26 research outputs found

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Marmoset Monkeys

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    The use of the common marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus) for neuroscientific research has grown markedly in the last decade. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has played a significant role in establishing the extent of comparability of marmoset brain architecture with the human brain and brains of other preclinical species (eg, macaques and rodents). As a non-invasive technique, MRI allows for the flexible acquisition of the same sequences across different species in vivo, including imaging of whole-brain functional topologies not possible with more invasive techniques. Being one of the smallest New World primates, the marmoset may be an ideal nonhuman primate species to study with MRI. As primates, marmosets have an elaborated frontal cortex with features analogous to the human brain, while also having a small enough body size to fit into powerful small-bore MRI systems typically employed for rodent imaging; these systems offer superior signal strength and resolution. Further, marmosets have a rich behavioral repertoire uniquely paired with a lissencephalic cortex (like rodents). This smooth cortical surface lends itself well to MRI and also other invasive methodologies. With the advent of transgenic modification techniques, marmosets have gained significant traction as a powerful complement to canonical mammalian modelling species. Marmosets are poised to make major contributions to preclinical investigations of the pathophysiology of human brain disorders as well as more basic mechanistic explorations of the brain. The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the practical aspects of implementing MRI and fMRI in marmosets (both under anesthesia and fully awake) and discuss the development of resources recently made available for marmoset imaging

    Rhesus monkey brain development during late infancy and the effect of phencyclidine: a longitudinal MRI and DTI study

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    Early brain development is a complex and rapid process, the disturbance of which may cause the onset of brain disorders. Based on longitudinal imaging data acquired from 6 to 16. months postnatal, we describe a systematic trajectory of monkey brain development during late infancy, and demonstrate the influence of phencyclidine (PCP) on this trajectory. Although the general developmental trajectory of the monkey brain was close to that of the human brain, the development in monkeys was faster and regionally specific. Gray matter volume began to decrease during late infancy in monkeys, much earlier than in humans in whom it occurs in adolescence. Additionally, the decrease of gray matter volume in higher-order association regions (the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes) occurred later than in regions for primary functions (the occipital lobe and cerebellum). White matter volume displayed an increasing trend in most brain regions, but not in the occipital lobe, which had a stable volume. In addition, based on diffusion tensor imaging, we found an increase in fractional anisotropy and a decrease in diffusivity, which may be associated with myelination and axonal changes in white matter tracts. Meanwhile, we tested the influence of 14-day PCP treatment on the developmental trajectories. Such treatment tended to accelerated brain maturation during late infancy, although not statistically significant. These findings provide comparative information for the understanding of primate brain maturation and neurodevelopmental disorders

    Robust brain parcellation using sparse representation on resting-state fMRI.

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    Resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) has been widely used to segregate the brain into individual modules based on the presence of distinct connectivity patterns. Many parcellation methods have been proposed for brain parcellation using rs-fMRI, but their results have been somewhat inconsistent, potentially due to various types of noise. In this study, we provide a robust parcellation method for rs-fMRI-based brain parcellation, which constructs a sparse similarity graph based on the sparse representation coefficients of each seed voxel and then uses spectral clustering to identify distinct modules. Both the local time-varying BOLD signals and whole-brain connectivity patterns may be used as features and yield similar parcellation results. The robustness of our method was tested on both simulated and real rs-fMRI datasets. In particular, on simulated rs-fMRI data, sparse representation achieved good performance across different noise levels, including high accuracy of parcellation and high robustness to noise. On real rs-fMRI data, stable parcellation of the medial frontal cortex (MFC) and parietal operculum (OP) were achieved on three different datasets, with high reproducibility within each dataset and high consistency across these results. Besides, the parcellation of MFC was little influenced by the degrees of spatial smoothing. Furthermore, the consistent parcellation of OP was also well corresponding to cytoarchitectonic subdivisions and known somatotopic organizations. Our results demonstrate a new promising approach to robust brain parcellation using resting-state fMRI by sparse representation

    Altered structural connectome in adolescent socially isolated mice

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    Social experience is essential for adolescent development and plasticity of social animals. Deprivation of the experience by social isolation impairs white matter microstructures in the prefrontal cortex. However, the effect of social isolation may involve highly distributed brain networks, and therefore cannot be fully explained by a change of a single region. Here, we compared the connectomes of adolescent socially-isolated mice and normal-housed controls via diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. The isolated mice displayed an abnormal connectome, characterized by an increase in degree and reductions in measures such as modularity, small-worldness, and betweenness. The increase in degree was most evident in the dorsolateral orbitofrontal cortex, entorhinal cortex, and perirhinal cortex. In a connection-wise comparison, we revealed that most of the abnormal edges were inter-modular and inter-hemispheric connections of the dorsolateral orbitofrontal cortex. Further tractography-based analyses and histological examinations revealed microstructural changes in the forceps minor and lateral-cortical tracts that were associated with the dorsolateral orbitofrontal cortex. These changes of connectomes were correlated with fear memory deficits and hyper-locomotion activities induced by social isolation. Considering the key role of the orbitofrontal cortex in social behaviors, adolescent social isolation may primarily disrupt the orbitofrontal cortex and its neural pathways thereby contributing to an abnormal structural connectome. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Altered structural connectome in adolescent socially isolated mice

