8 research outputs found

    A Novel and Cost-Effective Monitoring Approach for Outcomes in an Australian Biodiversity Conservation Incentive Program

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    <div><p>We report on the design and implementation of ecological monitoring for an Australian biodiversity conservation incentive scheme – the Environmental Stewardship Program. The Program uses competitive auctions to contract individual land managers for up to 15 years to conserve matters of National Environmental Significance (with an initial priority on nationally threatened ecological communities). The ecological monitoring was explicitly aligned with the Program’s policy objective and desired outcomes and was applied to the Program’s initial Project which targeted the critically endangered White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland ecological community in south eastern Australia. These woodlands have been reduced to <3% of their original extent and persist mostly as small remnants of variable condition on private farmland. We established monitoring sites on 153 farms located over 172,232 sq km. On each farm we established a monitoring site within the woodland patch funded for management and, wherever possible, a matched control site. The monitoring has entailed gathering data on vegetation condition, reptiles and birds. We also gathered data on the costs of experimental design, site establishment, field survey, and data analysis. The costs of monitoring are approximately 8.5% of the Program’s investment in the first four years and hence are in broad accord with the general rule of thumb that 5–10% of a program’s funding should be invested in monitoring. Once initial monitoring and site benchmarking are completed we propose to implement a novel rotating sampling approach that will maintain scientific integrity while achieving an annual cost-efficiency of up to 23%. We discuss useful lessons relevant to other monitoring programs where there is a need to provide managers with reliable early evidence of program effectiveness and to demonstrate opportunities for cost-efficiencies.</p> </div

    Approximate budget costs (to Year 3) and projected monitoring costs (Years 4–14) for the monitoring for the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands Project within the Environmental Stewardship Program.

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    <p>Detailed budget figures are given in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050872#pone-0050872-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>. After the establishment phase, there is a five year cycle consisting of 4 years of partial sampling in which a subset of sites are surveyed under a rotating sampling regime (<i>sensu </i><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050872#pone.0050872-Welsh1" target="_blank">[36]</a>), followed by one year when all 268 sites in the monitoring program are surveyed. Estimated costs are elevated every three years when 4WD vehicles are replaced.</p

    Locations of 153 stewardship sites from rounds 1–4 of the BGGW Project.

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    <p>The blue polygons denote the location of Natural Resource Management (NRM) regions that were established to support regional scale planning and investment in natural resource management and biodiversity conservation on public and private land.</p

    Average species richness across sites for birds.

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    <p>Two NRM regions were not sampled for birds because flooding precluded access to field sites.</p

    Costs of the monitoring program for the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands Project within the Environmental Stewardship Program.

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    <p>Note: A 3% p.a. inflation rate has been applied.</p>1<p>Operational includes University overhead, annual vehicle registration, insurance and fuel, telephones, field equipment.</p>2<p>Staff cost after Year 2 is 1.0 FTE research officer and 1.0 FTE assistant, reduced in this line item by the amount attributed to their participation in field surveys.</p>3<p>Year 2 purchase 2 new 4WDs. Sell and replace 2×4WDs every 3rd year.</p>4<p>Includes periodic use of up to 5 4WD vehicles in Year 1.</p>5<p>Comprises per diem accommodation and food for survey period.</p><p>All costs are in Australian dollars and include in-kind co-contributions from ANU in addition to Australian Government funds. Years after 2012–2013 are budget projections for future monitoring in the Project for both: (a) a typical sample year (i.e. 4 out of every 5 years of field surveys) in which a subset of (50%) of the field sites are surveyed for birds, reptiles and vegetation as part of the rotating statistical design, and (2) a full census year (one in every 5 years) in which all 268 field sites are surveyed. For comparative purposes, a costing for a program of full census every year is given at the bottom of the table.</p