8 research outputs found

    Shell deposit rate (”m.d<sup>−1</sup>) on the ventral side of the shell according to temperature and food concentrations over the two month experiment.

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    <p>Three temperatures (21, 25 and 28°C) and two microalgal concentrations (800 cell mL<sup>−1</sup>: light grey and 15000 cell mL<sup>−1</sup>: darkgrey) were tested. The five homogeneous groups identified by the Tukey post-hoc test (a, b, c and d) are indicated (means and standard error, n = 10).</p

    Section of a valve of a <i>P. margaritifera</i> shell.

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    <p>(a) dorso-ventral side showing the transition areas between nacreous and prismatic layers. (b) dorsal part; (c) ventral part; (d) central part; (e) detail of ventral part. (1) prismatic calcite; (2) aragonite tablets. The red arrows indicate the calcein mark.</p