212 research outputs found

    La forza politicizzante del dolore: le resilient communities in Messico

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    La violenza di genere \ue8 una problematica che affligge l\u2019intero Stato del Messico, in particolar modo la zona fronteriza del nord tra cui Ciudad Ju\ue1rez, Tijuana, quella centrale dello stato del Michoac\ue1n e Guanajuato e la zona sud in Oaxaca e Chiapas. La violazione dei diritti umani universali, che sfocia in atti di femminicidio e casi di violenza sessuale, \ue8 interpretabile in relazione al contesto storico-culturale, in quanto sia il passato postcoloniale di matrice spagnola sia quello contemporaneo capitalista prettamente statunitense ha contribuito all\u2019affermasi di una politica dello sfruttamento basato sulla corruzione politica e la criminalit\ue0. Il presente contributo propone, pertanto, un\u2019analisi dei movimenti comunitari che denunciano i crimini umani e focalizzano le loro azioni di protesta nell\u2019affermazione di un modello politico basato sulla prospettiva di genere. In una prima fase dello studio, dunque, si presentano i casi di comunit\ue0 resilienti che hanno sviluppato capacit\ue0 collettive di ripoliticizzazione allo scopo di promuovere un nuovo modello di rappresentazione della donna svincolato dalla costruzione culturale ed istituzionale. L'obiettivo \ue8 quello di evidenziare come le comunit\ue0 riescano a realizzare una reintegrazione resiliente. In conclusione, si sottolinea come le resilient communities siano esempi di autodifesa collettiva che da una parte ridimensionano il concetto di comunit\ue0 politica e, dall\u2019altra, attivano un processo di empowerment fondato sulla forza del dolore che risemantizza il concetto di identit\ue0 e le pratiche di riconoscimento dell\u2019Altro

    The ECHR Condemns Prison Overcrowding in Italy: The Total Reorganization of the Institution and the Social Reintegration of the Prisoner

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    This contribution analyses the current Italian prison system, which has been called upon to resolve its structural problems. In 2013, The Council of Europe condemned Italy for inhuman treatment in its prisons. The principal accusation concerns the problem of overcrowding. The country has responded with solutions such as the application of the open system, which provides cells that are used exclusively for sleeping in at night, and dynamic monitoring, an effective system for ensuring order in the institutions. These initiatives aim to promote re-educational activities and the social re-integration of prisoners. In addition, Italian institutions have made greater use of alternatives to custodial penalties in order to tackle overcrowding and to provide more opportunities for re-integration. This contribution focuses on the need to increase prisoners\u2019 employment opportunities. In fact, Italy seems to have neglected this area, which is fundamental for re-integration into the community sphere

    Twins. Similarities, differences and individuality

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    This study aims to investigate the self-differentiating perceptions and the separation-individuation’s process in emerging adulthood twins. A group of 40 Italian pairs of twins (21 couples dizygotic-DZ and 19 monozygotic-MZ) aged 20-30 years, were evaluated using the test of graphic projection Family Life Space (DSSVF) and thought a specific questionnaire ad hoc constructed for this research. The research hypothesis focus on Zazzo’s test of parallel testimony and provide to give empirical evidence about the capacity of MZ Twins to use more internal resources of the couple than DZ Twins, causing the split slowdown on identification. The data show that there are no difference between not bisexual MZ and DZ couple. Moreover, there is a less strong reciprocal relation in the sex opposite DZ couple than in the others

    Vine and Fruit Responses to Supplementary Irrigation and Canopy Management

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    Drip irrigation at 0.0, 0.2 or 0.4 of weekly Class A Pan evaporation was applied to grapevines cv. Shiraz in the Barossa Valley of South Australia. Irrigation resulted in a significant increase in yield and vegetative growth but also significantly changed wine composition and wine spectral measures. Canopy management by shoot positioning and treatment with ethephon, both designed to increase fruit exposure to sunlight, resulted in significant but small changes in wine quality measures. The implications of these treatments for the improvement of wine quality from irrigated vines are discussed

    Virus thermotherapy effects on the performance of a Muscadelle selection

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    Virus thermotherapy of a clonally selected, high yielding but leaf-roll infected Muscadelle selection resulted in significantly greater yield and vegetative growth. There were more berries per bunch and heavier bunches in each year and a greater weight of annual prunings of heat treated propagules in 3 of the 4 years reported. No consistent differences in selected maturity components were observed


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    Intimate partner violence and domestic violence refer to the violation of women’s rights, often provoked by socio-cultural norms based on a patriarchal matrix. In Mexican society, in particular, gender-based violence affects the physical and psychological well-being of Mexican women. Moreover, the social representations of women who suffer violence and the lack of an effective legislative framework often reproduce the legitimation of gender-based violence, enhancing negative stereotypes and prejudices. In this scenario, the voice of the women who suffer violence in intimate relationships is silenced. In particular, in public and academic debates the impact and consequences of violence against women are reported through quantitative data, obscuring the subjective dimension of each story. This contribution reviews empirical literature on violence against women through a fieldwork on intimate partner violence, realized in the region of Guanajuato. The instrument of this analysis is based on a qualitative method, which allows the creation of a dialog, emphasizing the dimension of signification in an introspective way. Subsequently, the research focuses on the analysis of social representations regarding violence against women. In particular, it explores the collective imaginary of police officers who safeguard citizens’ rights in primary interventions. In fact, primary and secondary prevention strategies rely on the knowledge acquired by all professionals who are responsible for preventing and eliminating gender-based violence. Considering that negative stereotypes keep reproducing the image that women who suffer violence “ask for it” and “deserve it”, this contribution aims to analyze the prevalence and incidence of such stereotyped perceptions, reporting on the consequences and implications of these attitudes

    Conversion from Extended-Dose-Release Tacrolimus to Melt-Dose Tacrolimus in High Metabolizer Patients: Is the New Formulation of LPCT the Best Option for High Metabolizer Kidney Transplanted Patients?

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    Tacrolimus (FK506) is the most widely used anti-rejection drug in kidney transplantation, especially its extended release Tacrolimus formulation (ER-Tac, Advagraf), which is used when target blood levels can be difficult to reach in high metabolizer patients. In this retrospective monocentric study, we analyzed the effect of a switch from ER-Tac to LifeCycle Pharma Tacrolimus (LPCT, Envarsus) on the dose/level ratio of FK506 in high metabolizer patients that cannot achieve target blood levels in the first 6 months after transplantation. We observed a statistically significant improvement in the level to dose ratio after the switch. Renal function remained stable. We also observed a reduction in the development of tremors. Our data suggest that LPCT can be used in a safer way in high metabolizer kidney transplant recipients
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