5 research outputs found

    Influência do armazenamento na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de Caesalpinia pyramidalis Tul.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho apontar as melhores condições de armazenamento das sementes de C. pyramidalis (catingueira), visando ao estabelecimento de protocolos que possam servir de base para outras espécies do semiárido nordestino brasileiro. Sementes de catingueira foram armazenadas por 0, 3, 6 e 9 meses em ambiente de laboratório e em geladeira, nas embalagens saco de papel Kraft e saco de polietileno. A cada período de armazenamento, as sementes foram avaliadas quanto ao percentual de germinação (G%), ao tempo médio de germinação (Tm), à velocidade média de germinação (Vm), ao índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) e ao conteúdo de água (Ca). Observou-se elevada taxa de germinação das sementes nos diferentes tratamentos propostos aos três (89,25%), seis (88,5%) e nove (91%) meses de armazenamento, sendo tais índices, inclusive, muito próximos ou ligeiramente superiores à taxa de germinação inicial (90%). O armazenamento favoreceu significativamente a elevação das taxas de IVG das sementes para índices superiores àquele verificado nas sementes recém-coletadas (11,24 aos 3 meses; 9,79 aos 6 meses; 10,29 aos 9 meses e 7,70 no mês zero). Os resultados indicaram que as sementes de catingueira possuem comportamento ortodoxo quanto à tolerância à secagem e ao armazenamento e que a possibilidade de manutenção de sementes viáveis em diferentes ambientes a um baixo custo pode ser uma boa estratégia para fornecimento de sementes em qualquer época do ano

    Physiological quality of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud. (Leguminosae - Papilionoideae) seeds subjected to different storage conditions

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    Studies of seed physiological processes represent the starting point for the sustainable utilization of native or cultivated plant species from the caatinga biome for which germination studies are still scarce. In order to determine adequate methods for the conservation of Gliricidia sepium seeds, the physiological quality of propagules exposed to different conditions and times of storage were examined. Recently collected seeds of G. sepium were analyzed immediately, while the other sample was stored for three, six, nine, or twelve months in plastic or paper bags under refrigeration or at room temperature for further analysis. The germination rates of seeds from each storage regime were determined and these rates compared to their water content. It was observed that germination capacity was directly related to changes in seed humidity. Storing seeds in plastic bags yielded the best conservation, mainly when they were stored at low temperatures. However, even at temperatures near 25°C it was possible to prolong seed viability when their water content was controlled through the use of impermeable packing

    Initial growth of catingueira seedlings in different substrates and luminosity levels

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    Poincianella pyramidalis Tul. (catingueira) is an endemic legume of the semiarid northeast that fits well in the context of Brazilian forest species that still lack of studies on the ideal conditions for their development and establishment in the field. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the initial growth of seedlings of the species subjected to different substrates and light levels. Catingueira seedlings were grown in three light conditions (100, 50 and 30%) and three substrates: Soil (So), Sand (Sa) and Soil + Sand (So + Sa). After six months, the seedlings were evaluated for diameter, height, number of leaves and dry weight. The seedlings grown at 30 and 50% light, in So and So + Sa showed the best results for all of the variables analyzed, suggesting that during the initial growth catingueira seedlings have higher nutritional requirement and certain degree of shading can be interesting for seedling development under the growth conditions examined