282 research outputs found


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    This paper analyzes the evolution of the Romanian banking system during 2007 - 2010 compared to the same segment of financial market dynamics in the Member States. Also seeks to detect the effects of the global financial and economic crisis on lending activity, the management of liquidity risk and thereby the effect on the profitability of the Romanian banking sector and outline the prospects of further development. The macroeconomic and financial international background has undergone negative changes, especially in the autumn of 2008. Romania\'s financial system has evolved but strongly marked by the virulent manifestations of global financial and economic crisis. The banking system which is the dominant component in the financial system is well capitalized, has resisted, until now, these pressures, without recording any bankruptcy. As a lending crunch from the increase in provision expenses, against the backdrop of bad loans it seems to be a poor performance of the banking system for the future period, taking into account the negative financial result recorded at the end of 2010. Given the high degree of capitalization, liquidity level indicators, on this, consider that local banks are well placed to support the real economy on long-term lending conditions imposed by prudential regulations in the field. Currently, at the level of the Romanian banking system, we consider it is necessary to continue the measures imposed by the monetary authority to ensure the reduction of uncertainty and reassure market participants in future developments, as trust is the essential factor for the crisis. In this sense, we consider very important the debate, the direct involvement of representatives of the central bank and academic themes reflecting the current state of the Romanian financial system, lessons learned from the crisis and Romania\'s objectives for the future - providing a sustainable process of nominal and real convergence of the Romanian economy - towards European integration in a not too distant horizon.financial crisis, Romanian banking system, non-performing loans, profitability


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    This paper has the object to analyze to what extent Romania fulfils the Maastricht criteria in comparison to some countries which are candidate members from Central Europe, in the today's unfavorable context which has been achieved under the actual global financial and economic crisis and with an important impact on the disfunctionalities which appeared in the emergent economies and also in those from the Euro Zone. Romania's modernization towards the European Monetary Union is a complex and hard process which contains real and coherent economical policies pointed towards the accelerated diminution of the economic development differences and that is why a quick adoption of Euro, at this moment it is not an alternative.nominal convergence, real convergence, global crisi, exchange rate mechanism II, euro area


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Republica Moldova (RM) este printre țările cu cea mai înaltă rată a tuberculozei cu rezistență multiplă la medicamente (TB MDR). Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) include mai multe linii genotipice cu potențiale particularități ale rezistenței moleculare la medicamente (RMM). Scopul lucrării. De a compara spectrul RMM între diferite linii de MTBC MDR circulante în RM. Material și Metode. A fost realizată secvențierea întregului genom (WGS) a unui set de tulpini de MTBC MDR stocate în Biobanca Laboratorului Național de Referință în tuberculoză din RM în perioada 2013-2018. Tulpinile secvențiate au fost selectate randomizat în proporție egală pentru fiecare an din perioada de studiu. În baza datelor de secvențiere a fost generat arborele filogenetic al tulpinilor studiate și caracterizat spectrul mutațiilor asociate RMM. Rezultate. În studiu au fost incluse 288 de tulpini MTBC MDR. Conform datelor WGS acestea au aparținut la 2 linii genotipice L2 - 43% și L4 - 57%. L4 s-a caracterizat printr-o rata mai înaltă de clusterizare decât L2 (63,4% vs 36,3%, pt (10,5% vs 92,1%); embB M306V (37,6% vs 19,7%); promotor embA (11,8% vs 36,4%); rpsL K43R (76,6% vs 1,2%); rpsL K88R (8,9% vs 90,7%); fabG1 - 15c>t (20,3% vs 97,4%); thyA R222G (78,7% vs 12,5%); Rv2670c A5V (6,4% vs 81,3%) eis -12c>t (14,6% vs 96,6%). Concluzii. Tulpinile MTBC MDR din RM aparțin la 2 linii genotipice L2 și L4 cu diferențe semnificative în rata de clusterizare și determinantele RMM.Background. The Republic of Moldova (RM) is among the countries with the highest rate of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) includes several genotypic lineages with potential differences in the molecular drug resistance (DMR) determinants. Objective of the study. To compare the spectrum of DMR between different MDR MTBC lineages circulating in the RM. Material and Methods. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of a set of MTBC MDR strains stored in the Biobank of the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory of the RM during 2013-2018 was performed. Sequenced strains were randomly selected in equal proportion for each year of the study period. Based on the sequencing data, phylogenetic tree of the studied strains was generated, and the spectrum of DMR associated mutations was described. Results. The study included 288 MTBC MDR strains. According to WGS data they belonged to 2 genotypic lineages L2 - 43% and L4 - 57%. L4 was characterized by a higher clustering rate than L2 (63.4% vs 36.3%, pt (10.5% vs 92.1%); embB M306V (37.6% vs 19.7%); embA upstream (11.8% vs 36.4%); rpsL K43R (76.6% vs 1.2%); rpsL K88R (8.9% vs 90.7%); fabG1 - 15c>t (20.3% vs 97.4%); thyA R222G (78.7% vs 12.5%); Rv2670c A5V (6.4% vs 81.3%) eis -12c>t (14.6% vs 96.6%). Conclusion. MTBC MDR strains in RM belong to 2 genotypic lines L2 and L4 with significant differences in clustering rate and DMR determinants

