396 research outputs found

    Polaron Crossover and Bipolaronic Metal-Insulator Transition in the Holstein model at half-filling

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    The evolution of the properties of a finite density electronic system as the electron-phonon coupling is increased are investigated in the Holstein model using the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT). We compare the spinless fermion case, in which only isolated polarons can be formed, with the spinful model in which the polarons can bind and form bipolarons. In the latter case, the bipolaronic binding occurs through a metal-insulator transition. In the adiabatic regime in which the phonon energy is small with respect to the electron hopping we compare numerically exact DMFT results with an analytical scheme inspired by the Born-Oppenheimer procedure. Within the latter approach,a truncation of the phononic Hilbert space leads to a mapping of the original model onto an Anderson spin-fermion model. In the anti-adiabatic regime (where the phonon energy exceeds the electronic scales) the standard treatment based on Lang-Firsov canonical transformation allows to map the original model on to an attractive Hubbard model in the spinful case. The separate analysis of the two regimes supports the numerical evidence that polaron formation is not necessarily associated to a metal-insulator transition, which is instead due to pairing between the carriers. At the polaron crossover the Born-Oppenheimer approximation is shown to break down due to the entanglement of the electron-phonon state.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Polaron Crossover and Bipolaronic Metal-Insulator Transition in the half- filled Holstein model

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    The formation of a finite density multipolaronic state is analyzed in the context of the Holstein model using the Dynamical Mean-Field Theory. The spinless and spinful fermion cases are compared to disentangle the polaron crossover from the bipolaron formation. The exact solution of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory is compared with weak-coupling perturbation theory, non-crossing (Migdal), and vertex correction approximations. We show that polaron formation is not associated to a metal-insulator transition, which is instead due to bipolaron formation.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    On dynamical localization corrections to band transport

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    Bloch-Boltzmann transport theory fails to describe the carrier diffusion in current crystalline organic semiconductors, where the presence of large-amplitude thermal molecular motions causes substantial dynamical disorder. The charge transport mechanism in this original situation is now understood in terms of a transient localization of the carriers' wavefunctions, whose applicability is however limited to the strong disorder regime. In order to deal with the ever-improving performances of new materials, we develop here a unified theoretical framework that includes transient localization theory as a limiting case, and smoothly connects with the standard band description when molecular disorder is weak. The theory, which specifically adresses the emergence of dynamical localization corrections to semiclassical transport, is used to determine a "transport phase diagram" of high-mobility organic semiconductors.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures completely revised versio

    Band dispersion and electronic lifetimes in crystalline organic semiconductors

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    The consequences of several microscopic interactions on the photoemission spectra of crystalline organic semiconductors (OSC) are studied theoretically. It is argued that their relative roles can be disentangled by analyzing both their temperature and their momentum/energy dependence. Our analysis shows that the polaronic thermal band narrowing, that is the foundation of most theories of electrical transport in OSC, is inconsistent in the range of microscopic parameters appropriate for these materials. An alternative scenario is proposed to explain the experimental trends.Comment: 4+ pages, revised conclusions; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Hopping dynamics of interacting polarons

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    We derive an effective cluster model to address the transport properties of mutually interacting small polarons. We propose a decoupling scheme where the hopping dynamics of any given particle is determined by separating out explicitly the degrees of freedom of its environment, which are treated as a statistical bath. The general cavity method developed here shows that the long-range Coulomb repulsion between the carriers leads to a net increase of the thermal activation barrier for electrical transport, and hence to a sizable reduction of the carrier mobility. A mean-field calculation of this effect is provided, based on the known correlation functions of the interacting liquid in two and three dimensions. The present theory gives a natural explanation of recent experiments performed in organic field-effect transistors with highly polarizable gate dielectrics, and might well find application in other classes of polaronic systems such as doped transition-metal oxides

    A density matrix approach to the dynamical properties of a two-site Holstein model

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    The two-site Holstein model represents a first non-trivial paradigm for the interaction between an itinerant charge with a quantum oscillator, a very common topic in different ambits. Exact results can be achieved both analytically and numerically, nevertheless it can be useful to compare them with approximate, semi-classical techniques in order to highlight the role of quantum effects. In this paper we consider the adiabatic limit in which the oscillator is very much slow than the electron. A density matrix approach is introduced for studying the charge dynamics and the exact results are compared with two different approximations: a Born-Oppenheimer-based Static Approximation for the oscillator (SA) and a Quantum-classical (QC) dynamics

    Dynamical mean field theory of small polaron transport

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    We present a unified view of the transport properties of small-polarons in the Holstein model at low carrier densities, based on the Dynamical Mean Field Theory. The nonperturbative nature of the approach allows us to study the crossover from classical activated motion at high temperatures to coherent motion at low temperatures. Large quantitative discrepancies from the standard polaronic formulae are found. The scaling properties of the resistivity are analysed, and a simple interpolation formula is proposed in the nonadiabatic regime

    Electronic transport and quantum localization effects in organic semiconductors

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    We explore the charge transport mechanism in organic semiconductors based on a model that accounts for the thermal intermolecular disorder at work in pure crystalline compounds, as well as extrinsic sources of disorder that are present in current experimental devices. Starting from the Kubo formula, we develop a theoretical framework that relates the time-dependent quantum dynamics of electrons to the frequency-dependent conductivity. The electron mobility is then calculated through a relaxation time approximation that accounts for quantum localization corrections beyond Boltzmann theory, and allows us to efficiently address the interplay between highly conducting states in the band range and localized states induced by disorder in the band tails. The emergence of a "transient localization" phenomenon is shown to be a general feature of organic semiconductors, that is compatible with the bandlike temperature dependence of the mobility observed in pure compounds. Carrier trapping by extrinsic disorder causes a crossover to a thermally activated behavior at low temperature, which is progressively suppressed upon increasing the carrier concentration, as is commonly observed in organic field-effect transistors. Our results establish a direct connection between the localization of the electronic states and their conductive properties, formalizing phenomenological considerations that are commonly used in the literature

    Strong interplay between electron-phonon interaction and disorder in low doped systems

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    The effects of doping on the spectral properties of low doped systems are investigated by means of Coherent Potential Approximation to describe the distributed disorder induced by the impurities and Phonon-Phonon Non-Crossing Approximation to characterize a wide class of electron-phonon interactions which dominate the low-energy spectral features. When disorder and electron-phonon interaction work on comparable energy scales, a strong interplay between them arises, the effect of disorder can no more be described as a mere broadening of the spectral features and the phonon signatures are still visible despite the presence of strong disorder. As a consequence, the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition, is strongly affected by a weak or moderate electron-phonon coupling which is found to stabilize the insulating phase.Comment: New version with improved bibliography and discussio

    Spectral properties and isotope effect in strongly interacting systems: Mott-Hubbard insulator and polaronic semiconductor

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    We study the electronic spectral properties in two examples of strongly interacting systems: a Mott-Hubbard insulator with additional electron-boson interactions, and a polaronic semiconductor. An approximate unified framework is developed for the high energy part of the spectrum, in which the electrons move in a random field determined by the interplay between magnetic and bosonic fluctuations. When the boson under consideration is a lattice vibration, the resulting isotope effect on the spectral properties is similar in both cases, being strongly temperature and energy dependent, in qualitative agreement with recent photoemission experiments in the cuprates.Comment: Refs. added, revised introduction and conclusio