151 research outputs found

    Перспективы развития больничной медицинской помощи в Р. Молдова

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    The organizing and structural reform carried out in the last years, as the official admission of the medical assistance offered by the medical institution caused directly the substantial decrease of the allowances devoted to the financing of the health sphere (from 5.7 % in 1997 to 3% in 2003 from the Gross Domestic Product), fact that influenced negatively the quantity and quality of the medical assistance offered to the population. Another default in the health system was conditioned by the fact that it didn’t insure an afficient and progressive modality in the optimization of the medical services costs; the decrease of unproductive expenses; the effective management of the financial sources and the strengthening of the technical-material basis. Seeing that in the years 2000-2003 the public health financing covered only 50-60% from the necessities, it had to use serious modifications in the organization of the medical assistance adjustment. Among all the studied and proposed methods by the Health Ministry, that were in accordance with the unsolved problems, the compulsory insurances of medical assistance were chosen, implemented in practice at the 1st of January 2004. Nowadays, the National Health Policy is serving already as a tool of systematic approach of the health problems and of the integration of the intersectorial efforts, in the aim of the improvement of the life quality and of the population health during the whole cycle of life.Забота о здоровье является задачей первостепенной важности в политике любого государства, так как здоровье является самым ценным и незаменимым стержнем в развитии социального благополучия.Организационные и структурные реформы, осуществляемые в предыдущие годы, как и официальное разрешение медицинским учреждениям оказывать платные медицинские услуги привели к значительному сокращению ассигнований для финансирования сектора здравоохранения (в процентах от ВВП, с 5,7% в 1997 г. до 3% в 2003 г.), что негативно сказывалось, непосредственно, на объем и качество медицинской помощи предоставленной населению. Другим недостатком в системе здравоохранения является тот факт, что существующая система не обеспечивала эффективного и прогрессивного метода в оптимизации стоимости медицинских услуг, снижение непроизводительных расходов, эффективного управления финансовых средств и укрепление материально-технической базы. В 2000-2003 годы финансирование в области здравоохранения было покрыто лишь на 50%-60% от потребности и это привело к масштабным изменениям в организации медицинской помощи. Из всех предложенных и изученных методов Министерством здравоохранения, которые отвечали требованиям накопленных в системе, было выбрано обязательное медицинское страхование, реализуемое на практике с 1 января 2004 года. В настоящее время национальная политика в области здравоохранения является тем инструментом, который обеспечивает охрану здоровья и интеграцию усилий различных секторов в целях улучшения здоровья всего населения

    Influence of Temperature and Freezing Time on Broiler Chicken Meat Colour

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    Due to the fact that meat colour represents an important aspect for sensorial evaluation of any food product,research in the field of poultry meat processing regarding efficient methods for hoarding/storage on long term ofindustrially slaughtered poultry carcasses approaches a continuous finding/optimization of certain solutions foravoiding negative consequences due to oxidation, which could include colour loss and/or its modification.The current study aimed to evaluate the effects of three storage regimes differing by temperature and time(L = -14°C, 30 days; L = -16°C, 60 days; L = -18°C, 90 days) on three anatomical cut regions (breast, upper thighand lower thigh), to characterize the colour of broiler chicken meat. Objective description of colour for frozen anddefrosted chicken meat was realised through the CIEL*a*b* Cartesian coordinate system.Overall, the preservation method determines a higher luminosity at samples gathered from L batch chickencarcasses for breast and upper thigh musculature, and L for lower thigh musculature in comparison with thecounterparts from the other experimental batche

    Selected Biometric Characteristics of Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa Ferus) in North-East Romania

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    Our study analyzed selected biometric characteristics from 117 wild boars (Sus scrofa ferus) harvested during 2008 - 2014 in the Frasin and Marginea Forest hunting ground districts of Suceava County. Hunted boars were measured individually for head-body length (cm), height at withers (cm), length of metatarsus (cm), ear length (cm), tail length (cm) and body weight (kg) in accordance with their age-class and gender. These characteristics give information on the growth and development of wild boars and on the quality of their habitat. It was found that the average carcass weight was: piglets - 28.4 kg, yearling - 78.1 kg, subadults - 102.9 kg. The results show a faster body growth in females during their first year, while males make up for the weight difference in their 2nd and 3rd year. Statistical differences shown that males differentiate significantly to females by weight, body length, height at withers and length of metatarsus (P < 0.05) starting with their second year of life. The results regarding growth dynamic go along with the changes in boar’s social life, when the males are forced to leave and form smaller groups

