16 research outputs found

    Special issue: Audiovisual Translation in the Foreign Language Classroom-Introduction

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    Audiovisual translation (AVT) has been hailed by many as one of the most prolific and fast-growing areas of research in the field of Translation Studies and as the quintessential translation practice of the 21st century. This is hardly surprising in a society like ours, saturated with screens and mediated by the constant presence of moving images, as we turn to audiovisual productions for entertainment, to secure information, to carry out our work, to keep in touch with our peers, to learn and to study. As a result of the exponential boom in audiovisual texts and formats over recent decades, today’s language learners are typically very familiar with a range of digital formats that crop up, and indeed they use, in their everyday life for very many different purposes. This exposure, in which social media and interactions are also instrumental, means that language learners are also versed in the interplay of the different codes on which audiovisual material draws in order to construct meaning

    Role reversal: an overview of audiovisual translation into English

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    This article depicts the current state of the art of English-language audiovisual translation (AVT) and sheds light on the recent changes impacting media localisation practices, viewing patterns, and viewer agency. The motivations that have catapulted practices like subtitling and dubbing into English on video-on-demand (VOD) platforms are considered, and special emphasis is placed on the move from English-language content to the production and distribution of originals created in a multitude of languages and showcased on streaming platforms with subs and dubs in English. Some of the latest technological advancements are discussed as they have influenced the viewing experience and audience selection of AVT modes, leading to a significant change in viewing patterns and preferences of anglophone viewers. Challenges posed to studying and training in English AVT are identified and the importance of inverting one’s gaze and perceiving English as the target language of translation, rather than the source language, is stressed in this new paradigm. Concrete suggestions are made for potential avenues of research in this flourishing field, which will hopefully contribute to painting a more detailed picture of English AVT

    La industria de la traducción audiovisual ha vivido, y sigue viviendo, una época dorada

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    Experto y pionero en traducción audiovisual, el catedrático español Jorge Díaz Cintas —residente en Londres— explica aquí en qué consiste la Certificación AVT Pro, las posibilidades de implementarla en nuestro país y las últimas novedades que hay en este campo laboral que salió favorecido por la pandemia. Díaz Cintas expondrá sobre esta especialidad en el VII Congreso, en abril de 2023

    Por una preparación de calidad en accesibilidad audiovisua

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    Tanto el subtitulado para personas sordas y personas con discapacidad auditiva (sps) como la audiodescripción para personas ciegas y deficientes visuales (ad) son dos actividades profesionales relativamente recientes tanto en España como en el extranjero. Desde el punto de vista académico son muy pocos los centros educativos que imparten cursos en estas materias y no ha habido mucho debate sobre las unidades de competencias que los profesionales en este terreno deberían tener. Dado el interés que ambas prácticas han suscitado en nuestra sociedad éste parece ser el momento oportuno para empezar a plantearse cuáles han de ser los pilares fundamentales de una educación de calidad en el terreno de la accesibilidad a los medios audiovisuales. Este artículo no es sino una contribución en esa dirección


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    O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os chamados fansubs, um tipo diferente de legendagem realizada por tradutores amadores. A primeira parte deste estudo aborda as fases e as pessoas envolvidas do começo ao fim no processo de fansubbing. A segunda seção enfoca a legalidade e a ética dos fansubs. A terceira parte apresenta a tradução dos fansubs e suas características únicas, como o uso de notas do tradutor ou efeitos especiais de karaokê. O artigo conclui com uma reflexão sobre o trabalho feito pelos fansubbers e as possibilidades abertas por esse fenômeno da internet

    Audiovisual translation : subtitling

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    xii, 272 hlm.; 24 cm.+C