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    Social experience is essential for adolescent development and plasticity of social animals. Deprivation of the experience by social isolation impairs white matter microstructures in the prefrontal cortex. However, the effect of social isolation may involve highly distributed brain networks, and therefore cannot be fully explained by a change of a single region. Here, we compared the connectomes of adolescent socially-isolated mice and normal-housed controls via diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. The isolated mice displayed an abnormal connectome, characterized by an increase in degree and reductions in measures such as modularity, small-worldness, and betweenness. The increase in degree was most evident in the dorsolateral orbitofrontal cortex, entorhinal cortex, and perirhinal cortex. In a connection-wise comparison, we revealed that most of the abnormal edges were inter-modular and inter-hemispheric connections of the dorsolateral orbitofrontal cortex. Further tractography-based analyses and histological examinations revealed microstructural changes in the forceps minor and lateral-cortical tracts that were associated with the dorsolateral orbitofrontal cortex. These changes of connectomes were correlated with fear memory deficits and hyper-locomotion activities induced by social isolation. Considering the key role of the orbitofrontal cortex in social behaviors, adolescent social isolation may primarily disrupt the orbitofrontal cortex and its neural pathways thereby contributing to an abnormal structural connectome. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Cross-cultural consistency and diversity in intrinsic functional organization of Broca's Region

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    As a core language area, Broca's region was consistently activated in a variety of language studies even across different language systems. Moreover, a high degree of structural and functional heterogeneity in Broca's region has been reported in many studies. This raised the issue of how the intrinsic organization of Broca's region effects by different language experiences in light of its subdivisions. To address this question, we used multi-center resting-state fMRI data to explore the cross-cultural consistency and diversity of Broca's region in terms of its subdivisions, connectivity patterns and modularity organization in Chinese and German speakers. A consistent topological organization of the 13 subdivisions within the extended Broca's region was revealed on the basis of a new in-vivo parcellation map, which corresponded well to the previously reported receptorarchitectonic map. Based on this parcellation map, consistent functional connectivity patterns and modularity organization of these subdivisions were found. Some cultural difference in the functional connectivity patterns was also found, for instance stronger connectivity in Chinese subjects between area 6v2 and the motor hand area, as well as higher correlations between area 45p and middle frontal gyrus. Our study suggests that a generally invariant organization of Broca's region, together with certain regulations of different language experiences on functional connectivity, might exists to support language processing in human brain

    Long-distance aberrant heterotopic connectivity in a mouse strain with a high incidence of callosal anomalies

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    Corpus callosum dysgenesis (CCD) is a developmental brain condition in which some white matter fibers fail to find their natural course across the midplane, reorganizing instead to form new aberrant pathways. This type of white matter reorganization is known as long-distance plasticity (LDP). The present work aimed to characterize the Balb/c mouse strain as a model of CCD. We employed high-resolution anatomical MRI in 81 Balb/c and 27 C57bl6 mice to show that the Balb/c mouse strain presents a variance in the size of the CC that is 3.9 times higher than the variance of normotypical C57bl6. We also performed high-resolution diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in 8 Balb/c and found that the Balb/c strain shows aberrant white matter bundles, such as the Probst (5/8 animals) and the Sigmoid bundles (7/8 animals), which are similar to those found in humans with CCD. Using a histological tracer technique, we confirmed the existence of these aberrant bundles in the Balb/c strain. Interestingly, we also identified sigmoid-like fibers in the C57bl6 strain, thought to a lesser degree. Next, we used a connectome approach and found widespread brain connectivity differences between Balb/c and C57bl6 strains. The Balb/c strain also exhibited increased variability of global connectivity. These findings suggest that the Balb/c strain presents local and global changes in brain structural connectivity. This strain often presents with callosal abnormalities, along with the Probst and the Sigmoid bundles, making it is an attractive animal model for CCD and LDP in general. Our results also show that even the C57bl6 strain, which typically serves as a normotypical control animal in a myriad of studies, presents sigmoid-fashion pattern fibers laid out in the brain. These results suggest that these aberrant fiber pathways may not necessarily be a pathological hallmark, but instead an alternative roadmap for misguided axons. Such findings offer new insights for interpreting the significance of CCD-associated LDP in humans