98 research outputs found

    The Actuator Design and the Experimental Tests of a New Technology Large Deformable Mirror for Visible Wavelengths Adaptive Optics

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    Recently, Adaptive Secondary Mirrors showed excellent on-sky results in the Near Infrared wavelengths. They currently provide 30mm inter-actuator spacing and about 1 kHz bandwidth. Pushing these devices to be operated at visible wavelengths is a challenging task. Compared to the current systems, working in the infrared, the more demanding requirements are the higher spatial resolution and the greater correction bandwidth. In fact, the turbulence scale is shorter and the parameter variation is faster. Typically, the former is not larger than 25 mm (projected on the secondary mirror) and the latter is 2 kHz, therefore the actuator has to be more slender and faster than the current ones. With a soft magnetic composite core, a dual-stator and a single-mover, VRALA, the actuator discussed in this paper, attains unprecedented performances with a negligible thermal impact. Pre-shaping the current required to deliver a given stroke greatly simplifies the control system, whose output supplies the current generator. As the inductance depends on the mover position, the electronics of this generator, provided with an inductance measure circuit, works also as a displacement sensor, supplying the control system with an accurate feed-back signal. A preliminary prototype, built according to the several FEA thermo-magnetic analyses, has undergone some preliminary laboratory tests. The results of these checks, matching the design results in terms of power and force, show that the the magnetic design addresses the severe specifications

    Modeling VRALA, The Next-Generation Actuator For High-Density, Tick Secondary Mirrors For Astronomy

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    The next-generation of Extremely Large Telescopes adaptive optics systems require high-order, long-stroke, quite large deformable mirrors. Higher forces and greater actuator densities than the ones provided by the current technology are needed, still maintaining the severe accuracy and bandwidth requests. Based on a very simple magnetic circuit, providing a compact device, the VRALA actuator accomplishes this very demanding goal. With an efficiency of about 7 N/W and an overall radius that allows actuator separations as low as 25 mm, the deformable mirror can be actuated with large forces on small spatial scales, with a little thermal impact, and/or its thickness can be increased, in order to simplify the manufacturing

    AO@SW with Vrala: Simulations and Tests

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    Designed to actuate large correction forces on small spatial scales for the next generation deformable mirrors, VRALA is the ideal candidate for the Adaptive Optics actuators at visible wavelengths. Using its electric characteristics variations, properly supplying current commands, and optimizing the magnetic circuit geometry, the required force is delivered with a correction bandwidth of 2 kHz, and a 25 mm actuation density can be achieved. The dual-stator, single-mover soft magnetic composite core provides unprecedented performances with a negligible thermal impact. Pre-shaping the coil currents required to deliver a given stroke greatly simpli es the control system. Equipped with an inductance measure circuit, the current generator also provides the control system with an accurate feed-back signal. The Comsol non-linear model of VRALA allows to de ne the optimized geometry, to compute the dynamic response to the closed-loop control system, and to calculate the circuit inductance. The tests performed on a preliminary prototype, built according to the Comsol analyses, match the design results in terms of power and force

    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on 2-[18F]FDG PET/CT imaging work-flow in a single medical institution: comparison among the three Italian waves

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    Purpose: To compare the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on 2-[18F]FDG PET/CT imaging work-flow during the three waves in a medical institution of southern of Italy. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the numbers and results of 2-[18F]FDG PET/CT studies acquired during the following three periods of the COVID-19 waves: 1) February 3-April 30, 2020; 2) October 15, 2020–January 15, 2021; and 3) January 18-April 16, 2021. Results: A total of 861 PET/CT studies in 725 patients (388 men, mean age 64 +/- 4 years) was acquired during the three waves of COVID-19 pandemic. The majority (94%) was performed for diagnosis/staging (n = 300) or follow-up (n = 512) of neoplastic diseases. The remaining 49 studies (6%) were acquired for non-oncological patients. The distribution of number and type of clinical indications for PET/CT studies in the three waves were comparable (p < 0.06). Conversely, the occurrence of patients positive for COVID-19 infection progressively increased (p < 0.0001) from the first to third wave; in particular, patients with COVID-19 had active infection before PET/CT study as confirmed by molecular oro/nasopharyngeal swab. Conclusion: Despite the restrictive medical measures for the emergency, the number of 2-[18F]FDG PET/CT studies was unchanged during the three waves guaranteeing the diagnostic performance of PET/CT imaging for oncological patients

    Toward large diffraction limited space telescopes with the Latt lightweight active primary

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    The design of large segmented mirrors, actively controlled both in shape and in differential piston, is one of the challenges space optics is facing, driven by the needs of the astronomical community

    Liposomal doxorubicin supercharge-containing front-line treatment in patients with advanced-stage diffuse large B-cell lymphoma or classical Hodgkin lymphoma: Preliminary results of a single-centre phase II study

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    We evaluated the impact of liposomal doxorubicin (NPLD) supercharge-containing therapy on interim fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (interim-FDG-PET) responses in high-risk diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) or classical Hodgkin lymphoma (c-HL). In this phase II study (2016-2021), 81 adult patients with advanced-stage DLBCL (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;53) and c-HL (n&nbsp;=&nbsp;28) received front-line treatment with R-COMP-dose-intensified (DI) and MBVD-DI. R-COMP-DI consisted of 70 mg/m2 of NPLD plus standard rituximab, cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisone for three cycles (followed by three cycles with NPLD de-escalated at 50 mg/m2 ); MBVD-DI consisted of 35 mg/m2 of NPLD plus standard bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine for two cycles (followed by four cycles with NPLD de-escalated at 25 mg/m2 ). Patients underwent R-COMP-DI and MBVD-DI with a median dose intensity of 91% and 94% respectively. At interim-FDG-PET, 72/81 patients (one failed to undergo interim-FDG-PET due to early death) had a Deauville score of ≤3. At end of treatment, 90% of patients reached complete responses. In all, 20 patients had Grade ≥3 adverse events, and four of them required hospitalisation. At a median 21-months of follow-up, the progression-free survival of the entire population was 77.3% (95% confidence interval 68%-88%). Our data suggest that the NPLD supercharge-driven strategy in high-risk DLBCL/c-HL may be a promising option to test in phase III trials, for improving negative interim-FDG-PET cases incidence

