268 research outputs found
Morphologic spectrum of the epithelial tumors of the male and female urethra
The classification of the epithelial tumors of the male and female urethra includes benign and malignant neoplasms. Primary urethral carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the accessory glands are the most relevant tumors, both from the morphologic and clinical point of view. An accurate diagnosis, grading and staging are essential for determining adequate treatment strategies and outcome. Information on anatomy and histology of the urethra is of fundamental importance in understanding the morphology of the tumors, including the clinical importance of their location and origin
Risk Classification of Bladder Cancer by Gene Expression and Molecular Subtype
This study evaluated a panel including the molecular taxonomy subtype and the expression of 27 genes as a diagnostic tool to stratify bladder cancer patients at risk of aggressive behavior, using a well-characterized series of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) as well as muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). The study was conducted using the novel NanoString nCounter gene expression analysis. This technology allowed us to identify the molecular subtype and to analyze the gene expression of 27 bladder-cancer-related genes selected through a recent literature search. The differential gene expression was correlated with clinicopathological variables, such as the molecular subtypes (luminal, basal, null/double negative), histological subtype (conventional urothelial carcinoma, or carcinoma with variant histology), clinical subtype (NMIBC and MIBC), tumor stage category (Ta, T1, and T2–4), tumor grade, PD-L1 expression (high vs. low expression), and clinical risk categories (low, intermediate, high and very high). The multivariate analysis of the 19 genes significant for cancer-specific survival in our cohort study series identified TP53 (p = 0.0001), CCND1 (p = 0.0001), MKI67 (p < 0.0001), and molecular subtype (p = 0.005) as independent predictors. A scoring system based on the molecular subtype and the gene expression signature of TP53, CCND1, or MKI67 was used for risk assessment. A score ranging from 0 (best prognosis) to 7 (worst prognosis) was obtained and used to stratify our patients into two (low [score 0–2] vs. high [score 3–7], model A) or three (low [score 0–2] vs. intermediate [score 3–4] vs. high [score 5–7], model B) risk categories with different survival characteristics. Mean cancer-specific survival was longer (122 + 2.7 months) in low-risk than intermediate-risk (79.4 + 9.4 months) or high-risk (6.2 + 0.9 months) categories (p < 0.0001; model A); and was longer (122 + 2.7 months) in low-risk than high-risk (58 + 8.3 months) (p < 0.0001; model B). In conclusion, the molecular risk assessment model, as reported here, might be used better to select the appropriate management for patients with bladder cancer
News in the classification of WHO 2022 bladder tumors
The fifth-edition of World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumors series for urinary and male genital tract tumors has been published, six years later the fourth-edition. In these years, new treatment approaches have been implemented and new molecular data on urological cancers are known. Morphology remains the groundwork for taxonomy of the urinary tract tumors. However, a molecular approach to classification of urothelial carcinomas and the management of selected neoplasms with new therapeutic modalities such as immunotherapy are emerging. More data are needed for the application of these advances in routine pathology practice and patient management. The 2022 World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumors of the Urinary System and Male Genital Organs represents an update in classification on urinary tract tumors. It also offers new insights with regards to the grading of heterogeneous non-invasive urothelial neoplasms, the definition of inverted neoplasms, the grading of invasive urothelial carcinomas, the diversity of morphological appearance of urothelial carcinomas, the definition of precursor lesions and the lineage of differentiation of the tumors
Molecular mechanisms related to hormone inhibition resistance in prostate cancer
Management of metastatic or advanced prostate cancer has acquired several therapeutic approaches that have drastically changed the course of the disease. In particular due to the high sensitivity of prostate cancer cells to hormone depletion, several agents able to inhibit hormone production or binding to nuclear receptor have been evaluated and adopted in clinical practice. However, despite several hormonal treatments being available nowadays for the management of advanced or metastatic prostate cancer, the natural history of the disease leads inexorably to the development of resistance to hormone inhibition. Findings regarding the mechanisms that drive this process are of particular and increasing interest as these are potentially related to the identification of new targetable pathways and to the development of new drugs able to improve our patients’ clinical outcomes
Androgen Receptor Signaling Pathway in Prostate Cancer: From Genetics to Clinical Applications
Around 80-90% of prostate cancer (PCa) cases are dependent on androgens at initial diagnosis; hence, androgen ablation therapy directed toward a reduction in serum androgens and the inhibition of androgen receptor (AR) is generally the first therapy adopted. However, the patient's response to androgen ablation therapy is variable, and 20-30% of PCa cases become castration resistant (CRPCa). Several mechanisms can guide treatment resistance to anti-AR molecules. In this regard, AR-dependent and -independent resistance mechanisms can be distinguished within the AR pathway. In this article, we investigate the multitude of AR signaling aspects, encompassing the biological structure of AR, current AR-targeted therapies, mechanisms driving resistance to AR, and AR crosstalk with other pathways, in an attempt to provide a comprehensive review for the PCa research community. We also summarize the new anti-AR drugs approved in non-metastatic castration-resistant PCa, in the castration-sensitive setting, and combination therapies with other drugs
Predicting future cancer burden in the United States by artificial neural networks
Aims: To capture the complex relationships between risk factors and cancer incidences in the US and predict future cancer burden. Materials & methods: Two artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms were adopted: a multilayer feed-forward network (MLFFNN) and a nonlinear autoregressive network with eXogenous inputs (NARX). Data on the incidence of the four most common tumors (breast, colorectal, lung and prostate) from 1992 to 2016 (available from National Cancer Institute online datasets) were used for training and validation, and data until 2050 were predicted. Results: The rapid decreasing trend of prostate cancer incidence started in 2010 will continue until 2018–2019; it will then slow down and reach a plateau after 2050, with several differences among ethnicities. The incidence of breast cancer will reach a plateau in 2030, whereas colorectal cancer incidence will reach a minimum value of 35 per 100,000 in 2030. As for lung cancer, the incidence will decrease from 50 per 100,000 (2017) to 31 per 100,000 in 2030 and 26 per 100,000 in 2050. Conclusion: This up-to-date prediction of cancer burden in the US could be a crucial resource for planning and evaluation of cancer-control programs
The human microbiota and prostate cancer: Friend or foe?
