6 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Mentoring By Involving Pkk Mothers On Weight Control Of Pregnant Women

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    Mentoring to pregnant women is a form of community participation carried out with the aim of improving the degree of maternal and fetal health during pregnancy. One of the efforts made to reduce maternal mortality is to maximize antenatal care (ANC) services by involving companions to motivate pregnant women to check their pregnancies at health facilities regularly in each trimester. Midwives assess weight gain in mothers during pregnancy, insufficient weight gain during pregnancy can result in chronic energy deficiency (KEK) and potential complications in childbirth such as bleeding and low birth weight babies (BBLR), while excess weight gain can cause obesity which has an impact on pregnancy with preeclampsia and macrosomia in the fetus. To check the pregnancy so that the assessment and monitoring of the health condition of the mother and fetus is more optimal. This can increase morbidity and mortality for mothers and babies who will be born later. This study is a Quasy Experimental study, with a total sample of 28 pregnant women, which was divided into two groups, namely the intervention group and the control group, which was illustrated in the form of a table using the Wilcoxon test to see the influence before and after the intervention was given, then obtained a p-value of 0.025 <0.05. The results of this study show that there is an influence of mentoring PKK mothers on the weight of pregnant women in Denai Bird's Nest Village, Pantai Labu. So it is hoped that PKK mothers can increase cooperation with health workers and can motivate and provide education to pregnant women to check their pregnancies so that the assessment and monitoring of maternal and fetal health conditions is more optimal

    Health Counseling on Nutrition-Conscious Families (Kadarzi) in Sidodadi Ramunia Village

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    Family Aware Nutrition (KADARZI) has become a crucial initiative in efforts to improve public health at the family level. This program focuses on increasing understanding and awareness of nutrition within the family by providing knowledge, prevention, and solutions to nutritional problems. Through families who have an understanding and are aware of the nutritional status of the family, it is hoped that morbidity and mortality rates will be reduced, because one of the efforts to improve health status by improving nutritional status. Sidodadi Village is the location for the implementation of KADARZI counseling activities. The media used for this counseling include laptops, infocus, and microphones to achieve optimal results. 20 community members of Sidodadi Village participated in this activity involving education on the concept of Nutrition Conscious Family, supported by discussion sessions and practical demonstrations. The results of the evaluation of activities showed a significant increase in public understanding related to KADARZI, with an initial knowledge level of 15% which jumped to 90%. This achievement reflects the positive impact provided by extension activities on public knowledge about KADARZI. Increasing nutrition awareness is expected to have a positive impact on the overall nutritional status in the Sidodadi Village community. The success of this program illustrates the urgency of education in shaping healthy behaviors, becoming the basis for positive change in family daily life. Therefore, KADARZI is not only a preventive measure, but also a long-term investment in the health of local communities, bringing sustainable benefits to future generations

    Empowerment of PKK Mothers on Assisting Pregnant Women in Conducting Antenatal Care Visits

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    Antenatal Care (ANC) is a form of service provided by midwives to pregnant women with the aim that every pregnant woman gets integrated, comprehensive, quality services and provides counseling, information and education to mothers during pregnancy. Pregnancy examination in pregnant women is actually preventive and aims to detect early if there are abnormalities or diseases suffered by mothers during pregnancy so that midwives can intervene quickly and appropriately against these diseases and disorders and midwives can make referrals to more complete and adequate health facilities in accordance with the applicable referral system. Pregnancy check-up or antenatal care can also be a means for midwives to carry out health promotion and health education about healthy pregnancy, safe and comfortable childbirth and also how to prepare for parenthood. The standard care for antenatal care consists of weight weighing, blood pressure measurement, fundus uterine height measurement, Fe tablets as much as 90 tablets during pregnancy, tetanus toxoid immunization, haemoglobin (Hb) examination, VDRL examination, breast care, breast gymnastics and breast press massage, maintenance of fitness level or pregnancy exercises, talks, urine protein examination,  administration of iodine capsule therapy for goiter endemic, administration of anti-malarial therapy for malaria-endemic areas

    The Effect of Moringa Leaf Decoction on Breast Milk Production and Hemoglobin Levels in Postpartum Mothers at Juliana Clinic Tanjung Morawa in 2023

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    Moringa leaves (Moringa oleifera) are functional plants with an abundance of nutrients both macronutrients and micronutrients. The need for nutrition in postpartum and lactating mothers is more than the nutritional needs of mothers during pregnancy, during the first 6 months the mother needs an additional energy of 500 calories / day which is useful for producing adequate milk production for the baby. The use of Moringa leaves has been widely used by the community as an alternative menu that is beneficial for mothers during pregnancy and breastfeeding mothers.&nbsp; For postpartum and lactating mothers, Moringa leaves are very useful and contain phytosterol compounds that are lactagogum effects that can increase and launch milk production so that they can improve the baby's health status by increasing the baby's weight and can also prevent stunting in infants. This research is a Quasy Experiment research with One Group Pretest and Postest Design approach. The sample in this study was determined by Purposive Sampling technique, which is a sample with a total of 19 postpartum mothers at the Juliana Tanjung Morawa midwife clinic. The results of the study found a difference between before and after being given Moringa leaf boiled water on maternal breast milk production, this can be seen from the sig value of 0.000 and the difference between before and after being given Moringa leaf cooking water on maternal HB levels, this can be seen from the GIS value of 0.000, it was concluded that there was an effect of Moringa leaf cooking water on breast milk production and Hb levels of postpartum mothers at the Juliana Tanjung Morawa clinic

    The effect of moringa leaf capsules and fe administration to increase hemoglobin levels, weight, and upper arm circumference (LILA) in trimester II pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency (KEK)

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    Moringa leaves are nutrient-rich plants that increase hemoglobin (Hb) levels, nutritional intake, and nutritional status. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effect of administering Moringa leaf capsules and Fe to increase hemoglobin levels, body weight, and upper arm circumference (LILA) in second-trimester pregnant women suffering from chronic energy deficiency (KEK). It was carried out for 2 months in the working area of the Banabungi Public Health Center, Buton Regency, Indonesia. The method adopted was an experimental design using a double-blind randomized controlled trial with a pre and post-test as well as a control group pattern. The samples were 34 second-trimester pregnant women suffering from KEK and divided into 2 groups, namely Moringa capsules + Fe (n=17) and Fe (n=17). The data were analyzed using the Chisquare, Paired, and Independent T-Test. The analysis was conducted based on the characteristics of the majority of the samples aged from 20 to 35 years, gravida, higher education, work, and income less than the minimum wage with a p-value &gt; 0.05. The results showed a significant increase in hemoglobin levels in the Moringa leaf capsule group + Fe from 9.47 ± 2.11 to 11.67 ± 1.32 p = 0.001.&nbsp