    The instrument control unit of the ARIEL payload: design evolution following the unit and payload subsystems SRR (system requirements review)

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    ARIEL (Atmospheric Remote-sensing InfraRed Large-survey) is a medium-class mission of the European Space Agency, part of the Cosmic Vision program, whose launch is foreseen by early 2029. ARIEL aims to study the composition of exoplanet atmospheres, their formation and evolution. The ARIEL’s target will be a sample of about 1000 planets observed with one or more of the following methods: transit, eclipse and phase-curve spectroscopy, at both visible and infrared wavelengths simultaneously. The scientific payload is composed by a reflective telescope having a 1m-class elliptical primary mirror, built in solid Aluminium, and two focal-plane instruments: FGS and AIRS. FGS (Fine Guidance System)1 has the double purpose, as suggested by its name, of performing photometry (0.50-0.55 µm) and low resolution spectrometry over three bands (from 0.8 to 1.95 µm) and, simultaneously, to provide data to the spacecraft AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control System) with a cadence of 10 Hz and contributing to reach a 0.02 arcsec pointing accuracy for bright targets. AIRS (ARIEL InfraRed Spectrometer) instrument will perform IR spectrometry in two wavelength ranges: between 1.95 and 3.9 µm (with a spectral resolution R > 100) and between 3.9 and 7.8 µm with a spectral resolution R > 30. This paper provides the status of the ICU (Instrument Control Unit), an electronic box whose purpose is to command and supply power to AIRS (as well as acquire science data from its two channels) and to command and control the TCU (Telescope Control Unit)

    Heat treatment procedure of the Aluminium 6061-T651 for the Ariel Telescope mirrors

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    The Atmospheric Remote-Sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large Survey (Ariel) is the M4 mission adopted by ESA’s ”Cosmic Vision” program. Its launch is scheduled for 2029. The purpose of the mission is the study of exoplanetary atmospheres on a target of ∼ 1000 exoplanets. Ariel scientific payload consists of an off-axis, unobscured Cassegrain telescope. The light is directed towards a set of photometers and spectrometers with wavebands between 0.5 and 7.8 µm and operating at cryogenic temperatures. The Ariel Space Telescope consists of a primary parabolic mirror with an elliptical aperture of 1.1· 0.7 m, followed by a hyperbolic secondary, a parabolic collimating tertiary and a flat-folding mirror directing the output beam parallel to the optical bench; all in bare aluminium. The choice of bare aluminium for the realization of the mirrors is dictated by several factors: maximizing the heat exchange, reducing the costs of materials and technological advancement. To date, an aluminium mirror the size of Ariel’s primary has never been made. The greatest challenge is finding a heat treatment procedure that stabilizes the aluminium, particularly the Al6061T651 Laminated alloy. This paper describes the study and testing of the heat treatment procedure developed on aluminium samples of different sizes (from 50mm to 150mm diameter), on 0.7m diameter mirror, and discusses future steps

    The detector control unit of the fine guidance sensor instrument on-board the ARIEL mission: design status

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    ARIEL is an ESA mission whose scientific goal is to investigate exoplanetary atmospheres. The payload is composed by two instruments: AIRS (ARIEL IR Spectrometer) and FGS (Fine Guidance System). The FGS detection chain is composed by two HgCdTe detectors and by the cold Front End Electronics (SIDECAR), kept at cryogenic temperatures, interfacing with the F-DCU (FGS Detector Control Unit) boards that we will describe thoroughly in this paper. The F-DCU are situated in the warm side of the payload in a box called FCU (FGS Control Unit) and contribute to the FGS VIS/NIR imaging and NIR spectroscopy. The F-DCU performs several tasks: drives the detectors, processes science data and housekeeping telemetries, manages the commands exchange between the FGS/DPU (Data Processing Unit) and the SIDECARs and provides high quality voltages to the detectors. This paper reports the F-DCU status, describing its architecture, the operation and the activities, past and future necessary for its development

    FEA testing the pre-flight Ariel primary mirror

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    Ariel (Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey) is an ESA M class mission aimed at the study of exoplanets. The satellite will orbit in the lagrangian point L2 and will survey a sample of 1000 exoplanets simultaneously in visible and infrared wavelengths. The challenging scientific goal of Ariel implies unprecedented engineering efforts to satisfy the severe requirements coming from the science in terms of accuracy. The most important specification – an all-Aluminum telescope – requires very accurate design of the primary mirror (M1), a novel, off-set paraboloid honeycomb mirror with ribs, edge, and reflective surface. To validate such a mirror, some tests were carried out on a prototype – namely Pathfinder Telescope Mirror (PTM) – built specifically for this purpose. These tests, carried out at the Centre Spatial de Liège in Belgium – revealed an unexpected deformation of the reflecting surface exceeding a peek-to-valley of 1µm. Consequently, the test had to be re-run, to identify systematic errors and correct the setting for future tests on the final prototype M1. To avoid the very expensive procedure of developing a new prototype and testing it both at room and cryogenic temperatures, it was decided to carry out some numerical simulations. These analyses allowed first to recognize and understand the reasoning behind the faults occurred during the testing phase, and later to apply the obtained knowledge to a new M1 design to set a defined guideline for future testing campaigns