    Caracteristica rezistenței moleculare a liniilor de mycobacterium tuberculosis complex în Republica Moldova

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    Background. The Republic of Moldova (RM) is among the countries with the highest rate of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) includes several genotypic lineages with potential differences in the molecular drug resistance (DMR) determinants. Objective of the study. To compare the spectrum of DMR between different MDR MTBC lineages circulating in the RM. Material and Methods. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of a set of MTBC MDR strains stored in the Biobank of the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory of the RM during 2013-2018 was performed. Sequenced strains were randomly selected in equal proportion for each year of the study period. Based on the sequencing data, phylogenetic tree of the studied strains was generated, and the spectrum of DMR associated mutations was described. Results. The study included 288 MTBC MDR strains. According to WGS data they belonged to 2 genotypic lineages L2 - 43% and L4 - 57%. L4 was characterized by a higher clustering rate than L2 (63.4% vs 36.3%, p< 0.0001). The statistically significant main differences between L2 and L4 in terms of DMR determinants included mutations: katG S315T (79% vs 5.5%); katG S315T + fabG1-15c>t (10.5% vs 92.1%); embB M306V (37.6% vs 19.7%); embA upstream (11.8% vs 36.4%); rpsL K43R (76.6% vs 1.2%); rpsL K88R (8.9% vs 90.7%); fabG1 - 15c>t (20.3% vs 97.4%); thyA R222G (78.7% vs 12.5%); Rv2670c A5V (6.4% vs 81.3%) eis -12c>t (14.6% vs 96.6%). Conclusion. MTBC MDR strains in RM belong to 2 genotypic lines L2 and L4 with significant differences in clustering rate and DMR determinants.Introducere. Republica Moldova (RM) este printre țările cu cea mai înaltă rată a tuberculozei cu rezistență multiplă la medicamente (TB MDR). Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) include mai multe linii genotipice cu potențiale particularități ale rezistenței moleculare la medicamente (RMM). Scopul lucrării. De a compara spectrul RMM între diferite linii de MTBC MDR circulante în RM. Material și Metode. A fost realizată secvențierea întregului genom (WGS) a unui set de tulpini de MTBC MDR stocate în Biobanca Laboratorului Național de Referință în tuberculoză din RM în perioada 2013-2018. Tulpinile secvențiate au fost selectate randomizat în proporție egală pentru fiecare an din perioada de studiu. În baza datelor de secvențiere a fost generat arborele filogenetic al tulpinilor studiate și caracterizat spectrul mutațiilor asociate RMM. Rezultate. În studiu au fost incluse 288 de tulpini MTBC MDR. Conform datelor WGS acestea au aparținut la 2 linii genotipice L2 - 43% și L4 - 57%. L4 s-a caracterizat printr-o rata mai înaltă de clusterizare decât L2 (63,4% vs 36,3%, p< 0,0001). Diferențele de bază, statistic semnificative, între L2 și L4 în ceea ce privește determinantele RMM au inclus mutațiile: katG S315T (79% vs 5,5%); katG S315T + fabG1-15c>t (10,5% vs 92,1%); embB M306V (37,6% vs 19,7%); promotor embA (11,8% vs 36,4%); rpsL K43R (76,6% vs 1,2%); rpsL K88R (8,9% vs 90,7%); fabG1 - 15c>t (20,3% vs 97,4%); thyA R222G (78,7% vs 12,5%); Rv2670c A5V (6,4% vs 81,3%) eis -12c>t (14,6% vs 96,6%). Concluzii. Tulpinile MTBC MDR din RM aparțin la 2 linii genotipice L2 și L4 cu diferențe semnificative în rata de clusterizare și determinantele RMM


