3 research outputs found

    Selfconfidence scale for the realization of intermittent urinary catheterization: construction and tool validation

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo validar instrumento de medida para a realização do cateterismo urinário intermitente entre pacientes e cuidadores. Estudo metodológico de construção e validação de instrumento, realizado no Centro de Reabilitação de um Hospital Universitário, com pacientes usuários do cateterismo urinário intermitente e com os seus cuidadores, após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto - Parecer 146/2012. Os dados foram coletados por entrevista, realizada durante consulta de enfermagem através de instrumento de caracterização da amostra e de um questionário tipo Likert de 16 itens e cinco pontos por item, que vão de: \"nada confiante\"=1; \"pouco confiante\"=2; \"confiante\"=3; \"muito confiante\"=4 até \"completamente confiante\"=5. O questionário denominado Escala de Autoconfiança para realização do Cateterismo Urinário Intermitente Limpo (EACUIL) foi construído com base na literatura e validado em aparência e conteúdo em estudo anterior.Os dados da pesquisa foram codificados e digitados duplamente em planilhas do aplicativo Excel e após exportados e analisados no programa SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), versão 22.0. S. Para determinar a validade e a confiabilidade do construto, foi utilizada estatística descritiva, com medidas de tendência central e de dispersão (média, moda, mediana, percentis, variância, desvio padrão), e a inferência estatística (análise fatorial e estimativa da consistência interna). Para a avaliação dos resultados obtidos, foi assumido o valor de p<0,05 como estatisticamente significante. A amostra foi composta por 241 sujeitos, entre os quais 122 (50,6%) pacientes e 119 cuidadores (49,4%), a maioria provenientes da Divisão Regional de Ribeirão Preto (DRS XIII). A maior parte dos pacientes era de solteiros, do gênero masculino, possuíam o 1o. e 2o. grau completos e entre os cuidadores a maior parte era de casados, do gênero feminino e também possuía 1o. e 2o. graus completos. Entre pacientes e cuidadores a quase totalidade foi capacitada para o cateterismo no Hospital onde o diagnóstico primário foi realizado. A prática do cateterismo foi descrita pela maioria como realizada 4x/dia e há cerca de cinco anos. Com relação ao instrumento proposto foi encontrada uma elevada correlação de todos os itens com o total da escala, Alpha de Cronbach 0,944. Os itens da escala foram mantidos num único fator. Os mesmos resultados foram repetidos nas sub-amostras pacientes e cuidadores. Os valores descritivos da amostra no que diz respeito à autoconfiança indicam que entre pacientes e cuidadores os maiores valores encontrados foram os relacionados a \"higienização das mãos\" e os menores os relacionados a \"escolher o que fazer quando sai sangue na urina\". Entre os pacientes foram também altos os índices de autoconfiança na higienização dos genitaisThis study aimed to validate measuring instrument for the realization of intermittent urinary catheterization among patients and caregivers. Methodological study of construction and instrument validation do neat the Rehabilitation Center of a University Hospital with patients using intermittent urinary catheterization and their carers, after approval by the Ethics Committee of the Nursing College of Ribeirão Preto - Opinion 146/2012. Data were collected by interview, conducted during nursing consultations through the sample characterization tool and a Likert questionnaire of 16 items and five points per item, ranging from \"no confidence\" = 1; \"somewhat confident\" = 2; \"confident\" = 3; \"very confident\" = 4 to \"completely confident\" = 5. The questionnaire named Self-confidence scale for carrying out the Clean Intermittent Catheterization Urinary (EACUIL) was built based on the literature and validated in appearance and content in a previous study. The survey data were coded and double entered in the Excel spreadsheet application and after exported and analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 22.0.S.To determine the validity and reliability of the construct was used descriptive statistics, with measures of central tendency and dispersion (mean, mode, median, percentiles, variance, standard deviation), and the statistical inference (factor analysis and estimation of internal consistency). For the evaluation of the results, it was as summed the value of p <0.05 as statistically significant. The sample consisted of 241 subjects, including 122 (50.6%) patients and 119 caregivers (49.4%), most from the Regional Division of Ribeirão Preto (DRS XIII). Most patients were single, male, had between 51 and 60 years and the 1st and 2nd full degrees and among caregivers most were married, female and also had complete 1st and 2nd degrees. Between patients and caregivers almost all were trained for catheterization at the hospital where the primary diagnosis was made. The practice of catheterization was performed as described by Most 4x / day and about 5 years. Regarding the proposed instrument found a high correlation of all items with the total scale Cronbach\'s alpha 0.944. Scale items were kept in a single factor. The same results were repeated in patients and caregivers sub-samples. Descriptive sample values with regard to the confidence indicate that among patients and caregivers the highest values found were related to \"hand hygiene\" and smaller related to \"choose what to do when there is blood in the urine.\" Among the patients were also high the confidence indices in cleaning the genital

    Validation of self - confidence scale for clean urinary intermittent self - catheterization for patients and health - caregivers

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    ABSTRACT Objective To validate a measurement instrument for clean intermittent self-catheterization for patients and health-caregivers. Material and Methods Methodological study of instrument validation performed at a Rehabilitation Center in a University hospital for patients submitted to clean intermittent self-catheterization and their health-caregivers. Following ethical criteria, data were collected during interview with nurse staff using a Likert question form containing 16 items with 5 points each: “no confidence”=1, “little confidence”=2, “confident”=3, “very confident”=4 and “completely confident”=5. Questionnaire called “Self-Confident Scale for Clean Intermittent Self-catheterization” (SCSCISC) was constructed based on literature and previously validated (appearance and content). Results The instrument was validated by 122 patients and 119 health-caregivers, in a proportion of 15:1. It was observed a good linear association and sample adequacy KMO 0.931 and X2=2881.63, p<0.001. Anti-image matrix showed high values at diagonal suggesting inclusion of all factors. Screen plot analysis showed a suggestion of items maintenance in a single set. It was observed high correlation of all items with the total, alpha-Cronbach 0.944. The same results were obtained in subsamples of patients and health-caregivers. Conclusion The instrument showed good psychometric adequacy corroborating its use for evaluation of self-confidence during clean intermittent self-catheterization