411 research outputs found

    Slow proton production in semi-inclusive DIS off nuclei: the role of final state interaction

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    The effects of the final state interaction on the production of slow protons in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic lepton scattering off nuclei is considered within the spectator mechanism and a realistic approach in which the rescattering in the medium of both the recoiling proton and the hadronizing nucleon debris are taken into account.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the "Fifth International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics" held at ICTP, Trieste, 22 - 26 May 200

    Investigation of the Neutron Form Factors by Inclusive Quasi-Elastic Scattering of Polarized Electrons off Polarized 3^{3}He: A Theoretical Overview

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    The theory of quasi-elastic inclusive scattering of polarized leptons off polarized 3^3He is critically reviewed and the origin of different expressions for the polarized nuclear response function appearing in the literature is explained. The sensitivity of the longitudinal asymmetry upon the neutron form factors is thoroughly investigated and the role played by the polarization angle for minimizing the proton contribution is illustrated.Comment: Phys. Rev C in press; 9 figs. (available upon request

    Realistic calculations of correlations and final state interaction effects in the A(e,e'p)X process off complex nuclei

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    A linked cluster expansion for the calculation of ground state observables of complex nuclei with realistic interactions has been used to calculate the ground state energy, density and momentum distribution of 16O and 40Ca. Using the same cluster expansion and the wave function and correlation parameters obtained from the energy calculation, we have evaluated the semi inclusive reaction A(e,e'p)X taking final state interaction (FSI) into account by a Glauber type approach; the comparison between the distorted and undistorted momentum distributions provides an estimate of the transparency of the nuclear medium to the propagation of the hit proton. The effect of color transparency is also included by considering the Finite Formation Time (FFT) that the hit hadron needs to reach its asymptotic physical state.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, 8 figures, presented at the "2nd International Conference on Nuclear and Particle Physics with CEBAF at JLab

    A new realistic many-body approach for the description of high-energy scattering processes off complex nuclei

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    A linked cluster expansion for the calculation of ground state observables of nuclei with realistic interactions has been developed. Using the V8' potential the ground state energy, density and momentum distribution of complex nuclei have been calculated and found to be in good agreement with the results obtained within the Fermi Hyper Netted Chain, and Variational Monte Carlo approaches. Using the same cluster expansion, with wave function and correlations parameters fixed from the calculation of the ground-state observables, various high energy scattering processes off complex nuclei have been calculated taking final state interaction effects into account by means of the Glauber multiple scattering series.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, presented by M. Alvioli at the "13th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories", Buenos Aires - Argentina, 5-9 December 200

    Rescattering and finite formation time effects in electro-disintegration of the deuteron in the cumulative region

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    The role of rescattering due to the final state interaction (FSI) and the influence of the finite formation time (FFT) on the inclusive D(e,e)XD(e,e')X and exclusive D(e,ep)nD(e,e'p)n electro-disintegration of the deuteron are studied in the cumulative kinematical region x>1x>1 and moderate values of the 4-momentum transfer Q2=2÷10Q^2=2\div 10 (GeV/c)2^2. The spins are averaged out. It is found that in the inclusive process the relative magnitude of rescattering steadily grows with xx and that at x=1.7x=1.7 it has the same order as the plane wave impulse approximation (PWIA) contribution, with the finite formation time effects decreasing the rescattering contribution by 30\sim 30%. In the exclusive process, with increasing momentum transfer, FFT substantially reduces the effects from FSI, although the latter are still appreciable in the region of momentum transfer investigated.Comment: 5 pages, 5 EPS figures. Presented by M. A. Braun at the Fourth International Conference on Hadronic Physics, Trieste (Italy), ICTP May 12-16, 2003. To appear in EPJ

    Finite formation time effects in inclusive and semi-inclusive electro-disintegration of few-body nuclei

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    Finite Formation Time (FFT) effects in the exclusive reaction ^4He(e,e'p)^3H at high values of Q^2 are introduced and discussed. It is shown that the minimum in the momentum distributions predicted by the Plane Wave Impulse Approximation (PWIA), which is filled by the Glauber-type Final State Interaction (FSI), is completely recovered when FFT effects are taken into account. The semi-inclusive process ^4 He(e,e'p)X is also investigated.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figure

    Transport Theoretical Approach to the Nucleon Spectral Function in Nuclear Matter

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    The nucleon spectral function in infinite nuclear matter is calculated in a quantum transport theoretical approach. Exploiting the known relation between collision rates and correlation functions the spectral function is derived self-consistently. By re-inserting the spectral functions into the collision integrals the description of hard processes from the high-momentum components of wave functions and interactions is improved iteratively until convergence is achieved. The momentum and energy distributions and the nuclear matter occupation probabilities are in very good agreement with the results obtained from many-body theory.Comment: minor changes in the text, additional curves in fig.