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    The technological revolution of recent years about the spectacular development of the Internet has made its presence felt in the economy. Electronic commerce is already a major component of the economy and thus influences the labor market. In this article, we present electronic commerce as an alternative to increase the number of employees. Given that only 6% of Romanian currently use electronic commerce, its growth potential is huge and in terms of thoughtful strategies it can be achieved their guidance to specific regions. Attracting companies operating on the Internet in a given region can be done by providing incentives and beneficial effects will be felt not only through the number of employees but also through the services used by these companies


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    Intensive agriculture, industrial type, contributed to environmental degradation and pollution. Thus, on the one hand, makes intensive use of chemicals has led to neglect of duty to maintain the natural fertility of the soil organic matter through proper fattening. On the other hand, organizing specialized industrial environments, high animal breeders, considered the only marketable livestock production, neglecting the production of manure, thus representing a break with the brutal nature of biological circuits Following the experience accumulated over two centuries, mankind has drawn valuable education obligation to safeguard the habitat of nature as a collaborator. In this respect, the main task of our times is to develop appropriate technologies humanist ideal, so that man can become a being as fully integrated into the social and cosmic environment. In the present period as a peasant household current form, is typical of developing countries. It is generated by the result of families who received income from farming and increase farm animalelor.Gospodãria organizational structure is the basic economic and agricultural economy. On the basis of the idea that organic production is the main cause of degradation of the biological quality of products is inadequate human intervention at various structural levels of the biosphere, and the most severe effects on humans resulting from the cumulation of errors relating to soil, plants and animals. Organic farming places emphasis on quality natural products, the quantity and productivity issues as a peripheral level. A balanced rural development policy for the future is not an option but a necessity, especially considering the fact that the issue of agriculture and rural development has important national connotations and is a very complex and timely in Romania Regional development is a concept that aims at stimulating and diversifying economic activities, encouraging private sector investment, helping to reduce unemployment and ultimately lead to improved living standards, according to the regions of the country\'s developmentPeasant household, sustainable development, farms, subsistence, european agriculture

    Techniques and Methods to Improve the Communication Channels in Modern Public Administration

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    AbstractThe improved abilities and special methods of public communication become more and more important when you are on a mission or a need to fulfill a goal. Also, the goal is much more crucial when we speak about the citizens’ interest in the sense of their interaction with public institutions as part of the public administration system. In offering a new perspective on the communication tools used in public administration, our paper intends to be an alternative to the current public servant code of conduct. This article aims not only to analyze the techniques and the mechanism, used in the public administration process of communication, but, also, to promote new methods in order to improve the relationship between the public administration and the citizens. In this sector, the key element is that there can be no effective external communication if there is not an effective internal communication. Consequently, in this case, the first step would be to develop this area. A basic principle, of communication, is that people are not always emphatics. Our human nature is to believe in what we can hear and see, and to judge the public institutions through the levels of their approaches to transparency

    Роль химического состава воды в развитии костносуставных заболеваний

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    Water influences health of the population straight lines or indirect routes by means of the biological, chemical and physical qualities. Owing to what, poor-quality water is the generator of various diseases such as: biliary lithiasis, tooth caries, fluorosis, various changes in the cardiovascular system and a gastro enteric path. Climatic conditions for last years in republic, namely very much heats during the summer period, have negatively affected on salt structure of well water. These consequences have affected in the direct image health of the population of a countryside (about 45 %) which is supplied with potable water mainly from wells. The population who uses potable water with high level of a mineralization, agrees to literature data, is subject to risk of disease of osteo-articulation system. The estimation of risk for the health connected with the general rigidity of well water, demands more profound studying in the given area. Similar estimations in the Republic of Moldova have not been spent, and direct or indirect communication between level of disease of osteo-articulation system and salt structure of well water remain unexplored.Вода влияет на здоровье населения прямыми или косвенными путями посредством своих биологических, химических и физических свойств. Таким образом, некачественная вода является генератором различных заболеваний, таких как: почечно-каменная болезнь, зубной кариес, флюороз, различные изменения в сердечно-сосудистой системе и желудочно-кишечном тракте. Климатические условия за последние годы в республике (а именно – очень высокие температуры в летний период) отрицательно сказались на солевом состае колодезной воды. Это повлияло прямым образом на здоровье населения сельской местности (около 45%), которое снабжается питьевой водой преимущественно из колодцев. Население, которое употребляет питьевую воду с высоким уровнем минерализации, согласно данным литературы, подвержено риску заболевания костно-суставной системы. Оценка риска для здоровья, связанного с общей жесткостью колодезной воды, требует более углубленного изучения . Аналогичные оценки в Республике Молдова не были проведены, а прямая или косвенная связь между уровнем заболевания костно-суставной системы и солевым составом колодезной воды остается неизученной

