21 research outputs found

    Adjusting the Ground Truth Annotations for Connectivity-Based Learning to Delineate

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    Deep learning-based approaches to delineating 3D structure depend on accurate annotations to train the networks. Yet, in practice, people, no matter how conscientious, have trouble precisely delineating in 3D and on a large scale, in part because the data is often hard to interpret visually and in part because the 3D interfaces are awkward to use. In this paper, we introduce a method that explicitly accounts for annotation inaccuracies. To this end, we treat the annotations as active contour models that can deform themselves while preserving their topology. This enables us to jointly train the network and correct potential errors in the original annotations. The result is an approach that boosts performance of deep networks trained with potentially inaccurate annotations

    Promoting Connectivity of Network-Like Structures by Enforcing Region Separation

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    We propose a novel, connectivity-oriented loss function for training deep convolutional networks to reconstruct network-like structures, like roads and irrigation canals, from aerial images. The main idea behind our loss is to express the connectivity of roads, or canals, in terms of disconnections that they create between background regions of the image. In simple terms, a gap in the predicted road causes two background regions, that lie on the opposite sides of a ground truth road, to touch in prediction. Our loss function is designed to prevent such unwanted connections between background regions, and therefore close the gaps in predicted roads. It also prevents predicting false positive roads and canals by penalizing unwarranted disconnections of background regions. In order to capture even short, dead-ending road segments, we evaluate the loss in small image crops. We show, in experiments on two standard road benchmarks and a new data set of irrigation canals, that convnets trained with our loss function recover road connectivity so well, that it suffices to skeletonize their output to produce state of the art maps. A distinct advantage of our approach is that the loss can be plugged in to any existing training setup without further modifications

    The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE): Technical Overview

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    The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) will expand the information space for study of cosmic sources, by adding linear polarization to the properties (time, energy, and position) observed in x-ray astronomy. Selected in 2017 January as a NASA Astrophysics Small Explorer (SMEX) mission, IXPE will be launched into an equatorial orbit in 2021. The IXPE mission will provide scientifically meaningful measurements of the x-ray polarization of a few dozen sources in the 2-8 keV band, including polarization maps of several x-ray-bright extended sources and phase-resolved polarimetry of many bright pulsating x-ray sources

    Extended three-dimensional rotation invariant local binary patterns

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    This paper presents a new set of three-dimensional rotation invariant texture descriptors based on the well-known local binary patterns (LBP). In the approach proposed here, we extend an existing three-dimensional LBP based on the region growing algorithm using existing features developed exquisitely for two-dimensional LBPs (pixel intensities and differences). We have conducted experiments on a synthetic dataset of three-dimensional randomly rotated texture images in order to evaluate the discriminatory power and the rotation invariant properties of our descriptors as well as those of other two-dimensional and three-dimensional texture descriptors. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of the extended LBPs and improvements against other state-of-the-art hand-crafted three-dimensional texture descriptors on this dataset. Furthermore, we prove that the extended LBPs can be used in medical datasets to discriminate between MR images of oxygenated and non-oxygenated brain tissues of newborn babies

    Real-time camera pose estimation for sports fields

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    Given an image sequence featuring a portion of a sports field filmed by a moving and uncalibrated camera, such as the one of the smartphones, our goal is to compute automatically in real time the focal length and extrinsic camera parameters for each image in the sequence without using a priori knowledges of the position and orientation of the camera.To this end, we propose a novel framework that combines accurate localization and robust identification of specific keypoints in the image by using a fully convolutional deep architecture.Our algorithm exploits both the field lines and the players’ image locations, assuming their ground plane positions to be given, to achieve accuracy and robustness that is beyond the current state of the art.We will demonstrate its effectiveness on challenging soccer, basketball, and volleyball benchmark datasets

    "TuNa-saving" endoscopic medial maxillectomy: a surgical technique for maxillary inverted papilloma

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    The maxillary sinus is the most common site of sinonasal inverted papilloma. Endoscopic sinus surgery, in particular endoscopic medial maxillectomy, is currently the gold standard for treatment of maxillary sinus papilloma. Although a common technique, complications such as stenosis of the lacrimal pathway and consequent development of epiphora are still possible. To avoid these problems, we propose a modification of this surgical technique that preserves the head of the inferior turbinate and the nasolacrimal duct. A retrospective analysis was performed on patients treated for maxillary inverted papilloma in three tertiary medical centres between 2006 and 2014. Pedicle-oriented endoscopic surgery principles were applied and, in select cases where the tumour pedicle was located on the anterior wall, a modified endoscopic medial maxillectomy was carried out as described in this paper. From 2006 to 2014 a total of 84 patients were treated. A standard endoscopic medial maxillectomy was performed in 55 patients (65.4%), while the remaining 29 (34.6%) had a modified technique performed. Three recurrences (3/84; 3.6%) were observed after a minimum follow-up of 24 months. A new surgical approach for select cases of maxillary sinus inverted papilloma is proposed in this paper. In this technique, the endoscopic medial maxillectomy was performed while preserving the head of the inferior turbinate and the nasolacrimal duct ("TuNa-saving"). This technique allowed for good visualization of the maxillary sinus, good oncological control and a reduction in the rate of complications

    Outcomes of the IXPE instrument calibration

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    IXPE (Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer) is the next Nasa Small Explorer mission foreseen for the lunch in 2021. It is a partnership with the Italian Space Agency (ASI). IXPE is devoted to X-ray polarimetry in the 2-8 keV energy band. The IXPE telescope comprises three grazing incidence mirror modules coupled to three detector units hosting each one a Gas Pixel Detector (GPD) polarimeter. The GPD exploits the photoelectric effect to measure the linear polarization of the X-ray emission from astrophysical sources. A wide and accurate on ground calibration was carried out on the IXPE detector units at INAF-IAPS in Italy. A dedicated facility was set-up to calibrate the detector units with polarized and unpolarised X-rays at different energies before Instrument integration