9 research outputs found

    MuLaN: a MultiLayer Networks Alignment Algorithm

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    A Multilayer Network (MN) is a system consisting of several topological levels (i.e., layers) representing the interactions between the system's objects and the related interdependency. Therefore, it may be represented as a set of layers that can be assimilated to a set of networks of its own objects, by means inter-layer edges (or inter-edges) linking the nodes of different layers; for instance, a biological MN may allow modeling of inter and intra interactions among diseases, genes, and drugs, only using its own structure. The analysis of MNs may reveal hidden knowledge, as demonstrated by several algorithms for the analysis. Recently, there is a growing interest in comparing two MNs by revealing local regions of similarity, as a counterpart of Network Alignment algorithms (NA) for simple networks. However, classical algorithms for NA such as Local NA (LNA) cannot be applied on multilayer networks, since they are not able to deal with inter-layer edges. Therefore, there is the need for the introduction of novel algorithms. In this paper, we present MuLaN, an algorithm for the local alignment of multilayer networks. We first show as proof of concept the performances of MuLaN on a set of synthetic multilayer networks. Then, we used as a case study a real multilayer network in the biomedical domain. Our results show that MuLaN is able to build high-quality alignments and can extract knowledge about the aligned multilayer networks. MuLaN is available at https://github.com/pietrocinaglia/mulan

    Bioinformatics Solutions for Image Data Processing

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    In recent years, the increasing use of medical devices has led to the generation of large amounts of data, including image data. Bioinformatics solutions provide an effective approach for image data processing in order to retrieve information of interest and to integrate several data sources for knowledge extraction; furthermore, images processing techniques support scientists and physicians in diagnosis and therapies. In addition, bioinformatics image analysis may be extended to support several scenarios, for instance, in cyber-security the biometric recognition systems are applied to unlock devices and restricted areas, as well as to access sensitive data. In medicine, computational platforms generate high amount of data from medical devices such as Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); this chapter will survey on bioinformatics solutions and toolkits for medical imaging in order to suggest an overview of techniques and methods that can be applied for the imaging analysis in medicine

    A Method Based on Temporal Embedding for the Pairwise Alignment of Dynamic Networks

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    In network analysis, real-world systems may be represented via graph models, where nodes and edges represent the set of biological objects (e.g., genes, proteins, molecules) and their interactions, respectively. This representative knowledge-graph model may also consider the dynamics involved in the evolution of the network (i.e., dynamic networks), in addition to a classic static representation (i.e., static networks). Bioinformatics solutions for network analysis allow knowledge extraction from the features related to a single network of interest or by comparing networks of different species. For instance, we may align a network related to a well known species to a more complex one in order to find a match able to support new hypotheses or studies. Therefore, the network alignment is crucial for transferring the knowledge between species, usually from simplest (e.g., rat) to more complex (e.g., human). Methods: In this paper, we present Dynamic Network Alignment based on Temporal Embedding (DANTE), a novel method for pairwise alignment of dynamic networks that applies the temporal embedding to investigate the topological similarities between the two input dynamic networks. The main idea of DANTE is to consider the evolution of interactions and the changes in network topology. Briefly, the proposed solution builds a similarity matrix by integrating the tensors computed via the embedding process and, subsequently, it aligns the pairs of nodes by performing its own iterative maximization function. Results: The performed experiments have reported promising results in terms of precision and accuracy, as well as good robustness as the number of nodes and time points increases. The proposed solution showed an optimal trade-off between sensitivity and specificity on the alignments produced on several noisy versions of the dynamic yeast network, by improving by ∼18.8% (with a maximum of 20.6%) the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve (i.e., AUC or AUROC), compared to two well known methods: DYNAMAGNA++ and DYNAWAVE. From the point of view of quality, DANTE outperformed these by ∼91% as nodes increase and by ∼75% as the number of time points increases. Furthermore, a ∼23.73% improvement in terms of node correctness was reported with our solution on real dynamic networks

    Identifying Candidate Gene–Disease Associations via Graph Neural Networks

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    Real-world objects are usually defined in terms of their own relationships or connections. A graph (or network) naturally expresses this model though nodes and edges. In biology, depending on what the nodes and edges represent, we may classify several types of networks, gene–disease associations (GDAs) included. In this paper, we presented a solution based on a graph neural network (GNN) for the identification of candidate GDAs. We trained our model with an initial set of well-known and curated inter- and intra-relationships between genes and diseases. It was based on graph convolutions, making use of multiple convolutional layers and a point-wise non-linearity function following each layer. The embeddings were computed for the input network built on a set of GDAs to map each node into a vector of real numbers in a multidimensional space. Results showed an AUC of 95% for training, validation, and testing, that in the real case translated into a positive response for 93% of the Top-15 (highest dot product) candidate GDAs identified by our solution. The experimentation was conducted on the DisGeNET dataset, while the DiseaseGene Association Miner (DG-AssocMiner) dataset by Stanford’s BioSNAP was also processed for performance evaluation only

