moderate preference for the 3′-end of the duplex. We show that RecA-mediated recombination initiated at the 3′- or 5′-complementary end might have significant implication on the ecological diversification of bacterial species with natural transformation

    Human Rad51 filaments on double- and single-stranded DNA: correlating regular and irregular forms with recombination function

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    Recombinase proteins assembled into helical filaments on DNA are believed to be the catalytic core of homologous recombination. The assembly, disassembly and dynamic rearrangements of this structure must drive the DNA strand exchange reactions of homologous recombination. The sensitivity of eukaryotic recombinase activity to reaction conditions in vitro suggests that the status of bound nucleotide cofactors is important for function and possibly for filament structure. We analyzed nucleoprotein filaments formed by the human recombinase Rad51 in a variety of conditions on double-stranded and single-stranded DNA by scanning force microscopy. Regular filaments with extended double-stranded DNA correlated with active in vitro recombination, possibly due to stabilizing the DNA products of these assays. Though filaments formed readily on single-stranded DNA, they were very rarely regular structures. The irregular structure of filaments on single-stranded DNA suggests that Rad51 monomers are dynamic in filaments and that regular filaments are transient. Indeed, single molecule force spectroscopy of Rad51 filament assembly and disassembly in magnetic tweezers revealed protein association and disassociation from many points along the DNA, with kinetics different from those of RecA. The dynamic rearrangements of proteins and DNA within Rad51 nucleoprotein filaments could be key events driving strand exchange in homologous recombination

    The Mre11-Nbs1 Interface Is Essential for Viability and Tumor Suppression

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    The Mre11 complex (Mre11, Rad50, and Nbs1) is integral to both DNA repair and ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-dependent DNA damage signaling. All three Mre11 complex components are essential for viability at the cellular and organismal levels. To delineate essential and non-essential Mre11 complex functions that are mediated by Nbs1, we used TALEN-based genome editing to derive Nbs1 mutant mice (Nbs1mid mice), which harbor mutations in the Mre11 interaction domain of Nbs1. Nbs1mid alleles that abolished interaction were incompatible with viability. Conversely, a 108-amino-acid Nbs1 fragment comprising the Mre11 interface was sufficient to rescue viability and ATM activation in cultured cells and support differentiation of hematopoietic cells in vivo. These data indicate that the essential role of Nbs1 is via its interaction with Mre11 and that most of the Nbs1 protein is dispensable for Mre11 complex functions and suggest that Mre11 and Rad50 directly activate ATM

    DNA bending by photolyase in specific and non-specific complexes studied by atomic force microscopy

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    Specific and non-specific complexes of DNA and photolyase are visualised by atomic force microscopy. As a substrate for photolyase a 1150 bp DNA restriction fragment was UV-irradiated to produce damaged sites at random positions. Comparison with a 735 bp undamaged DNA fragment made it possible to separate populations of specific and non-specific photolyase complexes on the 1150 bp fragment, relieving the need for highly defined substrates. Thus it was possible to compare DNA bending for specific and non-specific interactions. Non-specific complexes show no significant bending but increased rigidity compared to naked DNA, whereas specific complexes show DNA bending of on average 36°and higher flexibility. A model obtained by docking shows that photolyase can accommodate a 36°bent DNA in the vicinity of the active site