The human microbiome is gaining increasing attention in the medical community, as knowledge on its role not only in health but also in disease development and response to therapies is expanding. Furthermore, the connection between the microbiota and cancer, especially the link between the gut microbiota and gastrointestinal tumors, is becoming clearer. The interaction between the microbiota and the response to chemotherapies and, more recently, to immunotherapy has been widely studied, and a connection between a peculiar type of microbiota and a better response to these therapies and a different incidence in toxicities has been hypothesized. As knowledge on the gut microbiota increases, interest in the residing microbial population in other systems of our body is also increasing. Consequently, the urinary microbiota is under evaluation for its possible implications in genitourinary diseases, including cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the male population; thus, research regarding its etiology and possible factors correlated to disease progression or the response to specific therapies is thriving. This review has the purpose to recollect the current knowledge on the relationship between the human microbiota and prostate cancer
The most effective but largely ignored target for prostate cancer early detection and intervention
Over the past two decades, the global efforts for the early detection and intervention of prostate cancer seem to have made significant progresses in the basic researches, but the clinic outcomes have been disappointing: (1) prostate cancer is still the most common non-cutaneous cancer in Europe in men, (2) the age-standardized prostate cancer rate has increased in nearly all Asian and African countries, (3) the proportion of advanced cancers at the diagnosis has increased to 8.2% from 3.9% in the USA, (4) the worldwide use of PSA testing and digital rectal examination have failed to reduce the prostate cancer mortality, and (5) there is still no effective preventive method to significantly reduce the development, invasion, and metastasis of prostate cancer… Together, these facts strongly suggest that the global efforts during the past appear to be not in a correlated target with markedly inconsistent basic research and clinic outcomes. The most likely cause for the inconsistence appears due to the fact that basic scientific studies are traditionally conducted on the cell lines and animal models, where it is impossible to completely reflect or replicate the in vivo status. Thus, we would like to propose the human prostate basal cell layer (PBCL) as “the most effective target for the early detection and intervention of prostate cancer”. Our proposal is based on the morphologic, immunohistochemical and molecular evidence from our recent studies of normal and cancerous human prostate tissues with detailed clinic follow-up data. We believe that the human tissue-derived basic research data may provide a more realistic roadmap to guide the clinic practice and to avoid the potential misleading from in vitro and animal studies
La pobreza del Estado : reconsideración del rol del Estado en la lucha contra la pobreza global
El espectro de la pobreza ha tenido una presencia constante en la historia de la humanidad. Actualmente es posible erradicar la pobreza extrema. Existen los recursos para lograrlo en un período razonable. Los deseos y la disposición de las organizaciones internacionales, los gobiernos y los pueblos son evidentes en los discursos dominantes que expresan la necesidad y la voluntad de la comunidad internacional de reducir y erradicar la pobreza. ¿Cuáles son los factores que están impidiendo el logro de una meta tan ampliamente aceptada? Es difícil dar una respuesta exhaustiva y precisa a esta pregunta. No obstante, una parte sustancial de la explicación puede estar en una de las estructuras más importantes, pero problemáticas, del mundo moderno, a saber, el Estado.Prefacio / Hartley Dean, Alberto Cimadamore y Jorge Siqueira
Parte I. Dimensiones teórica y global
El programa mundial de derechos humanos y la (im)posibilidad del Estado ético
Hartley Dean
La redefinición del problema social y la retórica acerca de la pobreza durante el decenio de 1990
Anete Brito Leal Ivo
La antiglobalización y el antiestatismo desde la perspectiva del postdesarrollo y el antiutilitarismo
Paulo Henrique Martins
Parte II. Dimensiones política y nacional
La estrategia de reducción de la pobreza y la brecha educacional en la Guatemala de posguerra
Virgilio Álvarez Aragón
El futuro que no llegará: la erradicación de la pobreza desde la perspectiva del gobierno federal de México (2000-2006)
Nelson Arteaga Botello
Las dificultades de una política de seguridad alimentaria en el Brasil
José Graziano da Silva, Walter Belik y Maya Takagi
Políticas de empleo público como instrumentos para la reducción de la pobreza y la desigualdad en el Brasil
Tarcisio Patricio de Araujo y Roberto Alves de Lima
Pobreza, desigualdad y desarrollo: el rol del Estado en la experiencia de Cuba
Mayra Paula Espina Prieto
¿Privatización para la reducción de la pobreza? : El caso de Bangladesh y su importancia para otras economías en desarrollo
Hulya Dagdeviren
Parte III. Dimensiones práctica y local
Sinergias frágiles para el desarrollo: el caso de Jardim Oratório, São Paulo, Brasil
Rowan Ireland
Pobreza, políticas y prestidigitación en Bolivia y América Latina
John-Andrew McNeish
Fondos Sociales en África: ¿una respuesta clientelístico-tecnocrática a la pobreza?
Einar Braathe
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