49 research outputs found

    Light-Headed Relatives

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    Reconstruction and (Free) Relatives

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    Types of appositive relative clauses in Polish

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    Artyku艂 jest po艣wi臋cony rodzajom zda艅 wzgl臋dnych nieokre艣laj膮cych (niedefiniuj膮cych) w j臋zyku polskim. W literaturze j臋zykoznawczej du偶o uwagi po艣wi臋cono r贸偶nicom mi臋dzy zdaniami wzgl臋dnymi okre艣laj膮cymi i nieokre艣laj膮cymi, ale stosunkowo mniej rodzajom zda艅 wzgl臋dnych nieokre艣lonych (z wyj膮tkiem Cinque (2008), Citko (2008b), Del Gobbo (2003, 2007, 2010)). G艂贸wnym celem niniejszego artyku艂u jest po pierwsze, przedstawienie kryteri贸w, kt贸re Cinque zaproponowa艂 dla odr贸偶nienia tak zwanych zintegrowanych i niezintegrowanych zda艅 wzgl臋dnych nieokre艣laj膮cych, a po drugie, pokazanie, 偶e polskie zdania wzgl臋dne nieokre艣laj膮ce s膮 wed艂ug tych kryteri贸w niezintegrowane. Artyku艂 omawia r贸wnie偶 struktury zaproponowane przez Cinque dla tych dw贸ch typ贸w zda艅 i wskazuje na problemy wynikaj膮ce z analizy zda艅 niezintegrowanych jako zda艅 z艂o偶onych wsp贸艂rz臋dnych lub te偶 jako wyra偶e艅 wtr膮conych. Opieraj膮c si臋 na teoriach oznak w sk艂adni (Hornstein 2009, Citko 2008c), artyku艂 przedstawia now膮 analiz臋 niezintegrowanych zda艅 wzgl臋dnych, w kt贸rej wprowadzone s膮 one do derywacji sk艂adniowej jako nieoznakowany dodatek do frazy modyfikowanej, co zmusza je do transformacji i do艂膮czenia si臋 do zdania nadrz臋dnego.While there has been a lot of research on the diff erences between restrictive and appositive relative clauses as well as on diff erent types of restrictive relatives, distinctions within the class of appositive relatives have not been studied to the same extent till relatively recently (see, for example, Cinque (2008), Citko (2008b), Del Gobbo (2003, 2007, 2010)). My main goal in this paper is to add to this growing body of research on appositive relatives, by first reviewing the distinctions that have been pointed out to exist within this class, focusing on the distinction between what Cinque (2008) refers to as integrated and non-integrated appositives, and, second, by applying Cinque's diagnostics to Polish, to show that Polishappositives are non-integrated. I then examine the structures Cinque assigns to the two types, pointing out some problems with assimilating non-integrated appositive relatives either to coordinate structures or to parentheticals in general. Drawing on recent views of labeling in syntax (Hornstein 2009 and Citko 2008c), I conclude by off ering an alternative structure for non-integrated appositives relatives, on which the appositive CP starts out as an unlabeled DP adjunct, which forces it to move and adjoin to the root clause, thus deriving the main insight behind the so-called Main Clause Hypothesis for appositive relatives

    Disambiguation Strategies in Across-the-Board Wh-Questions

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