68 research outputs found

    Synthesis of oligomeric mimics of lignin

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    Protein networks in the maturation of human iron-sulfur proteins

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    The human YAE1-ORAOV1 complex of the cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly machinery binds a [4Fe-4S] cluster

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    Abstract Iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters are among the most versatile cofactors in biology. Although Fe-S clusters formation can be achieved spontaneously in vitro with inorganic iron and sulfur sources, the in vivo behaviour is more complex and requires the so-called Fe-S biogenesis machineries. In the cytosol, the biogenesis of Fe-S proteins is assisted by the cytosolic Fe-S protein assembly machinery, which comprises at least thirteen known proteins, among which there are human ORAOV1 and YAE1. A hetero-complex formed by the two latter proteins facilitates Fe-S cluster insertion in the human ABC protein ABCE1 within a chain of binding events that are still not well understood. In the present work, ORAOV1 and the YAE1-ORAOV1 complex were produced and their structural and cluster binding properties spectroscopically investigated. It resulted that both ORAOV1 and the YAE1-ORAOV1 complex are characterized by well-structured, α -helical regions and by unstructured, flexible regions, and are both able to bind a [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster. Bioinformatics and site-directed mutagenesis studies indicated that the [4Fe-4S] cluster in ORAOV1 is bound by a conserved cluster binding motif, while YAE1, which does not have a metal-binding consensus motif, is not essential for the [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster binding in the YAE1-ORAOV1 hetero-complex. Overall, these results support a model that the YAE1-ORAOV1 complex might actively participate in the Fe-S cluster insertion into ABCE1 thanks to the [4Fe-4S]2+ cluster binding properties of ORAOV1

    Solution Structure of the Yeast Copper Transporter Domain Ccc2a in the Apo and Cu(I)-loaded States

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    Ccc2 is an intracellular copper transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is a physiological target of the copper chaperone Atx1. Here we describe the solution structure of the first N-terminal MTCXXC metal-binding domain, Ccc2a, both in the presence and absence of Cu(I). For Cu(I)-Ccc2a, 1944 meaningful nuclear Overhauser effects were used to obtain a family of 35 structures with root mean square deviation to the average structure of 0.36 +/- 0.06 A for the backbone and 0.79 +/- 0.05 A for the heavy atoms. For apo-Ccc2a, 1970 meaningful nuclear Overhauser effects have been used with 35 (3)J(HNHalpha) to obtain a family of 35 structures with root mean square deviation to the average structure of 0.38 +/- 0.06 A for the backbone and 0.82 +/- 0.07 A for the heavy atoms. The protein exhibits a betaalphabetabetaalphabeta, ferrodoxin-like fold similar to that of its target Atx1 and that of a human counterpart, the fourth metal-binding domain of the Menkes protein. The overall fold remains unchanged upon copper loading, but the copper-binding site itself becomes less disordered. The helical context of the copper-binding site, and the copper-induced conformational changes in Ccc2a differ from those in Atx1. Ccc2a presents a conserved acidic surface which complements the basic surface of Atx1 and a hydrophobic surface. These results open new mechanistic aspects of copper transporter domains with physiological copper donor and acceptor proteins

    Structural basis for the function of the N-terminal domain of the ATPase CopA from Bacillus subtilis.

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    The solution structure of the N-terminal region (151 amino acids) of a copper ATPase, CopA, from Bacillus subtilis, is reported here. It consists of two domains, CopAa and CopAb, linked by two amino acids. It is found that the two domains, which had already been separately characterized, interact one to the other through a hydrogen bond network and a few hydrophobic interactions, forming a single rigid body. The two metal binding sites are far from one another, and the short link between the domains prevents them from interacting. This and the surface electrostatic potential suggest that each domain receives copper from the copper chaperone, CopZ, independently and transfers it to the membrane binding site of CopA. The affinity constants of silver(I) and copper(I) are similar for the two sites as monitored by NMR. Because the present construct "domain-short link-domain" is shared also by the last two domains of the eukaryotic copper ATPases and several residues at the interface between the two domains are conserved, the conclusions of the present study have general validity for the understanding of the function of copper ATPases

    Solution Structure of Cox11, a Novel Type of β-Immunoglobulin-like Fold Involved in CuB Site Formation of Cytochrome c Oxidase

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    Cytochrome c oxidase assembly process involves many accessory proteins including Cox11, which is a copper-binding protein required for Cu incorporation into the Cu(B) site of cytochrome c oxidase. In a genome wide search, a number of Cox11 homologs are found in all of the eukaryotes with complete genomes and in several Gram-negative bacteria. All of them possess a highly homologous soluble domain and contain an N-terminal fragment that anchors the protein to the membrane. An anchor-free construct of 164 amino acids was obtained from Sinorhizobium meliloti, and the first structure of this class of proteins is reported here. The apoform has an immunoglobulin-like fold with a novel type of beta-strand organization. The copper binding motif composed of two highly conserved cysteines is located on one side of the beta-barrel structure. The apoprotein is monomeric in the presence of dithiothreitol, whereas it dimerizes in the absence of the reductant. When copper(I) binds, NMR and extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data indicate a dimeric protein state with two thiolates bridging two copper(I) ions. The present results advance the knowledge on the poorly understood molecular aspects of cytochrome c oxidase assembly
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