    Forecasting COVID-19 Epidemic Trends by Combining a Neural Network with Rt Estimation

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    On 31 December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases of unknown etiology was reported in Wuhan (China). The cases were declared to be Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by the World Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19 has been defined as SARS Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Some countries, e.g., Italy, France, and the United Kingdom (UK), have been subjected to frequent restrictions for preventing the spread of infection, contrary to other ones, e.g., the United States of America (USA) and Sweden. The restrictions afflicted the evolution of trends with several perturbations that destabilized its normal evolution. Globally, Rt has been used to estimate time-varying reproduction numbers during epidemics. Methods: This paper presents a solution based on Deep Learning (DL) for the analysis and forecasting of epidemic trends in new positive cases of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It combined a neural network (NN) and an Rt estimation by adjusting the data produced by the output layer of the NN on the related Rt estimation. Results: Tests were performed on datasets related to the following countries: Italy, the USA, France, the UK, and Sweden. Positive case registration was retrieved between 24 February 2020 and 11 January 2022. Tests performed on the Italian dataset showed that our solution reduced the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) by 28.44%, 39.36%, 22.96%, 17.93%, 28.10%, and 24.50% compared to other ones with the same configuration but that were based on the LSTM, GRU, RNN, ARIMA (1,0,3), and ARIMA (7,2,4) models, or an NN without applying the Rt as a corrective index. It also reduced MAPE by 17.93%, the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) by 34.37%, and the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) by 43.76% compared to the same model without the adjustment performed by the Rt. Furthermore, it allowed an average MAPE reduction of 5.37%, 63.10%, 17.84%, and 14.91% on the datasets related to the USA, France, the UK, and Sweden, respectively

    Massive Parallel Alignment of RNA-seq Reads in Serverless Computing

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    In recent years, the use of Cloud infrastructures for data processing has proven useful, with a computing potential that is not affected by the limitations of a local infrastructure. In this context, Serverless computing is the fastest-growing Cloud service model due to its auto-scaling methodologies, reliability, and fault tolerance. We present a solution based on in-house Serverless infrastructure, which is able to perform large-scale RNA-seq data analysis focused on the mapping of sequencing reads to a reference genome. The main contribution was bringing the computation of genomic data into serverless computing, focusing on RNA-seq read-mapping to a reference genome, as this is the most time-consuming task for some pipelines. The proposed solution handles massive parallel instances to maximize the efficiency in terms of running time. We evaluated the performance of our solution by performing two main tests, both based on the mapping of RNA-seq reads to Human GRCh38. Our experiments demonstrated a reduction of 79.838%, 90.079%, and 96.382%, compared to the local environments with 16, 8, and 4 virtual cores, respectively. Furthermore, serverless limitations were investigated

    Anxiety and Gastrointestinal Symptoms Related to COVID-19 during Italian Lockdown

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    The first case of infection by SARS-CoV-2 (i.e., COVID-19) was officially recorded by the Italian National Health Service on 21 February 2020. Respiratory tract manifestations are the most common symptoms, such as gastrointestinal symptoms (GISs) like nausea or sickness, diarrhea, and anorexia, and psychological effects may be reported in affected individuals. However, similar symptoms may be observed in healthy people as a consequence of an anxiety state. Methods: We analyzed GISs and anxiety state during the COVID-19 lockdown period; from 9 March 2020 to 4 May 2020. A web-based survey consisting of 131 items was administered to 354 students affiliated with the School of Medicine of the University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro; Italy. A set of statistical analyses was performed to analyze the relationships among the answers to assess a correlation between the topics of interest. Results: The statistical analysis showed that 54.0% of interviewed reported at least one GISs, 36.16% of which reported a positive history for familial GISs (FGISs). The 354 subjects included in our cohort may be stratified as follows: 25.99% GISs and FGISs, 27.97% GISs and no-FGISs, 10.17% no-GISs and FGISs, 35.87% no-GISs and no-FGISs. Results indicated an anxiety state for 48.9% of respondents, of which 64.74% also presented GISs. In addition, considered dietary habits, we detect the increased consumption of hypercaloric food, sweetened drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Conclusions: The increase of GISs during the lockdown period in a population of medical students, may be correlated to both dietary habits and anxiety state due to a concern for one’s health