934 research outputs found

    Proof-Pattern Recognition and Lemma Discovery in ACL2

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    We present a novel technique for combining statistical machine learning for proof-pattern recognition with symbolic methods for lemma discovery. The resulting tool, ACL2(ml), gathers proof statistics and uses statistical pattern-recognition to pre-processes data from libraries, and then suggests auxiliary lemmas in new proofs by analogy with already seen examples. This paper presents the implementation of ACL2(ml) alongside theoretical descriptions of the proof-pattern recognition and lemma discovery methods involved in it

    Band Mapping in One-Step Photoemission Theory: Multi-Bloch-Wave Structure of Final States and Interference Effects

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    A novel Bloch-waves based one-step theory of photoemission is developed within the augmented plane wave formalism. Implications of multi-Bloch-wave structure of photoelectron final states for band mapping are established. Interference between Bloch components of initial and final states leads to prominent spectral features with characteristic frequency dispersion experimentally observed in VSe_2 and TiTe_2. Interference effects together with a non-free-electron nature of final states strongly limit the applicability of the common direct transitions band mapping approach, making the tool of one-step analysis indispensable.Comment: 4 jpg figure

    Understanding Microbial Divisions of Labor

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    Strictly One-Dimensional Electron System in Au Chains on Ge(001) Revealed By Photoelectron K-Space Mapping

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    Atomic nanowires formed by Au on Ge(001) are scrutinized for the band topology of the conduction electron system by k-resolved photoemission. Two metallic electron pockets are observed. Their Fermi surface sheets form straight lines without undulations perpendicular to the chains within experimental uncertainty. The electrons hence emerge as strictly confined to one dimension. Moreover, the system is stable against a Peierls distortion down to 10 K, lending itself for studies of the spectral function. Indications for unusually low spectral weight at the chemical potential are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures - revised version with added Fig. 2e) and additional reference

    Manual de métodos de análise de solo.

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    Analises fisicas; Preparo da amostra; Terra fina, cascalho e calhaus;Umidade atual; Umidade residual e fator "f"; Umidade obtida no aparelho extrator de Richards; Umidade obtida com a mesa de tensao; Densidade aparente; Porosidade total; Microporosidade (Metodo Mesa de Tensao); Macroporosidade; Analise granulometrica (Dispersao Total); Argila dispersa em agua; Grau de floculacao; Relacao silte/argila; Condutividade hidraulica; Percentagem de saturacao; Percentagem de agregados; Limite de liquidez; Limite e indice de plasticidade; Limite de pegajosidade; Limite de contracao (LC) (Metodo do Mercurio Metalico); Grau de contracao (GC); Superficie especifica (Metodo Simplificado); Separacao de argila e silte para analises de raios X; Coeficiente de extensibilidadelinear (COLE); Expressao dos resultados; Parte II - Analises quimicas; pH (agua, KCl, CaCl2); Carbono organico; Nitrogenio total; Capacidadede troca de cations (CTC) e bases trocaveis; Acidez do solo; Hidrogenio extraivel; Valor T - CTC (Capacidade de Troca de Cations); Valor V (Percentagem de Saturacao de Bases); Percentagem de saturacao com aluminio; Percentagem de saturacao com sodio; Troca compulsiva (CTC e CTA)Ponto de carga zero (PCZ); Ataque sulfurico; Silica; Ferro no extrato sulfurico; Aluminio no extrato sulfurico; Titanio no extrato sulfuricoManganes no extrato sulfurico; Fosforo no extrato sulfurico; Relacoes moleculares Ki e Kr; Relacao molecular Al2O3/ Fe2O3; Ferro, aluminio,manganes e silica extraiveis; Sais soluveis; Equivalente de carbono ...bitstream/item/169149/1/Manual-de-metodos-de-analise-de-solo-2-ed-1997.pdf2. ed. rev. e atual.Autores: Marie Elisabeth Christine Claessen (Organização), Washington de Oliveira Barreto (Coordenação técnica), José Lopes de Paula, Mariza Nascimento Duarte

    Інвестиційне кредитування переробних підприємств АПК банківськими установами

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    Метою статті є аналіз динаміки інвестиційного кредитування банківськими установами переробних підприємств агропромислового комплексу. Під час проведення дослідження були використані аналітичний, статистико – економічний, графічний, порівняльний методи та метод системного аналізу

    Origin of the photoemission final-state effects in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 by very-low-energy electron diffraction

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    Very-low-energy electron diffraction with a support of full-potential band calculations is used to achieve the energy positions, K// dispersions, lifetimes and Fourier compositions of the photoemission final states in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 at low excitation energies. Highly structured final states explain the dramatic matrix element effects in photoemission. Intense c(2x2) diffraction reveals a significant extrinsic contribution to the shadow Fermi surface. The final-state diffraction effects can be utilized to tune the photoemission experiment on specific valence states or Fermi surface replicas.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett; major revision