    Neurological morbidity among children in Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Economie, management şi psihopedagogie în medicinăNeurological disorders in children are a major problem. The prevalence of neurological morbidity in children in Republic of Moldova is 283. 4 per 10000 populations in 2004, decreasing to 231.4 in 2008. The incidence of neurological morbidity in children in Republic of Moldova is 130.5 per 10000 population in 2004, decreasing to 83.7 in 2008. Children disability due to neurological diseases in Republic of Moldova decreased by 78% in 2008 versus 2004. Organization of quality medical care for neurological children requires restructuring in order to improve their neurological health Patologia neurologică printre copii reprezintă o problemă majoră. Prevalenţa morbidităţii neurologice la copii în Republica Moldova constituie 283,4 la 10.000 populaţie în anul 2004, micşorându-se până la 231,4 – în anul 2008. Incidenţa morbidităţii neurologice la copii în Republica Moldova constituie 130,5 la 10.000 populaţie în anul 2004, micşorându-se până la 83,7 – în anul 2008. Invaliditatea copiilor din cauza bolilor neurologice în Republica Moldova este în descreştere cu 78% în anul 2008 faţă de anul 2004. Organizarea asistenţei medicale neurologice de performanţă copiilor necesită o restructurare în scopul ameliorării sănătăţii neurologice a copiilor

    Диабетическая стопа: актуальность в диагностике, профилактике и лечении

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    Rezumat Este prezentată analiza experienţei clinicii de chirurgie septică in diagnosticul , prevenţia şi tratamentul piciorului diabetic la 450 pacienţi trataţi cu patologia respectivă in perioada anilor 2006 - 2016. Procedeile de diagnostic, prevenţie şi tratament au avut ca scop aplicarea tratamentului miniminvaziv chirurgical in patologia piciorului diabetic. Totodată a fost prezentată actualitatea şi efectivitatea intervenţiilor chirurgicale vasculare, atît miniminvazive cît şi clasice in avansarea proceselor necrotico-purulente la nivelul extremităţilor inferioare. Din numarul total de pacienţi trataţi femeile au constituit un procentaj de aproximativ 55 %, iar barbaţii aproximativ 45 %. Patologii concomitente au fost inregistrate la 72 % pacienţi trataţi în clinică.Summary. This scientific article presents an analysis of the clinical experience of the Department of Septic Surgery in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diabetic foot in 450 cured patients with this pathology in the period from 2006 to 2016. Diagnosis, prevention and treatment procedures were carried out in order to provide minimally invasive treatment for diabetic foot pathology. At the same time, the relevance and effectiveness of vascular surgical interventions, both minimally invasive and traditional, in preventing purulent-septic processes in the lower extremities were presented. Of the total number of cured patients, women account for 55%, and men approximately 45%. Concomitant diseases were detected in 72% of cured patients.Резюме. В данной работе представлен анализ клинического опытаотдетеления Септической хирургии в диагностике, профилактики и лечения диабетической стопы на 450 вылеченных пациентах с данной патологией в период с 2006 по 2016 годах. Процедуры диагностики, профилактики и лечения были проведены с целью обеспечения мининвазивного лечения патологии диабетической стопы. Одновременно были представленны актуальность и эффективность сосудистых хирургических вмешательсв, как миниинвазивных, так и традиционных в предотвращении гнойносептических процессов в нижних конечностях. Из общего числа вылеченных пациентов женщины составляют 55 %, а мужчины приблизительно 45%. Сопутствующие заболевания были выявленны у 72 % вылеченных пациентах

    Un obiectiv important în dezvoltarea medicinii în Republica Moldova – Reforma asistenţei medicale spitaliceşti

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    Acest articol elucidează aspectele generale asupra reformelor în domeniul asistenţei spitaliceşti. Optimizarea indicilor de activitate spitalicească în Republica Moldova este o problemă actuală, cu care se confruntă serviciile spitaliceşti şi care afectează accesul populaţiei la ele

    Harmonic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) of Kidney Tumors

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    Nowadays, kidney tumor diagnosis benefits from large and highly accurate imagistic methods. A new imagistic method is contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) that accurately depicts the circulatory pattern of tumors. In kidney pathology, any mass or even capsular deformation depicted by B mode ultrasound represents an indication for CEUS. The kidney is completely and uniformly vascularized. In cystic tumors, there is a lack of contrast loading. In “impure” cystic masses (Bosnian 3 and 4), CEUS reveals vascularized septa and walls. In malignant tumors, accelerated and heterogeneous loading of contrast agent is observed in arterial phase followed by early, inhomogeneous washout of the contrast agent compared to normal renal parenchyma. In the abscesses, the appearance is the early loading of the walls associated with moderate hyperemia of the normal circulatory bed. This chapter details the CEUS in kidney tumor pathology, emphasizing the accurate information for the circulatory pattern of renal masses. It requires correlations with clinical data and information provided by other imaging explorations to make a final diagnosis