7 research outputs found

    Determinant Factors of Entrepreneurial Spirits Among the Minangkabau Migrant Merchants

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    This research aims to reveal the dominant factors of Minangkabau (the ethnic group native to the highlands of West Sumatra, Indonesia) migrants mainly engaged in merchandise. The Minangkabau hold firmly their customs and traditions which founded upon Islamic law as described in the saying “adat basandi syara\u27; syara\u27 basandi kitabullah” (tradition founded upon Islamic law, Islamic law founded upon the Holy Quran). This research was conducted in Ipuh sub-sub-district, Bengkulu province, Indonesia, those 150 respondents of Minangkabau merchants as the samples. The location was selected due to Ipuh sub-district is located near West Sumatra borders, so that the tradition strongly influence the Minang migrant merchants. To answer the research questions, the variables used were independent and dependent. The independent variable is the entrepreneurial spirit, while, the dependent variable is economic factors, adat (in this case, the term used is tradition), descendant, education, and independence. The research used a quantitative method by using multiple linear regressions. The result found that cultural variables influence the entrepreneurial spirits of Minangkabau merchant migrants because they uphold their traditions wherever they are. The insignificant influence of education, economic factor, heredity, and independence are insignificant. To conclude, matrilineal tradition has influenced the entrepreneurial spirits of Minang merchants and the matrilineal tradition can increase entrepreneurs among women

    Rate Of Return Risk pada Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia

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    The rate of return risk is one of the risks that Islamic banks in Indonesia should pay attention to. The purpose of this research is to predict the factors that affect the rate of return risk of Islamic banking in Indonesia (namely Islamic Commercial Banks and Sharia Business Units) from 2015 to 2019. The research methodology used is multiple regression with the EViews data processing application. version 9. The results of this study found that the deposit variable has a significant positive effect on the rate of return risk, while the BI-rate variable does not effect on the rate of return risk of Islamic banks in Indonesia. Rate of return risk merupakan salah satu risiko yang harus menjadi perhatian oleh bank syariah di Indonesia. Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memprediksi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi rate of return risk perbankan syariah di Indonesia (yaitu Bank Umum Syariah dan Unit Usaha Syariah) dari tahun 2015 sampai dengan tahun 2019. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah regresi berganda dengan aplikasi pengolah data EViews versi 9. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa variabel deposito mempunyai pengaruh signifikan positif  terhadap rate of return risk sedangkan variabel BI-rate tidak berpengaruh terhadap rate of return risk  bank syariah di Indonesia

    Konsep Islamic Ethic Marketing di Perbankan Syariah

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    Marketing is part of muamalah in Islam which if carried out based on Islamic ethical norms based on the Qur'an and hadiths will become worship even though marketing is not related to mahdah worship. The article describes the concept of marketing based on Islamic ethics, also known as Islamic morals. The concept of Islamic ethic marketing is offered in the hope that it can be applied in marketing Islamic banks because it is based on the principle of welfare. This concept is offered so that future marketing operations of Islamic banks welfare (falah) in terms of education and protection for the welfare of the community

    Completion of Matrix Inversions Using Elementary Matrix Inverse Multiplication Method

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    .   Given a matrix A is ordo . Elementary matrix inverse multiplication  produces inverse matrix A which is  where I is an identity matrix and  is an inverse matrix A. The problem discussed in this research is to find a solution the ordo of matrices  by using inverse elementary matrix inversion method with the steps given in solving by completing the smallest ordo matrix first up until the ordo matrix .   Keywords: Matrix, Inverse Matrix, Multiplication of Elementary Matrix

    Risiko di Bank Syariah: suatu Pengantar

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    Islamic banks are banks whose products range from funding to financing. With more and more of these products, of course the risks faced by Islamic banks are also increasingly diverse. So, through this article will explain what risks are faced by conventional banking and Islamic banking. This article will also outline the risks faced by financing channeled by Islamic banks and how to implement risk management in Islamic banks to mitigate the risks they face

    Analisis Sistem Antrian Multi Chanel Single Phase dalam Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan Pandemi COVID-19 di Merdeka Walk Medan

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    Antrian umumnya terjadi dimanapun ketika sedang menunggu giliran dalam mendapatkan suatu pelayanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan penerapan model sistem antrian dalam mengoptimalkan protokol kesehatan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Merdeka Walk Medan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengamati dan mencatat antrian yang terjadi pada jam sibuk. Jenis sistem antrian yang diterapkan pada pintu masuk Merdeka Walk adalah jenis antrian model Multi Channel Single Phase atau M/M/s dengan Disiplin pelayanan First In First Out (FIFO). Dari hasil perhitungan dipeoleh rata-rata P0=0.3402, utilitas=0.3317, Lq=0,0033, Wq=0.000136, Ws=0.0143, dan Ls=1.0148