765 research outputs found

    Electron-Electron Bound States in Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Proca QED3

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    We start from a parity-breaking MCS QED3_{3} model with spontaneous breaking of the gauge symmetry as a framework for evaluation of the electron-electron interaction potential and for attainment of numerical values for the e-e bound state. Three expressions are obtained for the potential according to the polarization state of the scattered electrons. In an energy scale compatible with Condensed Matter electronic excitations, these three potentials become degenerated. The resulting potential is implemented in the Schrodinger equation and the variational method is applied to carry out the electronic binding energy. The resulting binding energies in the scale of 10-100 meV and a correlation length in the scale of 10-30 Angs. are possible indications that the MCS-QED3_{3} model adopted may be suitable to address an eventual case of e-e pairing in the presence of parity-symmetry breakdown. The data analyzed here suggest an energy scale of 10-100 meV to fix the breaking of the U(1)-symmetry. PACS numbers: 11.10.Kk 11.15.Ex 74.20.-z 74.72.-h ICEN-PS-01/17Comment: 13 pages, style revtex, revised versio

    Scaling of transverse nuclear magnetic relaxation due to magnetic nanoparticle aggregation

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    The aggregation of superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles decreases the transverse nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation time T2 of adjacent water molecules measured by a Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) pulse-echo sequence. This effect is commonly used to measure the concentrations of a variety of small molecules. We perform extensive Monte Carlo simulations of water diffusing around SPIO nanoparticle aggregates to determine the relationship between T2 and details of the aggregate. We find that in the motional averaging regime T2 scales as a power law with the number N of nanoparticles in an aggregate. The specific scaling is dependent on the fractal dimension d of the aggregates. We find T2 N^{-0.44} for aggregates with d=2.2, a value typical of diffusion limited aggregation. We also find that in two-nanoparticle systems, T2 is strongly dependent on the orientation of the two nanoparticles relative to the external magnetic field, which implies that it may be possible to sense the orientation of a two-nanoparticle aggregate. To optimize the sensitivity of SPIO nanoparticle sensors, we propose that it is best to have aggregates with few nanoparticles, close together, measured with long pulse-echo times.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material

    Algebraic Renormalization of Parity-Preserving QED_3 Coupled to Scalar Matter II: Broken Case

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    In this letter the algebraic renormalization method, which is independent of any kind of regularization scheme, is presented for the parity-preserving QED_3 coupled to scalar matter in the broken regime, where the scalar assumes a finite vacuum expectation value, =v = v. The model shows to be stable under radiative corrections and anomaly free.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figure

    An algebraic proof on the finiteness of Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory in D=3

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    A rigorous algebraic proof of the full finiteness in all orders of perturbation theory is given for the Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons theory in a general three-dimensional Riemannian manifold. We show the validity of a trace identity, playing the role of a local form of the Callan-Symanzik equation, in all loop orders, which yields the vanishing of the beta-functions associated to the topological mass and gauge coupling constant as well as the anomalous dimensions of the fields.Comment: 5 pages, revte
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