71 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad del síndico en el proceso concursal

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    La responsabilidad del contador en el ejercicio de sus funciones es una de las temáticas actuales que más preocupación e interés despiertan. Cada vez con mayor insistencia, los consejos y la sociedad en general reclaman de los profesionales en ciencias económicas un obrar eficiente y eficaz enmarcado por un plexo de normas de carácter ético que regulan y exigen una actuación ajustada a principios de veracidad, lealtad y buena fe. Con este trabajo, se pretende generar en el contador una mayor conciencia de la necesidad de cumplir estrictamente con la normativa en vigor, pero más allá de ésta, de obrar éticamente, conforme a los principios fundamentales de la moral y las buenas costumbres, convencido de que actuando de esta forma, el síndico no sólo quedará exento de responsabilidades por su desempeño, sino que también prestará un servicio de calidad que atenderá las necesidades de la comunidad y que enaltecerá a la profesión en su conjunto

    Sarcoidosis in an athlete

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    CD25 deficiency: A new conformational mutation prevents the receptor expression on cell surface

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    CD25 deficiency is a very rare autosomal recessive disorder that shows a clinical phenotype highly overlapping IPEX syndrome with an increased susceptibility to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections. It is due to mutations in the IL2R alpha gene that codes for the a subunit of the IL2 receptor complex.Here we report the characterization of a novel IL2R alpha gene mutation leading to a severe protein conformational alteration that abrogates its cell surface expression in a child presenting with early-onset IPEX-like disorder. Cytofluorimetric analysis revealed the total absence of CD25 cell surface expression and addressed IL2R alpha molecular investigation.The early clinical and molecular diagnosis of CD25 deficiency in this patient promptly led to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), allowing complete resolution of the symptoms and definitive cure of the disease

    β3-Adrenoreceptor Blockade Reduces Hypoxic Myeloid Leukemic Cells Survival and Chemoresistance

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    β-adrenergic signaling is known to be involved in cancer progression; in particular, beta3-adrenoreceptor (β3-AR) is associated with different tumor conditions. Currently, there are few data concerning β3-AR in myeloid malignancies. Here, we evaluated β3-AR in myeloid leukemia cell lines and the effect of β3-AR antagonist SR59230A. In addition, we investigated the potential role of β3-AR blockade in doxorubicin resistance. Using flow cytometry, we assessed cell death in different in vitro myeloid leukemia cell lines (K562, KCL22, HEL, HL60) treated with SR59230A in hypoxia and normoxia; furthermore, we analyzed β3-AR expression. We used healthy bone marrow cells (BMCs), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and cord blood as control samples. Finally, we evaluated the effect of SR59230A plus doxorubicin on K562 and K562/DOX cell lines; K562/DOX cells are resistant to doxorubicin and show P-glycoprotein (P-gp) overexpression. We found that SR59230A increased cancer cell lines apoptosis especially in hypoxia, resulting in selective activity for cancer cells; moreover, β3-AR expression was higher in malignancies, particularly under hypoxic condition. Finally, we observed that SR59230A plus doxorubicin increased doxorubicin resistance reversion mainly in hypoxia, probably acting on P-gp. Together, these data point to β3-AR as a new target and β3-AR blockade as a potential approach in myeloid leukemias

    Clinical, Immunological, and Molecular Heterogeneity of 173 Patients With the Phenotype of Immune Dysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, Enteropathy, X-Linked (IPEX) Syndrome

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    Background: Immune Dysregulation, Polyendocrinopathy, Enteropathy, X-linked (IPEX) Syndrome is a rare recessive disorder caused by mutations in the FOXP3 gene. In addition, there has been an increasing number of patients with wild-type FOXP3 gene and, in some cases, mutations in other immune regulatory genes.Objective: To molecularly asses a cohort of 173 patients with the IPEX phenotype and to delineate the relationship between the clinical/immunologic phenotypes and the genotypes.Methods: We reviewed the clinical presentation and laboratory characteristics of each patient and compared clinical and laboratory data of FOXP3 mutation-positive (IPEX patients) with those from FOXP3 mutation-negative patients (IPEX-like). A total of 173 affected patients underwent direct sequence analysis of the FOXP3 gene while 85 IPEX-like patients with normal FOXP3 were investigated by a multiplex panel of “Primary Immune Deficiency (PID—related) genes.”Results: Forty-four distinct FOXP3 variants were identified in 88 IPEX patients, 9 of which were not previously reported. Among the 85 IPEX-like patients, 19 different disease-associated variants affecting 9 distinct genes were identified.Conclusions: We provide a comprehensive analysis of the clinical features and molecular bases of IPEX and IPEX-like patients. Although we were not able to identify major distinctive clinical features to differentiate IPEX from IPEX-like syndromes, we propose a simple flow-chart to effectively evaluate such patients and to focus on the most likely molecular diagnosis. Given the large number of potential candidate genes and overlapping phenotypes, selecting a panel of PID-related genes will facilitate a molecular diagnosis