    Safety of the hospital environment

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction. Prophylaxis and control of infections is a priority issue of the global health system. According to the World Health Organization, the role of infection prevention in the field of hospital safety and the quality of the medical record is important, both for medical workers and patients."Modern scientific research in the field of infection prevention and control shows that none of the medical institutions in any country can claim to be outside the risk of infections associated with the provision of medical care" (WHO).According to data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, more than 4.1 million people in the European Union annually have an infection associated with healthcare, and about 37 thousand die as a result of this infection. Material and methods. The analysis was performed based on the information and statistical data provided by the annual reports of the National Agency for Public Health of the Republic of Moldova, during the years 1993-2017. The study is retrospective. Results. The safety of the hospital environment is in a causal interrelation with the healthcare-associated infections which represents a medical, social and economic problem, determined by the increased frequency of these infections even in well-equipped hospitals. Thus, a safe hospital environment –is a cumulative term that includes both protection from infections, as well as conditions of compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, curative-protective regime, psychological protection of patients and medical personnel. Official statistics in the Republic of Moldova do not reflect the actual morbidity through infections associated with healthcare and consequently, underestimate their importance. The dynamics of morbidity through these infections in the Republic of Moldova (1993-2017) is uneven, with an increase in incidence in recent years. In 2017, 1156 cases of infections were reported in the country (in 2016 –1114 cases), which is about 2.0 cases per 1000 hospitalized patients. The structure of infections associated with healthcare in recent years has not undergone essential changes regarding the placement of nosological forms, placing first the infections in the cases with 9.9 (2016 –9.6) cases per 1000 births, followed by neonatal infections –2.9 cases per 1000 surgeries (2016 –2.2), surgical wound infections –1.5 cases per 1000 surgeries (2016 –1.5), followed by consecutive infections of therapeutic injections, ventilator-associated pneumonia, infections during the perinatal period and urinary tract infections. Conclusions. In order to combat and prevent healthcare-associated infections, the actual prevalence of which is not known, a program of infection surveillance and training of medical personnel must be implemented, which will contribute to the increase of the safety of the hospital environment, for both patients and medical personnel

    Acute hepatites C in pregnancy - a case report

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    State Medical and Pharmaceutical University “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction: Expressed cytolytic syndrome in quarter 2-3 o f pregnancy may create great difficulties in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Potential prognostic risk increases the importance of detailed differential diagnosis and adequate therapeutic conduct. Material and methods: A case report of acute hepatitis C, with onset in the 22nd week of gestation, that put issues of early diagnostic and management. 34 years old woman has been addressed to the SCR, Chisinau with the diagnosis of reference: intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy; chronic hepatitis of unidentified etiology, high activity. Fourth pregnancy with normal obstetrical history. Results: The only accuse was persistent cutaneous pruritus which disrupts sleep. Gravidarum dermatitis was suspected before the hospitalization in the department of infectious diseases. In the referral: ALT - 526.8 U/l, AST - 482.7 U/l, total bilirubin - 30,5 mmol/1, conjugated bilirubin - 23.2 mmol/1, the viral hepatitis markers was negative. The patient was hospitalized in the hepatology department, where ALT was 426.7 U/l, AST - 307.1 U /l, total bilirubin- 24.4 mmol/1, conjugated bilirubin - 15.1 mmol/1, biliar acids - 6.2 mmol/1, aldolase - 12 U/l. Cutaneous pruritus intensity decreased after beginning the treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid. Acute hepatitis C was established after repeated tests for viral hepatitis markers. Conclusion: Etiology of liver disease in pregnancy may present diagnostic difficulties. It’s very important to know the features of possible liver pathologies caused by pregnancy and to remember about the possible association with pregnancy independent conditions